Chapter 51 A Little Black Panther


Su Yan took out a long black wooden box from the system space.

Inside the box is a scroll.

This scroll is a reward after she gives birth to a child, a talent scroll that can only be used by her.

When she gave birth to little Black Panther, she received the green-level fire mysteries as a gift from the birth system. I don't know what kind of talent this scroll can bring to her.

Opening the talent scroll, it is also a fire element secret, but the talent is yellow level, which is two levels higher than the green level.

She actually wanted another talent, such as water.

After getting up, she didn't have to bother washing her hands and face anymore. She only needed a purification technique to feel refreshed and clean.

Because the system is being updated, even if Su Yan knows that there is a yellow-level talent in the scroll, she can only wait for Xiaomei to recover before blessing it.

Since she also needs the system to operate in her cultivation, there is no need for her to waste time in retreat.

So I left the room and took a walk.

First, I took a look at the progress of the decoration team.

At her request, they stripped down the entire hotel's walls, floors, and stairs and ceilings, and reinstalled them, so the workers were busy.

The boss of the decoration team is an orc from the cattle tribe. He is short in stature and has a stocky appearance. He works very carefully and steadily.

Su Yan chatted with him about the details of the decoration and her new ideas, and then gave him full responsibility.

After that, she went to the tea shop opposite the hotel, ordered some refreshments and tea, and sent them to the decoration team.

"I heard that His Majesty the Beast King's favorite little princess will also enter the Divine Beast Academy this year."

"The little princess has a talent?"

"I've never heard of it. But she definitely didn't enter the Academy of Divine Beasts to study. If she wants to study, there will naturally be various palace teachers. She... was chosen to be a beast master."

"Then this year's admissions exam is going to be really exciting. The little princess has already tested her fertility, and it's super good!"

"How about I give it a try too. You're only two years older, so there should be no problem."

"I'm only one year older..."

Su Yan sat near the window and listened to their conversation. The princess also wanted to go to the Academy of Divine Beasts to choose a beast husband?

That's a competitor.

"Don't run - guys, help stop it -" someone shouted urgently.

Everyone looked over curiously.

Su Yan was also about to look, but her vision went dark, and something was stuck on her face!

"Ouch~" A childish and excited cry sounded on her face.

"..." Su Yan was just about to yell, but felt that the scream was particularly endearing. She couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and raised her hands to remove it from her face.

At this time, a man hurried over and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this little black panther was just brought in by our pet shop and is still being trained. If it disturbed the female, our pet shop is willing to apologize and compensate."

Su Yan looked at the chubby little black panther with a round head and a round head in her hand. It had a pair of perfect golden vertical pupils, which were particularly beautiful and revealed the innocence and purity unique to the little beast.

"How do you prove that this little black panther is from your pet shop?" She did not give him the little black panther rashly.

The man was stunned and looked around. He was surrounded by onlookers, "I...but this is my store. No. 11 Pet Shop in the East District. Have any of you been there? I am Xiaoming, the clerk there."

"I've seen you. But this little black panther looks extraordinary. Look at its eyes. The golden vertical pupils look a bit like a golden-eyed black panther."

"Golden-Eyed Black Panther Beast? It's a bit similar, but the only pure-blooded one left is the clan leader himself. He has always practiced in isolation. He has never heard of marrying a wife, let alone having children."

"No, no, no, no need to make wild guesses, this is just an ordinary little black panther." Xiao Ming shook his head and waved his hands, "Besides, how dare I provoke the golden-eyed black panther clan? I risk my life."

Everyone thought so, so someone persuaded Su Yan to return the little black panther to Xiao Ming.

The little black panther was playing hard in Su Yan's arms, hoping that she could touch it more.

Su Yan gently rubbed its plump, round belly and its smooth, satin-like fur.

The more I looked at it, the more I liked it, "Who sold it to you?" "This... guest's privacy, I can't tell you." Xiao Ming thought.

Su Yan said: "If you want to bring back the little black panther, it's not impossible. Let the person who sold you the little black panther come and get it in person."

In fact, she just wanted to delay it for a while.

Because she also liked this little thing, she took the opportunity to **** for a while.

Xiao Ming thought for a while, "Okay then, I'll go find him."

"Go ahead. I'll wait here, or if I'm not here, come find me at Wanfang Hotel opposite. I'm Wanfang's boss now." Su Yan teased the little black panther, tickled it, and massaged the black Fluffy fat paws.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to find someone.

Some people are curious why Su Yan bought a murder hotel.

Su Yan bluntly said: "It's cheap!"

This makes people speechless.

Indeed, boss Wan Fangyuan once said that he would sell it for 30,000 red coins, but no one bought it at all.

Su Yan hugged the little Black Panther, left the teahouse, and returned to Wanfang Hotel.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Bai Kaixin directing the workers to work.

"Bai Kaixin, go buy some fresh meat."

Bai Kaixin was surprised, and then saw the little black panther she was holding, and understood, "Did you buy a pet?"

"I didn't buy it, it jumped on it by itself." Su Yan replied, and then continued walking towards the backyard, "Hurry up."

Bai Kaixin responded, "Okay."

Su Yan took Little Black Panther back to the small building where she lived.

Just as she was about to put it down, it grabbed her clothes tightly, unable to survive, and insisted on continuing to lie in her arms.

"The little thing is quite clingy." Su Yan smiled, "I'll give you a nice fragrant bath, okay?"

The little black panther tilted his head and looked at her, making sure that she wasn't going to throw him away, and then slowly released his paws.


The childish voice makes people feel soft from the bottom of their hearts.

Su Yan took out a bottle of cub-specific shower gel, a bath towel and a small bathtub from the system space.

I got another bucket of cold water and poured it into the small bathtub.

Finally, some fire energy was released in the cold water, and the water temperature came up after a while.

"Come in." Su Yan said to the little Black Panther.

The little black panther jumped into the water with a "oooo~" and made a splash.

Su Yan laughed out loud, "It's so naughty."

Bai Kaixin came back from buying fresh meat and saw a man in a black robe standing at the door of the hotel.

After Su Yan gave the little panther a bath, she also fed her some vitamins to improve her immunity and canned food supplements. These were all included in the birthing gift package. They were miscellaneous and were all specially designed for women and children.

After the little black panther finished eating, he snored and fell asleep.

Su Yan saw it lying on her bed, with its legs in the air, completely unwary, and couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile on her face.

"If the people from the pet store come, can I buy you?"

Babies, you have been waiting for a long time, the update is here~~~

(End of chapter)

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