Chapter 163 My Partner


[Host...] Xiaomei's very soft voice sounded.

Su Yan was ecstatic [Xiaomei, you are finally awake, I have been calling you for two days. 】

After a while, Xiaomei's voice was heard again, [Who is the host...? 】

【What’s wrong with you? ! 】Su Yan said in shock.

Xiaomei became silent again.

Fa'er saw Su Yan standing still and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Yan pursed her lips and said, "No, I just wanted to sneeze. But when I thought about being pregnant, I held it back."

"It shouldn't matter, isn't there a childbirth system?" Farr held her hand.

Su Yan subconsciously wanted to hide, but she still held back, "I don't know why, the system has been unresponsive recently, it seems something went wrong. This time I was pregnant by taking pregnancy pills, the system is to protect the fetus, if There's something wrong with her and she can't protect the child..."

"No!" Farr said anxiously, "Why is there a problem with the system?"

"I'm also surprised. He was fine before entering the Holy Palace, but he became like this after entering the Holy Palace."

"After entering the Holy Palace..." Far suddenly thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed, "Could it be... demagnetization? They are so brave!"

Su Yan was shocked when she heard the word 'demagnetization'. This must be the problem!

"If there is a problem with my reproductive system, the child will definitely be affected, or even... gone!"

Su Yan could tell that he, like other males, valued his offspring very much.

Even if he had any thoughts about Xiaomei, he would never do anything to her while she was pregnant. He even wished that Xiaomei could provide better services for his children.

Fal said: "I'll send you to a friend first, and then go do some errands. I'll accompany you to visit the night view of the Holy City later."

"Okay." Su Yan nodded.

Xiaoli’s private kitchen.

Su Yan looked at the name and said, "Maybe the store manager is a civet cat."

Fal said: "No, he is also from the Angel Clan. But his partner is from the Raccoon Clan. She had a difficult delivery and both mother and son left. Now he is guarding this private restaurant and living a peaceful life."

"Sorry" Su Yan replied.

"It doesn't matter, just know that he has almost walked out." Farr opened the door and let Su Yan in first.

The aroma of food came to my face.

Su Yan said to Farr: "Your recommendation is correct. I think your children will like it here."

Farr smiled and said, "That's good."

The restaurant is divided into two floors. The upper floor is the private rooms and the lower floor is the lobby.

But there is a sign hanging on the stairs leading to the upper floor - the second floor is temporarily closed for renovation.

There are more than a dozen tables in the lobby, but since it is not a place for eating, there are no customers yet.

Standing at the counter was a young man who was keeping accounts. He was tall and slender, wearing a vest and suit. He had unruly black hair in a pigtail, a short beard that looked a bit older, and a pair of ocher eyes, delicate and deep.


The man was a little surprised when he saw Su Yan, followed by Far, who smiled familiarly and said, "Long time no see."

Far held Su Yan in his arms and sat down on the high chair in front of the counter, "My partner Su Yan Milut."

"Friend?" The man looked at Su Yan again, this time more seriously.

Obviously the weight of the two words is different from that of Holy Female.

Farr continued: "Just call her Sister Su, everyone calls her that."

Then he said to Su Yan: "Ethan Albert, my good friend who grew up with me."

"Hello Ethan." Su Yan reached out her hand.

"Sister Su." Ethan shook his hand back, but opened it as soon as he held it, "I saw you on the light screen, the part where you killed the evil beast of the abyss, you were very powerful. At that time, my place was full of customers every day, and while eating, While watching Jihad.”

Su Yan smiled and said, "Thank you."

Regarding Jihad, apart from the time with Zi Qi, she really didn't want to think about other times...especially when she was alone. Farr actually didn't want to mention that part, because Su Yan was avenging and paying tribute to Zi Qi.

He even killed Shi Feifei...

Wait, Shi Feifei?

Far suddenly understood something and said to Ethan: "I have something to do and I have to leave for a while. Ethan, please cook yourself and make some special dishes for Yan Yan."

Ethan nodded, "Go ahead."

Su Yan suddenly took Far's hand and kissed the back of his hand, "Come back soon."

When Faer saw Su Yan taking the initiative to get close to him, he would never let go of the opportunity. He hugged her and gave her a deep kiss!

No matter whether people around are watching or not...

Ethan whistled.

Far's brows and eyes were full of desire, and his voice became much hoarse, "Wait for me."

Su Yan nodded, "Go ahead."

Ethan watched Fal go out and then said to Su Yan: "He values ​​you very much, don't let him down."

"Maybe, after all, we've just started eating meat." Su Yan raised her eyebrows, not thinking much of it.

Ethan was slightly stunned, then laughed, "He really did it, he would rather do it less than in vain."

"Really?" Su Yan said, "Bring me a glass of ice milk."

Ethan poured her a glass of warm water and said, "You should eat less cold drinks when you are pregnant."

Su Yan: "I didn't realize it, but you are still a warm man."


"Nothing, thank you." Su Yan drank milk and looked at the restaurant, "How many years has it been open?"

"It's been fifty-six years. After Xiaoli left, I opened this private restaurant. This was originally a dream of hers."

"That's great." Su Yan heard the sound of the door opening behind her and looked over.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but smile, "Lena, why are you here?"

"Let's eat." Lena quickly came to the counter and sat down next to Su Yan.

And said to Ethan: "Same as yesterday, a large portion of barbecue rice."

"Okay. Where is Sister Su?" Ethan asked Su Yan.

Su Yan replied: "Just do the same as her and have a few more dishes that you think are the most delicious."

"Right away." Ethan poured a glass of water for Lena and went into the kitchen to cook.

"How can you leave the palace?" Lena asked.

Su Yan patted her belly and said, "The child wants to go out to play."

"Haha, he values ​​children quite a bit." Lena took a sip of water, "It's just that it's difficult for angels to conceive. I don't worry about you giving him a litter of mice."

"If the pregnancy lasted for one month, it might be a rat. Now that it's more than a month old, it can only be an angel." Su Yan drank the milk in one gulp and poured herself another glass.

At this time, Ethan came over with a large fruit plate and said, "For the two ladies."

"That's great, thank you, store manager." Lena's eyes were bright when she looked at Ethan.

Su Yan asked in a low voice: "Don't you have a crush on him?"

"I'm interested, but I don't know what kind of beast he is yet."

"He is an angel and has been widowed for fifty-six years."

"How did you know?"

"He is Far's childhood friend. You can try, but there is no chance."

On February 2nd, the dragon raised its head. Xiao Xuanzi had been cutting hair for her family members all morning, and she could hardly lift her arms.

Babies can also trim their own worries.

All worries will be cut off, good luck will come one after another, everything will go well and go as you wish~~

PS: Please give me a collection ticket, I will drop more in the evening~~Be careful~~

(End of this chapter)

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