Chapter 293: Shocked to hear about the Insect King

Su Yan drove the White Angel and flew high into the sky.

When we reached a certain height and looked towards the surface of the planet, there was a place where darkness was moving, and everything we passed was ruins... There were even things flying in the air.

The direction of movement is exactly where their military academy is located.

"Rasha, what's going on?"

"I don't know. All I know is that the opportunity to make a fortune is gone."

"Well, it's hard to find a job now."

"I'll forget it. Why are you looking for a job as a female stranger? The Ninth Prince has come to visit, and it's not you who is after you. The imperial royal family is the most traditional monogamy, much better than those plutocratic nobles, and they are absolutely loyal. You Marry His Highness Ninth Prince, and your future prosperity and prosperity will be just around the corner."

"If nothing else, absolute loyalty? Do you believe it?" Su Yan never believed it. Compatibility between men and women comes and goes, and when the passion subsides, just let nature take its course.

"Of course, the royal family is sometimes chaotic. For example, His Majesty is a bit romantic now. He only has one original queen in name, but he has countless mistresses. His Royal Highness, the Ninth Prince, according to my brother, is actually one of His Majesty's. Born by his mistress. Because of his good talent, he was adopted by the childless queen and he has a direct lineage. "

"It still has this connection." Su Yan really didn't expect that the pale young man had such a rough life experience.

"By the way, I'm actually older than you."

"Insect King?"

Rasha nodded, "At first, I just thought it was a rumor. But now that I think about it, it may not be true."

"I lied about my age to make a living."

There were many mechas flying towards the 'dark clouds' in the sky.

"Sister Su." Rasha shouted while hugging Xiaoba.

Occasionally, you can see mechas exploding and the pilots breaking away from the mechas, but they are soon attacked by insect beasts and become food for them.

Rasha suddenly looked solemn and said: "There is a saying that the insect king appears among the insect beasts."

Su Yan looked at the mecha, "There are so many insect beasts, why haven't they been discovered? Isn't it said that every planet has that kind of insect nest sensor?"

However, the most unchoiceable thing in this world is probably one's own origin.

"Well, the Insect King can mimic humans. If he himself is not exposed, human insect beast sensors will not be able to detect it at all."

Just when her anger gradually rose in her heart and she wanted to go over to kill the insect beast—

After the mecha and the 'dark cloud' met, they fought fiercely.

"You said, is the Insect King here?"

"Okay." Su Yan smiled.


Su Yan hated insect beasts very much. If it weren't for this ghost, why would she be wandering around with her children?

"Sister Su, let's go to the second port quickly. There should be a starship there that can leave Bellman Star."

Su Yan was stunned, "So powerful!"

Su Yan suddenly thought of Bai Kaixin. In the future, she will find him and open a Wanfang Hotel.

"...Then I'll call you Sister Su?"

"…All right."

Su Yan suppressed her anger, turned on the positioning system, found the second port, and asked White Angel to start the autopilot mode and fly towards the second port.

The second port was full of people. Starships filled with Bellman stars left the port and escaped towards other planets.

Rasha said: "Sister Su, put away the white angel and let's go."

Su Yan found a place where the mecha could land, and just as she was about to put away the White Angel, a woman rushed towards the mecha, crying and begging, "Save my daughter, please save my child."

Rasha hugged Xiaoba and said to Su Yan: "Ignore her, there are too many things like this. Let's go." Su Yan frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally opened her voice and said to the woman: "You Where is your child? I’ll pick it up right now.”

The woman was overjoyed when she heard this and immediately told her where the child was.

Su Yan asked Bai Angel to write down the address.

Rasha said: "Sister Su, there should be insects and beasts there now, don't go there."

"It's okay to pick up the child." Su Yan was about to leave immediately.

"Wait a minute, Sister Su. How about Xiaoba and I wait for you at the port first. If we see other people, Sister Su's mecha cabin can save a few more." After finishing speaking, Rasha turned on the automatic safety belt. .

"Okay." Su Yan responded and pressed the button to leave the mecha cabin.

However, just when Rasha was about to leave the hatch, Su Yan suddenly reached out and snatched Xiaoba back from his hand.

"Rasha, my son is not very obedient. It is better for me to take him with him to rest assured." This little guy might spit fire at any time if she didn't keep an eye on him.

After that, without waiting for Rasha to say anything else, he closed the door of the mecha cabin.

Su Yan drove the White Angel away and went to the address mentioned by the woman to save the child.

Rasha, who was left behind by her, suddenly changed her expression, becoming gloomy and ferocious, and her eyes turned into strange yellow vertical pupils.

However, the people around him were in chaos, scrambling to get on the starship, and no one noticed his abnormal changes.

Su Yan glanced at the little golden dragon swimming happily on the egg shell, and said with a smile: "You are happy again. Okay, from now on, my mother will not let others hug you easily."

Xiaoba didn't move very much since Rasha hugged him, and he kept staring at Rasha, wanting to breathe fire several times.

Later, when Rasha hugged him and wanted to leave the mecha, she instinctively reached out to take Xiaoba back.

This child has been either with Zi Qi or her since he was born. Just yesterday she put him on the bed, forgot about him, and left him for a while.

【Xiaomei? 】Su Yan called Xiaomei.

Xiaomei didn't move.

Su Yan's spiritual consciousness immediately entered the birth system, but saw that the system was being updated.

Su Yan frowned and felt wary at the same time.

Xiaomei once told her that if she got stuck in the update without telling her, it was likely that she had encountered an abnormal event that affected the normal operation of the system. At this time, she had to be careful and never take risks.

What was unusual about Xiao Mei was that after Rasha entered the mecha cabin, she asked Xiao Mei to help pilot the White Angel. Later, after she took over the White Angel, Xiao Mei never spoke to her again.

When Hachi confronts Rasha, his hostility is also very obvious...

Is there something wrong with Rasha?

Su Yan immediately wanted to drive the White Angel back, but the mecha map showed that she would soon reach the address mentioned by the woman.

Let’s pick up the kids first.

Su Yan entered a villa. As soon as she entered, she heard a child crying for her mother.

She teleported directly out of the mecha cabin.

I am so used to pretending to be an ordinary person that I forget that I am not an ordinary person.

A little girl of two or three years old, with red jam all over her body and face, was crying.

Su Yan was startled, and then hurriedly cleaned her up.

Then he dug into a large backpack and stuffed the baby's milk powder, complementary foods, favorite toys, family photos hanging on the wall, a few spare clothes, and various cards, documents, optical brains, etc. In a big backpack.

Finally, he hugged the little girl and was about to leave when an insect beast broke into the villa.

(End of chapter)

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