Chapter 180 Nine and Ten!

“If she wants to continue having children with other males, she can’t take the children she had with other males. Look at her other beast husbands, don’t they all have children with them?

Those beastmen may not have the deepest affection for her, but because they have children and their feelings are supported, they will not hold on to her.

As a female, we cannot say that she is unfaithful, because she has never contracted loyalty with you, nor has she asked you to do anything. This is where she is the smartest and best at weighing things up.

You can see that each of her beast husbands is actually carefully selected. The talent was too high and there was no female that could give them children, so she just filled this role. "

Far gradually calmed down, "What you mean is that she has been using every male to upgrade her fertility system."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing if everyone has his own benefit." Luo Chuan looked at him, "You have children. If you like any female in the future, you don't have to worry about whether she is fertile. Haven't you not held a marriage ceremony with her yet?"

"There is only one ceremony left, and all the documents and records that need to be taken have been completed." Speaking of this, Farr looked at Luo Chuan with a particularly fierce look.

"... Then you already have a wife in name! Wait, you won't have blood with her too, right?"

"Of course, I did it the first time. She will be my partner for life, even if she runs away!"

"You are such a madman!"


A scream came from Su Yan's mouth.

Initially she felt no pain at all, but suddenly the pain surged to level ten, almost causing her to leave her body.

[Xiao... Xiaomei... wake me up first next time. 】

[Yes, host. 】

Hearing Su Yan's scream, Zhu Sanlang immediately closed the medical book on childbirth in his hand. This was given to him by Su Yan. It explained in detail the entire process of giving birth and how to care for newborns. He didn't know how many times he had read it, and he knew it by heart.

"Are you about to give birth?" Zhu Sanlang asked.

Su Yan saw that he was confident after reading the manual, but she was a little worried, "It's almost... almost. You need to bathe the child with warm water at a temperature that is not hot to the touch, you know?"

"Yes, I know. Let me show you whether the cervix is ​​fully dilated."

"..." This is different after reading a book. "It's a little bit unsightly. Let's wait a little longer."

"If a disease is kept secret, I will be your delivery doctor now. Unless you don't trust me."

"...Trust, trust, I definitely trust you." Su Yan said hurriedly.

[Xiaomei, do you think you can believe it? 】

[Yes, it’s not me, don’t worry. 】

[…] Why do I feel even more uneasy?

"I'm thirsty." Su Yan said to Zhu Sanlang.

Zhu Sanlang gave Su Yan water, but he drank half of it.

Su Yan felt hot all over her body...

The familiar white light in front of her eyes told her that the child was born.

[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to the ninth child, gender (male), animal body (pure blood of ten-winged angels), talent (holy level), talent secret (rules of light), golden marrow pill to enhance talent secret (judgment scepter), father Beast (seraph), reward mother body (50,000,000 points), a gift package for giving birth to a child, and a mother body talent scroll. 300,000 points for childbirth system upgrade.】

[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to the tenth child, gender (female), animal body (eight-winged angel pure blood), talent (holy level), talent mystery (wood element mystery, supreme rule life mystery fragment), golden marrow pill to enhance talent Mystery (Peace Skylark), Father Beast (Seraph), Reward Mother (50,000,000 points), a gift package for giving birth to a child, and a Mother Talent Scroll. 600,000 points for childbirth system upgrade.】

[Xiaomei, what is this fragment of the Supreme Rule of Life Mystery? 】

[Talent limit, only part of the mysteries of the rules of life. If she is a god, it is very likely that she will awaken the complete mysteries of the supreme rules. It depends on her future fortune. 】【What is the Peace Skylark? 】

[A large-scale secret to quelling war. 】

[Hope she won't need it. Why does Xiao Shi have more system upgrade points than Xiao Jiu? 】

[The tenth child has awakened the secret of the Supreme Rules System, and will be rewarded double the points for upgrading the childbirth system. 】

[If I don’t awaken special talents, will I have fewer upgrade points? 】

[Yes host. The higher the talent, the more upgrade points you have. In the early stage of the childbirth system, you can rely on the number of children to improve, but in the later stage, you still need to rely on talent, not just the number of children. 】

[Well, how many points do you need to upgrade next time? 】

【10 million. 】

[…I feel like it’s more difficult to earn points for you than for me. 】

[Does the host need to clear the emotional cache? 】

[No need, I have no feelings for Farr except passion. I will raise the child for three months and then send it to Farr after three months. 】

[Good host. 】

Newly born angel babies are exactly the same as human babies. There is no difference in appearance.

Su Yan was stunned for a long time.

"Where are the wings?" Su Yan touched the thick golden soft curly hair on Xiaojiu's head. There was nothing on her smooth lower back.

"What wings?" Zhu Sanlang was particularly fond of the child he delivered with his own hands, just like looking at his own child, his eyes were made of water.

Su Yan said: "Xiaojiu is a ten-winged angel, he should have ten little wings."

Zhu Sanlang was stunned: "What did you say? He is really an angel?"

Su Yan replied: "His father is an angel, so of course he is an angel as well. Can't you see the saint-level talent?"

"I can only see that his spiritual roots are excellent." Zhu Sanlang looked at the other one, "What about this one?"

Su Yan replied: "Eight-winged angels, they are all pure blood."

Zhu Sanlang thought: "How is it possible? You are from the rat tribe, so you should be half of the rat tribe."

"The heirs I gave birth to were selected on the basis of merit. If the male's bloodline talent is not much different from mine, then there is a half chance of inheriting mine. If the bloodline talent is much higher than mine, it will basically all belong to them." Su Yan He took out the special milk powder for newborn cubs from the birth gift package and said, "I'll make milk powder for them."

Zhu Sanlang glanced at her **** quietly and quickly moved away, "Don't you feed it yourself? How about I make you some soup."

"No, no, no, I took the Huiyuan Dan, and my body recovered and the milk returned. But I have milk powder that is more suitable for them."

"milk powder?"

"Well, this is more suitable for them. Do you want to learn how to soak it?"


Ever since he knew that the children born by Su Yan might completely inherit his father's side, Zhu Sanlang's eyes changed when he looked at Su Yan, with a hint of passion, and he took care of the children more wholeheartedly.

Whether it is a male or a male demon, the desire to reproduce is an instinct inherited from blood. It is a desire that has been rooted in the bone marrow since birth.

(End of chapter)

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