Chapter 289 The first battle, twenty-five seconds

Su Yan said to Kain: "Is ten seconds too short?"

When a woman talks about time and length to a man, it can easily extend to the relationship between the sexes...

Immediately, many people looked at Kain with deep meaning, and some even snickered.

Kain didn't react at first, but when he did, his whole body suddenly became even colder, and even the mecha felt chilly.

"How much time do you want?"

"Twenty-five seconds, ten seconds is too short."

Someone whistled, “I, I—two hours is all right!”

Suddenly there were a lot of booing sounds.

"Really, two hours? That's awesome!"

"I'll try it in your dormitory one day."

"You don't have to go back to the dormitory. In the woods outside, you can help the trees..."

Su Yan looked over and saw that he was a handsome boy with blue hair. When he saw her looking at him, he immediately grinned, showing his white teeth all over his mouth... He was so silly!

"What's your name?" Su Yan asked.

"Doronette Aslanda, junior year." The other party reported her full name and grade.

Su Yan was a little surprised, "Oh? Are you from the royal family?"

"Cesus is my cousin." Doronet replied: "If you lose, I can personally support your military academy."

"Thank you. On behalf of Paxter Military Academy, I would like to thank Senior Doronette for his generosity. What if I win? After all, I only lasted twenty-five seconds."

"Hehe~ I'll double it, Kain's twenty-five seconds is hard to say."

"You'll know if you try it."

Su Yan entered the mecha cabin.

Su Yan sat in the driver's seat and followed the operating procedures Rasha showed her. Picking up the helmet connected to the mecha and putting it on, my head suddenly started buzzing and I almost fainted.

[Host, this mecha is connected to the brain nerves. It will first intercept a piece of host brain genetic information, regulate neuron transmitters, and then control nerve impulse behavior. There will be obvious discomfort the first time, and then it will get lower and lower until it is as natural as eating. 】

【Um. 】

[Please connect the driver to the optical brain and enter personal information. ]—Mecha operating system, reminding Su Yan.

Su Yan connected the optical brain on her wrist to the control panel of the mecha.

After reading Su Yan's information, the mecha operating system asked - "Does the pilot archive data?" ]

Su Yan refused to save it. Her identity was all fake, so it was better not to leave any traces.

Soon the mecha finished reading the information in Su Yanguang's brain.

In front of Su Yan's eyes, a virtual screen appeared, which was a description of various data about this mecha.

Also, the matching degree between her genes and the mecha reached 95%. [Xiaomei, what does this matching degree mean? 】

[The tailor-made special mecha matches the driver 100%. For this type of training, public mechas are generally considered qualified if they can reach 60%. 95% of the host is Xiaomei who adjusted the mecha's data to better match the host's body. After the game is over, the original data will be restored. 】

【good. 】

Su Yan first familiarized herself with the buttons on the console, and after making sure they were correct, she tried to raise her arm, and then controlled the mecha to move two steps. I have also tried to convert the weapons on the mecha, and I almost understand them all.

[It doesn’t feel much different from the feeling in the game. 】

[Yes host. The game is also a realistic experience. 】

Su Yan pressed the mecha's voice button and said, "I'm ready."

"How long have you been on the plane?" Kain asked. Her simple actions just now looked like a novice.

Su Yan replied: "First time."

Suddenly another boy shouted: "Kain, broke her virginity!"

Before the voice fell, Su Yan raised her mecha arm, transformed into a flying knife, and connected three flying knives with cold light, shooting towards the shouting boy. The boy reacted quickly and immediately jumped to avoid it.

His movements were awkward, and he broke into a cold sweat at the end.

If he were just a few tenths of a second late, he might be nailed to the fitness machine with a flying knife.

The fitness equipment stabbed by the flying knife instantly turned into useless materials.

"Watching the battle without saying a word, right?!" Su Yan's voice was gentle and charming, but it made people covered in a layer of white hair sweat.

"Scared! Throwing knives! This is fatal!" Chi Yeto's face turned pale.

Doronette raised her leg and kicked him, "I'll tell you to be mean."

"Uh... Your Highness, didn't you do that just now?"

Doronette narrowed her eyes slightly.

Akiya Toru immediately wilted, "No, nothing."

Kain was really impressed by the flying knife that Su Yan shot out without hesitation. Originally, he was going to give up competing with Su Yan and donate some supplies to Paxter Military Academy at his own expense. When I saw the three flying knives, I started to test again.

Instructor Willy was also very surprised by Su Yan's decisiveness and accuracy in killing.

A flash of interest flashed across Chisius's eyes.

Rasha was so frightened by Su Yan that she almost ran away. Toru Akaya is the heir to the famous Akaya Foundation in the Imperial Capital Star! If Akaya Toru had been slower just now, they would have been in big trouble!

Su Yan had no time to deal with the group of second-grade teenagers who were only thinking about fighting and driving impulsively. She concentrated on controlling the mecha and entered the arena with a somewhat clumsy movement.

There were several students practicing on the arena, but now they have left to make room for her and Kain.

Kain made an extremely skillful and easy jump and stood firmly on the arena.

"The flying knife just now was good." Kaiin said to Su Yan.

No one would like to be joked about by someone driving randomly... Su Yan replied: "You're welcome. Please show mercy, senior."

"Are you sure you want to hold on for twenty-five seconds? It's not too late to change it to ten seconds now."

"Need not."

Instructor Willy turned on the timer on the optical brain and shouted loudly: "Ready-start!"

Kain hardly used any skills. He raised his mecha's arm, clenched his fist, and hit Su Yan directly.

Su Yan wanted to retreat, but she thought of it, her hands didn't operate properly, and the mecha didn't move at all!

I suffered this blow all my life.

A severe dizziness came over me.

Su Yan felt her mecha fly up. If Xiaomei hadn't helped her stabilize the mecha in time, she might have flown out of the arena.

[Twenty seconds left, host, hold on! 】

[This is a bit different from the game. 】

[Yes host. 】

Su Yan stood firm with her hands on the ground, then opened the system map and observed Kain's movements in more detail.

Just when Kain rushed towards her again, Su Yan moved a little awkwardly through the system and Xiaomei's reminder.

Just in time, he stepped on the blind spot where Kain wanted to attack. He punched and charged twice, but both times failed.

"How is that possible?" Instructor Willy looked at Su Yan's footing in shock. As for the clumsy movements, it was unsightly.

Chisius said: "Test her induction value."

(End of chapter)

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