Chapter 461 The nightmare comes true!

There is a place in the sky. At this time, the flames are burning in the sky, and the magma is pouring back, presenting a strange scene of world destruction!

The third divine battle has begun. Su Yan is determined to take Zulu to the border of Sky Star to see if he can gain any insights.

But Zulu refused on the grounds that he was gifted with water and wood.

He already knew that Su Yan was pregnant. Although she was not his, he loved Su Yan and her body was more important than anything else.

No matter whether the pregnant females of the rat tribe or the rabbit tribe are very dangerous during pregnancy or during childbirth, they will be protected by the best.

"Yanyan, I didn't care what happened to you when you were pregnant. But now, when I'm around you, you can't run around!" Zulu said sternly.

Su Yan was restrained by Zulu, "Uh!"

Zulu took her back to the house and lay down, "Stop looking."

It wasn't until he was lying on the bed and covered with a quilt that Zulu nodded with satisfaction, "You have a good sleep. I will go to the Tianyuan Beast Forest to hunt for you. Eat more fresh meat. It will be good for the child."

"Oh." Su Yan lay down obediently.

Zulu took off his luxurious clothes made of brocade, put on his own coarse animal skin clothes, and went out to hunt comfortably.

Su Yan didn't laugh until Zulu left the scope of her system map. She covered half of her face with the quilt, only revealing her crooked peach blossom eyes, and said to Xiaomei: "Zulu really Very cute, right? 】

Xiaomei replied: [He is the only one who can make you lie down obediently. 】

[Well, Zulu’s kindness to me is for me as a person and has nothing to do with the children. And after he found out I was pregnant, he stopped being intimate with me at all, not even kissing me on the mouth. 】

[In his understanding, pregnant females are very fragile. Maybe if I stand for a while longer, I will have a miscarriage. 】

[Yes, I was originally scheduled to go back to the West District, but I won’t be allowed to go back either. Luckily he didn't know I was going to be many years has it been now? 】

【4689 years. 】

【That’s not a lot! If Zulu knew, he would not faint. 】

[It’s time for the host to eat. 】

【Um. 】

[Would you like some fresh meat from mythical beasts? 】

[...I'm going there to find fresh meat. 】Su Yan sighed softly and took two divine beast pills.

‘Dong dong dong~’ There was a knock on the door.

From the system map, Su Yan saw Zi Qi standing outside the door and responded: "Your Majesty, please come in."

Zi Qi gently pushed the door open and was surprised to see her lying on the bed, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it was Zulu who didn't want me to stand for a long time. He went hunting in the beast forest." Su Yan replied.

Zi Qi smiled and said, "You really listen to what he says."

"Yes." Su Yan lay on her side, "Your Majesty, please sit down."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Zi Qi sat down by the couch, "Looking at her fair and pink face, which is getting rounder and rounder, do you like Zulu?"

"Yeah." Su Yan nodded.

Zi Qi was silent for a moment, "Do you know what kind of like I'm talking about?"

"What kind?" Su Yan pretended not to know.

Zi Qi smiled thinly and said, "Yanyan, you are the one who sets the rules, and I agree. But if you give any animal husband something that shouldn't be given, I will be angry."

The happy expression on Su Yan's face faded, "So what if Your Majesty is angry?"

"I don't know." Zi Qi's hands, as perfect as those carved by a master craftsman, gently rubbed Su Yan's face, "Yan Yan, you don't want to know."

"Your Majesty, please return to the palace first. I will pretend that you have not been here today." Su Yan's voice became calmer.

Zi Qi withdrew his hand and gradually disappeared into the room.

Su Yan pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

[Xiaomei, is he jealous? Jealous of my good relationship with Zulu. 】

【should be. 】【Zulu and I have known each other since we were young. He came to the rat tribe with all his belongings on his back, and now he has abandoned his tribe where he took root and came to the East District to find me. How can any of them achieve such a fierce and pure feeling? ? 】

[Zulu’s talent is just a little low. 】

【talent? I was born with none at all, not as good as Zulu. 】

[Did the host really fall in love with Zulu? Xiaomei can see that when you get along with Zulu, your affection value is very high. 】

【without. I do love Zulu more than I do. I am grateful, moved by complete dependence, and more completely trusting without having to worry about anything. 】

[Then why does the host not have such a high affection value for other beastmen? That's not right. The host's feelings for Qin Mo were so high that the system felt it was seriously dangerous. 】

[…] Su Yan Moran, it must be a mixture of love and hate, her relationship is on the verge of collapse.

Thinking about it now, she felt so stupid, but she felt it was worth it.

There will always be a period in life that makes you obsessed and crazy, makes you hysterical, loves without reservation, and hates with all its heart.

Maybe some people have never experienced it in their entire lives.

No, it is also a kind of luck.

Now thinking about Qin Mo, she felt grateful and had memories in her heart, but no love or hate.

Su Yan lay on the bed and fell asleep again.

I was just sleeping...and suddenly I had a nightmare!

Her body is falling!

There was a bottomless abyss below. She wanted to call someone, but she couldn't make a sound at all. She wanted to wake up, but she couldn't open her eyes.

【Host! problem occurs! 】Xiaomei woke Su Yan up from her nightmare.

But her five words were like a nightmare coming true, making her whole body feel like she had fallen into an ice hole, and her heart trembled.

【Host! Zulu…]

[What happened to Zulu? 】Su Yan's face turned pale instantly!

Su Yan teleported away from the room and came to Tianyuan Beast Forest.

A **** mess!

The surrounding trees were reduced to pieces, and the vines on the ground were twisted...

A video appeared in Su Yan's mind.

Zulu transformed into a huge blue-gray rabbit body, with furious red eyes, fighting with a black three-headed giant anaconda.

Su Yan didn't dare to watch the process and pulled her directly to the back - Zulu killed the giant anaconda! While he was deftly skinning the skin and removing the meat, a black figure approached him.

Zulu, who had just finished fighting, had little strength left, but his body was instinctively alert. Looking back, a space crack sucked him in, and at the same time, the black figure disappeared!

[Xiaomei, where is Zulu? 】

[Zulu is dead. In the information of the descendants, it is shown -

The second son, Yuxuan Deira, has a beast body (female blue-gray rabbit), talent (wood element heaven level), and father beast (blue-gray rabbit beast, deceased, caused by the blade of space).

The third son, Yushi Shishi Milut, has a beast body (female blue and white rat), talent (wood element heaven level), and father beast (blue and gray rabbit beast, deceased, caused by the blade of space).

The fourth child, Father Mirut, has a beast body (male blue and white rabbit), talent (mid-level spiritual level of water and fire), and father beast (blue and gray rabbit beast, deceased, caused by the blade of space). 】

‘Pfft~’ Su Yan knelt down on the ground.

[His body has turned into powder and disappeared into the turbulence of space. 】

[Can he be reborn? No matter how many points! 】Su Yan picked up a strand of blue-gray rabbit fur on the ground, her vision blurred by tears.

Xiaomei was silent for a moment, [System rejects! 】

"Why—!" Su Yan suddenly shouted. Her voice could be heard for miles around, startling flocks of birds.

Xiaomei was silent again.

If Su Yan's spiritual consciousness is in the system space, she can see that the childbirth system has been upgraded ten times in one minute!

Good night babies~~

Water spilled all over the keyboard, and Xiao Xuanzi continued to clean the keyboard, woohoo~~! !

(End of this chapter)

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