Traveling Through the Beast World: Counterattack After Binding the Childbirth System

Chapter 94: Guess whether it's a female baby or a male baby?

Chapter 94 Guess whether it’s a female baby or a male baby?

Zong Sili also became nervous.

He had never been afraid when facing a million-strong army of Warcraft, but now he felt the emotion of fear.

"Yanyan, what can I do for you?"

"Just stay with me and be by my side." Su Yan's face twisted into a bun in pain.

"Okay!" Zong Sili was heartbroken, he just wished he could feel pain for her, a hundred times or a thousand times.

More and more intensive labor pains hit her, and Su Yan knew that she would give birth soon.

"I'll say it again, if I fake my death, don't bury me. I'll wake up later."

"...Hmm!" Zong Sili turned pale with fright, "Really..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. Guess whether it's a female baby or a male baby?"

"A rat-baby female like you."

"Haha, don't..." Su Yan gritted her teeth and endured the pain.

[The host has two minutes left. 】

[Great, I can’t stand the pain of this contraction no matter how many times I take it. 】

Su Yan closed her eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, gathering her last strength.

Zong Si said politely: "Yan Yan, we won't have any more children in the future."

Su Yan slowly opened her eyes, looked at him and suddenly smiled, "Is it true that you are no longer pregnant?"

"Yes!" Zong Sili said solemnly.

Su Yan pulled up his sleeve and looked at his arm that had been pinched with blood marks, "But I still want to have another child with you."

"No more." Zong Sili stared into her eyes seriously.

Su Yan took his hand and looked at his fair and beautiful wrist, "No, I want to give birth to you."

Then, he bit his wrist bone with all his strength, and something came out of his body...

Then there was a white light in front of his eyes, and his whole soul seemed to float up, in a quiet space where he could even breathe clearly.

[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to the sixth child, gender (male), animal body (six-tailed deer Shu), talent (heavenly secret wind element, heavenly secret space, golden marrow awakening special gift secret, absolute balance judgment). ), the father beast (three-tailed Lu Shu), reward (100,000 points.) a gift package for giving birth to a child, and a maternal talent scroll. 】

[Special talent: Absolute Balance Judgment, what is that? 】Su Yan was a little confused after hearing this.

[Speciality system is a general term for the unconventional secrets of unfixed trait system. Judgment by an absolute balance, where measuring objects are added to the pallets at both ends of the concrete scale, and the judgment is measured, and the result is absolutely infinite. 】

[…It’s a bit confusing to say, just use a simple analogy. 】

[Good host. For example, two apples are judged by weight. One apple is placed on each end of the scale. The heavier one wins and the loser pays the price. 】

[Oh, it doesn’t feel like anything special. It’s just a steel scale. It should be quite convenient for doing a small business in the future. 】 Su Yan quickly threw this mystery aside.

It wasn't until later that she saw this absolute balance trial that even the continent could measure, with the winning side continuing to exist and the losing side disappearing into nothing, that she realized how terrifying the absolute infinity of this secret was...

[Xiaomei, how much has this child made you grow? 】Su Yan is more concerned about this.

Because this determines what gifted child she will give birth to next.

Xiaomei's voice sounded more pleasant, [Yes host, the fertility system has grown to 99%! 】

【Very good! 】 Su Yan was also very happy, but she was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute, am I going to find another male below the spiritual realm to have children?" 】

【Yes. 】 Xiaomei replied.

Su Yan thought about it again, and the males she had had children with had already crossed the threshold of heaven... [Alas! I'll look for it when I get back to the academy. What is that maternal talent scroll? 】

It is also very important to enhance your own strength. [Talent blue level, secret talisman. 】

【The one who draws symbols? 】

【Yes. 】

Zong Sili took out Su Yan's cub from between her legs.

There are six snow-white larvae with fiery red tails!

This is...this is the legendary Six-Tailed Lushu! Although it is a heaven-level talent, when he enters the transformation stage, he will directly enter the spirit level without any training.

"It's really my child!" Zong Sili held the cub in his hands and watched it struggling hard to stand up. People were dumbfounded!

Does he have any heirs? !

"嘤~嘤~" Little Lu Shu made a sound like a baby. He opened his eyes like obsidian and looked at Zong Sili. He didn't lie down in his hand to rest until he confirmed that he was his father.

It was hard for Su Yan to give birth, and it was also hard for the little cub. After struggling to crawl out of the mother's body, it had to adapt as quickly as possible to a completely different environment from the one in the mother's body.

Zong Sili took out a cub-specific blanket and cub bed from the space, which he specially prepared after learning that Su Yan was pregnant. As for those prepared by Wu Zhu, he didn't worry about using them.

"It's a son. Our old Zong family has been male for three generations." Zong Sili put the little cub into the cub's bed first and coaxed him to sleep.

Then he looked at Su Yan...

His heart was particularly heavy because the moment Su Yan gave birth to the child, he discovered that she stopped breathing!

At that time, he felt that his heart also stopped beating.

He might have followed now if the sound of the cub struggling to get out of its afterbirth had not reminded him that there were more important things to do.

Just like his father back then, if he had to raise him, he would follow his mother and return to the embrace of the beast god.

"Yan Yan, you said you were faking your death, weren't you lying?"

Zong Sili's five fingers intertwined with Su Yan's, and he lowered his head to kiss her lips, using his own body temperature to warm her gradually cold body.

"Yan Yan..."

The tip of his tongue, hotter than fire, penetrated Su Yan's mouth, trying to arouse it to join him.

But Su Yan didn't react at all.

Zong Sili carefully recalled Su Yan's previous actions, bit by bit, from raw to bitter, and finally, hot tears fell one after another on Su Yan's face.

"Yan Yan, didn't you say you would wake up soon? Open your eyes and take a look at your son. What is his name? I haven't chosen him yet. You decide, okay?" Zong Sili's hoarse voice said, There was a deep sense of grief.

A young man with blue hair and blue eyes suddenly appeared in the room.

Looking at the desperate Zong Sili, he mocked: "You killed her!"

Zong Sili's back stiffened, and he slowly turned around. His eyes, which had turned red, were staring at Rong Wu, "Who do you think you are!"

Rong Wu grabbed the little deer Shu in the cub's bed and was surprised to see that the little deer Shu had six red tails. "In your clan, is there smoke coming from the ancestral graves?"

"Put him down!" Zong Sili exuded a strong murderous aura.

"Okay." Rong Wu suddenly raised his hand and Xiaolu Shu flew out of the window.

Zong Sili was shocked and immediately teleported to pick up his son.

However, when he hugged his son and turned back, he found that Rong Wu was gone.

Disappearing with him was Su Yan on the bed!

More updates are coming~Babies, please take your time~

Xiao Xuanzi suffered from gastroenteritis. She was so painful that she felt dizzy. The update at zero point was uncertain. Then the babies can take a look.

Special thanks to you for the rewards and the many votes. Xiao Xuanzi is so considerate and caring~~

(End of chapter)

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