Chapter 229 The Thorns Under Calmness

 Going to a far away place to do business?

This is obviously a friendly lie.

"Angel, can you go and dry the mushrooms?"


Angel went out very obediently.

Su Yan looked at her, "What's going on?"

"Angel's father accompanied me in the holy war."

"…Feel sorry."

"It's okay. So many people have died. I'm lucky if I can survive and return to Angel's side. Sister Su, how did you get here?"

"Me?" Su Yan thought of throwing a big bomb and ran away. In fact, it was also impulsive.

After seeing Lena and Angel's peace and quiet, if she were allowed to pass by again, she might not be able to release that exterminating weapon.

But if the evil demon army can be destroyed right away, it can also save the continent from being ravaged and invaded in the future.

That’s all, I’ve already done it, why do I still want to do so much?

The incident was quickly forgotten.

"Ethan is still alone now." Su Yan said to Lena: "His private restaurant continues to open. Farr said that he is recruiting workers, but he turns away every applicant."

The expression on Lena's face paused slightly, "He..."

Su Yan replied: "I think he has been waiting for you."

That's it, Su Yan didn't say any more.

But Lena's expression looked a little bitter.

"I didn't expect to meet you and your children here. This is a meeting gift for you." Su Yan took out a storage bag and handed it to Lena. It contained some daily necessities and food for the children.

"Thank you, Sister Su." After Lena lost her childbirth system, there was no space. Everything that once existed in it was reduced to nothing, and even her talents disappeared.

Now this storage bag is also an extremely rare item for her.

"Why are you here again?" Angel's angry voice came into the house from the yard.

Su Yan and Laina went out one after another.

Then I saw a few males carrying a pink sedan over.

"Of course I'm here to take your mother to the city to enjoy the glory and wealth." The leader was a male with a mustache and a slight hunchback. He looked at Lena with a pair of cunning and sideways eyes. He was really rude and rude, and he also exuded a foul smell. .

"Sachi, you are going too far!" Lena shouted angrily.

"We have guests." Sa Qi turned to look at Su Yan again.

Su Yan's obviously pregnant waist, her delicate and perfect face, her gorgeous clothes and shoes, and the aristocratic look between her eyebrows. Even if you don't know who she is, you know she must have a certain background. Especially for pregnant females, fertility is by no means simple.

"Who is this noble lady?" Sa Qi took a step closer to Su Yan.

Lena immediately became nervous and protected Su Yan, "What are you going to do?"

Saatchi looked at Lena with disdain, "Get out of the way, don't stop me from getting to know your lady."

"But I don't want to know you, get out!" Su Yan raised her hand, and a fireball flew into the sedan.

In an instant, Jiaozi turned into ashes, not even burning.

Not only is he noble in status and fertile, but he is also extremely gifted! Saatchi knew that he might have bumped into someone he couldn't afford to mess with today.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, get out of here, kids, get out of here." Sa Qi and his men ran away immediately.

An Qier saw that Su Yan could burst into flames when she raised her hand, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Aunt Su, you are so powerful!" "Your mother was even more powerful before." Su Yan said with a smile, "You play with me, your mother and I Let’s talk again.”

Lena was filled with helplessness and sorrow.

It turned out that her father and younger brother encountered an evil beast from the abyss while hunting. In order to save her younger brother, her father was eaten by the evil beast.

In order to avenge his father, her brother joined the Holy Cult and never came back.

Her mother was seriously ill and she came back just in time to see her for the last time. As for Angel, she was abandoned by her grandparents and left to her mother because of her physical defects.

After finishing her mother's funeral arrangements, she moved Angel with her to the mountains, hoping to live a quieter life.

But, it's not that easy.

Because she often took Angel to see a doctor, she was attracted by the bullies in the town. He harassed her over and over again, and he became even more unscrupulous when he recently learned that she was looking for a job and living in poverty.

"Why don't you go back to the Holy Capital?" Su Yan looked at her with pity.

Lena shook her head, "After my birth system is gone, there is nothing left."

Su Yan looked at Angel who was jumping and playing outside, "What's wrong with her body?"

Lena replied: "After she turned into a human form at the age of six, she showed signs of both sexes. However, the male was deformed and the female was intact. I found a clan witch I was familiar with before and said that part of it could be removed, but I was afraid that it would be life-threatening. "

Su Yan frowned, "How about we go to the Holy Capital, where the conditions are better. And there are also the best witches in the palace."

Lena was moved and looked at Angel outside.

"The child's health is more important." Su Yan took a piece of fresh fruit from the fruit plate and ate it. It was sour and sweet. "This is delicious."

"Sister Su likes the wild fruits that grow on the mountain. I will pick more later." Lena pushed the plate towards Su Yan.

"Well, let's go pick it up together." Su Yan looked at the simple room and saw that there was nothing to deal with. "Then let's go to the Holy Capital tomorrow?"

"...I'll listen to Sister Su." Lena's eyes flickered with uneasiness, but more of hope.

Su Yan patted her on the shoulder, "Since you call me sister, please lean closer to me, otherwise the call will be in vain."

Lena couldn't help but hugged her, "Thank you, Sister Su."

Lena got up early, first went to worship her parents, and then picked all the ripe wild fruits on the mountain, including three large baskets.

Su Yan took a long nap. After waking up, she looked at the three big baskets of fruits and said with an angry smile, "Why don't you ask me to come with you?"

"Sister Su is pregnant. It's better to get more sleep." Lena prepared another meal with her hands and feet deftly.

"As a mother, you are strong. You are a completely different person now than before."

"I feel sad when I think of my wild and wild days in the past. I didn't plan my life properly, which has led to my current embarrassment."

"It doesn't matter, you just got there, you just have to start over."

"Yeah." Lena looked at Angel.

The little girl was ignorant and happily ate a hearty breakfast.

After a few casual bites, Lena was busy packing her things.

Just when they were packing up and ready to leave, another group of people came outside. In addition to Sachi from yesterday, there was also a young male in bright clothes.

When he saw Su Yan, his eyes widened, "What a beautiful beauty! Catch her! Whoever sees you today has a share~"

As soon as they heard that they could get a share of the soup and have a bite of the broth, the thugs came towards Su Yan and Lena with murderous intent.

"Master, I twisted my waist yesterday, so I went back first. You can enjoy it." Sa Qi said, turned around and ran away.

He is bad, but not stupid. That noble lady is really untouchable!

Will update later~~

(End of this chapter)

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