Chapter 215 Twelve (Part 1)

An abyss thousands of meters underground.

Su Yan used the power of fire to warm her whole body and drive away the cold air.

"Great uncle, isn't the Qilin fruit a thing of the Sun? Why does it grow here?" Su Yan's talent is fire, and she actually doesn't like the cold instinctively.

"When the sun rises from the extreme cold, things will turn to the extreme." Zhu Yin walked in front and looked back at Su Yan, "This is the cemetery of the Qilin tribe."

Hearing this, Su Yan hurriedly restrained her face and bowed her hands to those around her, saying, "Don't blame me for being ignorant. I also ask the seniors of the Qilin tribe to rest in peace."

"That tomb without inscriptions is mine." Zhu Yin pointed to an empty tomb and said to Su Yan.

"..." Although I have heard of it, this is the first time I have seen someone prepare a cemetery for himself alive.

Su Yan took a look and saw that there were already some boxes inside, "The funerary objects are all ready."

Zhu Yin: "...Yeah."

A strange fragrance came over me.

Su Yan smelled the fragrance, and a strong desire arose in her stomach, "Is this it?"

"Qilin fruit, what you want." Zhu Yin replied.

Su Yan touched her belly and said, "That's wrong. It's the descendants of your old Zhu family who want it. It has nothing to do with me."

Zhu Yin nodded and smiled: "Yes, please, Miss Su."

Although Su Yan previously called Zhu Sanlang her husband, Zhu Yin continued to call Su Yan his independent identity after learning that the two were not married, but just pregnant, and that Su Yan had no intention of getting married to Zhu Sanlang.

Su Yan was also very happy to see Zhu Yin's thoroughness. I have to say, it was a pleasure talking to him.

In a pool of dark red blood, there was a ruby ​​red plant growing.

Its plant looks like an enlarged version of a poppy, more than a foot tall, and its fruit also looks like a hanging spherical capsule, golden-red in color, exuding a strange fragrance.

Su Yan's mouth was dry and she was a little impatient, "I want to eat it!"

"Wait a minute." Zhu Yin stopped her, "This unicorn fruit is cultivated from the remaining blood of the clan leaders after their death. Because it is dead blood, it has a strong blood poison, and even I cannot eat it easily."

"That's you, I'm fine." Su Yan couldn't help but fly towards the unicorn fruit.

Zhu Yin wanted to stop her, but suddenly felt an unusually powerful force that blocked his movements. In the end, he could only watch her eat the unicorn fruit.

My heart suddenly jumped up and down.

It is very likely that Su Yan gave birth to the most powerful heir of the Qilin clan! Just when he was in his mother's womb, he couldn't hide his divine light. If he were born, I don't know what kind of talent he is.

Su Yan closed her eyes and heard Xiaomei say: [There are still 15 days until delivery. 】

[Is this Kirin Fruit so powerful? 】 Su Yan was surprised, and the time was shortened by more than seven months.

[The host is pregnant with the blood of the Qilin clan, but the genetic data provided by Zhu Sanlang is incomplete. And the power contained in this unicorn fruit just supplements this part. As long as the fetus absorbs those huge data links, it can be born. 】

[The blood poison? 】

[Host, don’t worry, with Xiao Mei here, no poison will be a problem. 】

【Xiaomei is the best! 】

After Su Yanjian picked the fruit, the unicorn fruit plant quickly withered and disappeared into the blood pool.

Returning to Zhu Yin, he smiled playfully and proudly, "Look, let me tell you, I have no problem eating it."

"...Awesome!" Zhu Yin replied, with a happy smile in his eyes.

"Well deserved. By the way, will the unicorn fruit still grow in the future?"

"Three thousand years of dormancy, six thousand years of growth, and nine thousand years of maturity."

"This will cost 18,000 years!" Su Yan was surprised. No wonder Xiaomei was so excited.

"A lot of unicorn fruits have been produced in the past. However, this one is probably the only one that has really come in handy."

"Well, he likes it very much! So, in half a month, our Qilin Academy will have a little heir~"

"Fifteen days?"

"The more satisfied he is with what he eats, the earlier he will be born." Zhu Yin said thoughtfully, "What do you mean, if you don't give birth to a baby for a long it because you are eating something wrong?"

"You can say that." Su Yan replied, "But transformation is also a problem."


"It means that through the mother's body, the food is transformed into nutrients that the fetus can absorb. If the mother's body's conversion ability is weak, it will naturally take longer. That's what I think."

"This is the first time I've heard of it, but it makes sense. Miss Su's transformation ability is indeed very strong."

"I am a holy female." Su Yan mentioned her identity casually.

"Oh?" Zhu Yin looked at her in surprise, "No wonder Miss Su's fertility is so strong."

"Great uncle knows about the holy female?"

"I've been to the beast world in the west a few times."

"That's where I came from."

After Su Yan and Zhu Yin left the Qilin clan's cemetery, they teleported back to Qilin Courtyard.

Zhu Sanlang is waiting for him.

His eyes were deep and gentle, "Yanyan is back."

Su Yan was stunned for a moment and looked at his familiar eyes, "You remember everything?"

"Yes." Zhu Sanlang hugged Su Yan, "I know, you have done a lot for me."

"Tell me, why are you writing a suicide note? I got so excited that I almost blew up the Qilin Courtyard." Su Yan's eyes were sore and she patted his back, "It's good to remember, let's go back to Yunmeng Island. I want to have a baby there."

"Okay." Zhu Sanlang responded.

"Wait a minute, the young leader of the White Tiger Clan, Bai Ye, is getting married, and he invited me to go. Do you want to go?"

"Bai's him! I owed him a favor when I was young."

"Then go and prepare some gifts."


Su Yan lowered her head and looked at her round belly, "It's a bit in the way." Otherwise, she could be intimate with Zhu Sanlang.

Zhu Sanlang gently stroked his belly, "I like it very much! Thank you for your hard work, Yanyan!"

Su Yan looked up at him, "He will be born in half a month."

"Half a month?" Zhu Sanlang looked down at her belly, "Why is it so fast again?"

He thought more about this child. He could carry it longer, preferably for hundreds or thousands of years, so that she could always be by his side.

Su Yan returned Yunmeng Island to Zhu Sanlang, feeling relieved.

On the day they left, Zhu Yin and Zhu Min personally saw Su Yan and the others off.

And left the teleportation array imprint of Yunmeng Island.

They will also go there when Su Yan gives birth to her son.

Su Yan was also happy for Zhu Sanlang when he saw that he had accepted Qilin Academy. Finally, it is no longer a lonely person, and it is very important for children to grow up in a normal group environment in the future.

Over Yunmeng Island, clouds are slowly gathering.

One day, the baby will be born. Su Yan didn't want to eat anything now. She stood on the big platform and looked up at the clouds in the sky.

[Xiaomei, what does this mean? 】

[The host’s pregnancy is amazing! 】

[Are you here for my child? 】

More updates are coming~

(End of chapter)

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