Luo Yun's talent is indeed not weak. He can defeat bandits at a young age, and with the guidance of Koshiro, his future achievements can be imagined. It would be good if he could recruit a young genius to the revolutionary army in advance.

As for the sacrifice, it was just a small favor as mentioned. This favor was worth it in Long's eyes.

Luo Yun felt that he had made a lot of money, and Long also felt that he had made a lot of money. The two were calculating secretly like two old foxes, and they were very satisfied in their hearts. It can be said that everyone was happy.

The food was quickly moved, and Long and other revolutionary troops did not stay too long. They said goodbye for a while and asked Luo Yun to express gratitude to Koushiro. Long and others left the port by boat.

Luo Yun and the others also drove the carriage out of the abandoned port after the dragon's ship disappeared into the darkness.

It was a very important opportunity to meet Long this time, but because of his age, Luo Yun was unable to do many things and could only watch Long and the others leave.

Coming to the world of One Piece, Luo Yun always hoped that time would slow down to give him time to become stronger, but today, Luo Yun suddenly discovered that being young is not a good thing. In many ways, strength can be found in ways, such as taking devil fruits... At a young age, there is nothing you can do.

Not to mention Luo Yun's sigh, on the ship, Ivankov walked out of the room sweating profusely and came behind the bow dragon

"how?"Long asked

"Everything that needs to be done is done, it just depends on whether he can get through it next." Ivankov wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked:"By the way, where is this little boy from, and where have you been wandering around?"

Long looked up at the sea in front of him and replied calmly:"I went to visit the celebration of the world's nobles. This little boy was rescued from the Celestial Dragons."


Ivankov exclaimed, and then said angrily:"How could you go to that place without telling me?"

"It would be so conspicuous if you were there!"Long said.

Ivankov was speechless. This is true, but this is not the reason for you to act alone without permission. You didn't even say a word and just left. Suddenly

, Ivankov blinked. , he only now realized the information revealed in the second half of the sentence.

Then he shouted in shock:"Wait a minute, Long, you mean to confront the Tianlong people!"

"The Tianlong people did not, they just killed two CP0s." Long's tone was calm, as if the death of the two CP0s was like squeezing two ants to death casually in his eyes.

"ah! Ivankov covered his head with his hands and screamed. He ran to Long and couldn't hide the anger in his heart and shouted:"Long, you will expose us in advance. Killing two CP0s will have no less impact than killing one Celestial Dragon. The world The government will definitely mobilize all its forces to investigate, and we won’t be able to hide it for long by then. How could you do such a stupid thing?"

Seeing Ivankov angrily scolding Long, the revolutionary soldiers who walked over curiously from behind quickly glanced at others. place, these two big guys act like this every two days, pretending to be invisible. Ivankov is angry for a reason. The revolutionary army is still too small at this stage. Facing a behemoth like the World Government, it will be destroyed at any time. The danger.

Dragon's behavior of killing cp0 is tantamount to putting the revolutionary army in the flames. Before the revolutionary army has sufficient strength, such behavior is likely to plunge the revolutionary army into a situation of destruction.

Of course Ivankov is angry He was not only angry but also strange. Long had always been calm and calm, but this time he did such a thing.

Looking at the eager and angry companions in front of him, Long smiled faintly, did not reply to Ivankov's words, and turned to look behind him Many cadres and elites of the revolutionary army

"When I visited the celebration of the Celestial Dragons this time, I only felt shocked. I always thought that the aristocratic rule headed by the Celestial Dragons was only full of oppression, but today I discovered that they are more than that. There is only one kind of person in their eyes...nobles!

We must gather all the power we can muster, and it is up to us to ignite the flame of revolution, overthrow the unequal rule of the Celestial Dragons who dominate the world government, and give the world true freedom and peace!"

There was a brief pause, followed by excited cheers. The revolutionary soldiers on the deck waved their arms and shouted excitedly.

Years later!

Who would have thought that the flame of revolution was first ignited on this ship floating on the sea? Then it caught fire and started a prairie fire, igniting the world in just over ten years, overthrowing the world government dominated by the Celestial Dragons in one fell swoop, thereby achieving eight hundred years of rule.

"Set sail and return to Bardigo!"

"He can walk again and seems to be recovering well."

When he walked into the yard, Luo Yun saw Robin who was recovering from his injury and smiled.

Robin smiled back and said,"Thanks to your medicine, it's very effective. , it will take another two or three days to fully recover."

"Don't thank me, I'm just a medicine delivery person. If you want to thank you, go and thank my master."

Luo Yun waved his hand and said with a smile that he didn't want to take the credit.

It's been a week since Long and the others left, and everything has changed. Back to normal, as usual.

The only difference is that Robin is temporarily living in the dojo. However, Robin has been staying alone in the courtyard these days, either reading in the room or sunbathing too far in the courtyard..

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