Chapter 234 Little Thirteen

"Just saying this to you, I will also pamper you today!" Su Yan hugged him and teleported back to the rose garden dormitory.

Far wanted to refuse, but under Su Yan's offensive, he quickly surrendered.

In front of Su Yan, he would always be at a disadvantage.

Xiaomei once said that she relied on the upgrade points rewarded by the host after giving birth to children to evolve her data and become more and more powerful.

And if she wanted Xiaomei to wake up sooner, there was a way to give birth early and get bonus points.

009821 saw the time of her giving birth, but he didn't know that the time of her giving birth could change.

Sure enough, after she pestered Farr twice, the labor pains came!

Giving birth one day early has no impact on the child, but it is very important to give her time to fight back.

Fortunately, this child also came to repay her kindness, and was born without causing her pain for long.

The moment the child is born, the birth system recovers instantly.

Xiaomei's voice sounded - [Congratulations to the host, for the successful birth of the thirteenth child, gender (male), animal body (angel-rat hybrid), talent (on the holy level), talent secret (water, space) golden marrow elixir improved The secret of talent (complete rules of space), the father beast (seraph), the mother reward (points 20,000,000), 9 childbirth gift packages, 6 mother talent scrolls, and 90,000,000 points for childbirth system upgrade. 】

Su Yan didn't bother to ask how the child was. Anyway, Fa'er was here and he would take care of the child.

[Xiaomei, do you know system administrator 009821? he came! 】

[I know, I was the one he attacked. Fortunately, the host is pregnant. They don't know that I have a hidden attribute. During the host's birth, the birth system will automatically return to the strongest mode. Otherwise, even if I restore it, it will still be in the initialized state. 】

[It turned out to be a crooked shot. 】In fact, the reason why she got pregnant was because she was worried about the mandatory three-month pregnancy period for childbirth.

【What should we do now? He can seriously hurt you, which seems pretty powerful. 】

[I was caught off guard by him before, but now, thanks to him, my protective wall has been upgraded to three levels in a row. The host also lowered the points for giving birth to this child, and gave the key points to upgrade points. I have now been upgraded to the Holy Beast level. Not only can the host give birth to mythical beasts, Xiaomei also has the power to fight against the mother machine of the system. 】

[That would be great. 009821 asked me for that big silkworm, and also wanted to rebuild the birth laboratory and start a holy war. It turns out that the Beast God also knew about the jihad plan and even signed a convention. 】

[God requires faith. And disaster can create faith. Atheists will become believers in God due to disasters, and former believers will become more convinced in disasters. 】

[What you mean is that the existence of the Holy War has allowed the Beast God to gain more faith points, and another organization that launched the childbirth system also relied on the Holy War to get the data they wanted. The intention of the beast **** is obvious. But what can they do with the data from the subsystem? 】

[If the host wants to know this answer, it is likely that he will not be able to be reborn on Earth. 】

[The original wish to be reborn on the earth is not worth it in the face of the safety of the children. 】

[The host is indeed the best host. 】

[Haha, I don’t dare to take it seriously. I just felt that if I left my children's safety behind, my mother would probably beat me to death if she found out. 】

[The host’s mother is also a good mother. As long as the host takes care of the child and himself, Xiaomei is here for the rest, so 009821 doesn't have to worry at all. 】

[If you said this before you were attacked by him, I would especially believe you. All I can say now is... Come on Xiaomei! Even if we die, we will drag the beast **** and the mother machine to die together! 】

Su Yan woke up from suspended animation.

When I saw Far holding a little swaddle, he looked so excited that he was about to cry!

Su Yan was stunned...what happened?

Wait, what did Xiaomei say she gave birth to?

A hybrid of the angel rat clan!

"Far, is there something wrong with that child..." Su Yan asked worriedly.

Seeing that she was awake, Farr hurriedly handed the child to her, "Look, it's an angel mouse!"

Su Yan took the swaddling clothes. A grey-blue mouse with plump wings and golden vertical pupils was lying in the pink and white swaddling clothes. "Uh... How do you say this? My nephew follows my uncle. The color of his fur is just like that of his grandfather's family. His wings and eyes are up to you. He is a bit ugly, but his talent is good. He is at the top of the holy level. His secret is Water, and space rules.”

"Space rules!" Farr became even more excited, "It's not ugly, but my baby mouse is the cutest."

"Well, his uncle is quite handsome. And he will grow taller, about the same height as a deer." Su Yan nodded the angel mouse's nose.

The little guy even sneezed, very delicately, "Do you like him?"

Far hugged her and kissed her lips directly, a passionate and deep kiss...

Su Yan responded enthusiastically. If she hadn't been holding a child in her arms, she would have had a romantic relationship with him.

"As long as you like it." Su Yan touched Little Thirteen's chubby wings, "He grew wings in his mother's womb, so there is no need to hold a wing ceremony."

"Need not."

"That's good. He's a mixed-race, so even the beast gods probably don't like him."

"It's not necessary, and it's not his turn to see it. I will find a way to remove the mark of the Beast God that he left on Xiao Jiu and Xiao Ten." Ever since I saw the contract signed between the Beast God and the Childbirth System, I I never want my children to have anything to do with the beast god.

[Xiaomei, is there a way to remove the mark of the beast god? 】 Su Yan asked Xiaomei.

Xiaomei replied: [Yes, do you want to cancel it now? 】

[Will the Beast God notice it? 】

【meeting. Another way is to use the blood of Xiao Jiu and Xiao Ten to make two substitute talismans. Transfer the mark to the avatar and let the two children carry it with them. Unless the beast **** himself comes, if you just look at it with your mind, you won't find anything unusual. If you want to completely sever ties with the beast god, you only need to burn the avatar. 】

[This method is good, then use a substitute charm. 】

[Two stand-ins require two points. 】

【good. 】

Soon, two avatars appeared in Su Yan's hands.

I told Farr how to use the avatar, and Farr also agreed very much.

The two children had an extra longevity lock on their bodies, and the lock contained a stand-in for the mark of the beast god.

Su Yan didn't have time to take care of the child, so she gave all the contents of the baby gift package to Far, which contained various supplies for the cubs.

Afterwards, head to the Holy Island.

At first, Farr refused to let her go, but after Su Yan repeatedly assured her that she was going to deal with 009821 and that she would not leave, Farr finally let her go.

But he still held Little Thirteen in his arms until she was no longer visible in the air, and then returned to the Holy Palace.

Then martial law was immediately imposed on the Holy Palace, and no one could enter or exit at will.

Outside the Holy Palace.

Jack Maihar was stopped by the Holy Palace Guard again.

He turned back to Angel, who was following him, and sighed, "I won't see you today either."

"I'll come back tomorrow." Angel said stubbornly, then turned around and walked back.

Jack glanced at the barrier covering the Holy Palace and muttered, "What happened again?"

Good night~

(End of this chapter)

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