After eating and drinking, Luo Jiu returned to his room early to meditate.

Clo, who had drunk a few more cups of tiger bone wine, was as red as a monkey's butt. He staggered off the Xiaoyao alone.

Just as he was about to hit the ground face first, Clo's body suddenly spun like a cat.

With a"click", Clo landed steadily:"Burp~, it seems that good wine can't be drunk too much... My shoes are dirty."

After saying that, Clo took out a handkerchief, whistled and wiped off the mud splashed on his leather shoes

"That's all. I remember this is the way to the bathhouse, right?"

After polishing his shoes to a shine and dressing himself in a handsome blue tuxedo, Clo left the port of Lubnil.

Clo had originally wanted to go to the bathhouse to sober up and relax, but after walking around for half an hour, he got lost in a residential area.

Clo staggered and knocked over a trash can, and the noise irritated the residents. Suddenly, a thin young man opened the window and started swearing at Clo.

"Which bastard is not sleeping so late at night?���"What are you doing there?! I'm already annoyed, and you're not going to let me sleep!"

Perhaps it was because the garbage smell was too strong that Cloe sobered up a lot. He got up from the garbage dump, simply patted the dirt off his clothes, pinched his nose and bowed towards the residential building, saying:"Ah... I'm very sorry!"

The skinny guy was already unhappy, and when he saw Cloe, who looked even more handsome than him, he was even more unhappy. He spit and cursed:"Apologize? Is an apology useful? You pretty boy……"


Suddenly, a slap sent the thin guy flying 360 degrees. He felt dizzy and his cheeks were burning with pain.

Looking at the huge body in front of him, the thin guy was in disbelief. He covered his face and asked tremblingly:"What do you mean by hitting me?"

"I... I don't allow you to scold him!" A sweet little girl's voice came out. He is obviously the person next to me, it's fine if you don't help me, but why do you help outsiders?


Could this be a betrayal? Thinking of this, the thin young man was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted.

""Ah? Honey, what's wrong with you? Say something~!"

Just hearing this voice, Clo's body felt numb. He quickly activated his observation Haki to look at the person who made the sound:"Ah! What a beautiful voice, let me see……"

"Ah... this... wow……"Suddenly, Clo felt his stomach churn and he vomited all his dinner. At that moment, his world was about to collapse.

"Is this God's punishment for me? It hurts... so much!"

"I want a pair of unpolluted eyes."

At this time, Cloe regretted having Observation Haki. The scene in front of him made him want to commit suicide.

Cloe thought it was some super beauty, but what he met was a top-notch beauty with a figure like Bo Gang and a voice like Shao Luo. The key is... she has a lot of hair.

This fat loli kept pushing the thin guy. If you don't know, you might think it was a wild boar attacking humans.

Seeing that the thin guy didn't wake up, the fat loli threw him away casually, and she set her sights on Cloe.

"Forget about not waking up, there's a handsome guy down there?"

After saying that, the fat girl put one foot on the window, pretending to jump down, and she was slurping saliva like crazy.

Seeing this horrible scene, Clo was sobered up by the shock. He didn't even have the mood to go to the bathhouse anymore. Now he just wanted to go home.

"Wild... wild boars are going to eat people!" Before he finished speaking, Clo stumbled and ran away.

He looked back as he ran, and it was obvious that Clo was really scared.

"Phew~ Fortunately, it’s okay." Seeing that the fat loli was stuck at the window and couldn’t get out, Clo was relieved and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I can't move...Handsome boy, help me~" The fat loli also realized that she was stuck. Her face was slightly red, and she begged for help shyly.

Maybe this fat loli thought she was so cute, but this scene was a thunderbolt in Clo's eyes.

How dare she...she dared! It was outrageous, this was simply a wild boar shy.

Fortunately, Clo had vomited his dinner just now, otherwise he would have been controlled for several seconds.

"This is none of my business! You climbed up there by yourself... Fat Auntie, you can have fun by yourself, I'm leaving first." Cloe

's instinct told him that this fat woman must be cheating, so he decided to slip away first.

As expected by Cloe, within a few seconds, this fat girl got angry:"Fat Auntie? Who do you say is Fat Auntie?"

""Hmm... Hey... Ha!" The fat girl grabbed the wall with both hands, and once she exerted force, the whole window began to shake.

Suddenly, the window could not bear the weight, and half of the second floor burst open, followed by the sound of a huge object falling to the ground.

A dark and fat figure moved slowly in the smoke and dust:"I didn't say you can go! Little handsome boy~!!"

Through the smoke and dust, Clo saw a pair of scarlet eyes, which he had only seen on wild beasts at night.

Seeing this, Clo slowly put on the Ten Blades Cat Claws, he took a defensive posture and said seriously:

"The voice has become rougher and the shape has changed greatly. Is he an animal-type devil fruit user? Interesting……"

When the smoke cleared, the fat girl had changed drastically. She had turned into a half-human, half-pig monster.

"To be honest, I hate using this form the most, and you forced me to do it... In return, I will ravage you, little handsome boy!!"

""Pig rush!!"

The fat loli got on all fours and aimed at Clo's position. She immediately rolled herself into a meat ball, first rolling around to increase her speed, and then rushed towards Clo at high speed.

Clo immediately felt numb all over after resisting the fat loli's attack.

"I bumped into it! So disgusting!!"

He never expected that this fat loli had smuggled something with her. She just rolled into the garbage dump.

"Get out of my way! You fat bastard!"Klo kicked the fat girl away and quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe off the sticky dirt in his hand.

"No one should have seen it, right? It makes me sick……"

Cloe's miserable scene was seen by a thin dog in the dark, and it humbly ran away with its tail between its legs.

Just when it was congratulating itself for knowing the situation, it accidentally stepped on a wine bottle.

In the silent night, the sound of the wine bottle turning was still quite loud, and it was obvious that the thin dog also realized the seriousness of the problem.

It quickly turned around and looked behind it, but fortunately it didn't see the figure. Just when the thin dog thought Cloe had left and closed his eyes to breathe a sigh of relief, a human voice came from behind it.:

"A thin dog?"

The frightened thin dog immediately crawled on the ground.

The figure was naturally Cloe. He took action immediately after hearing the noise, but he didn't expect it was just a dog.

But at this time Cloe asked inexplicably:"Hey! Tell me what you saw just now?"

Cloe didn't know why he asked these questions. Maybe he was too suspicious, or maybe the dog made him feel a little familiar.

Cloe shook his head, and just as he took the cat's paw and was about to leave, the thin dog spoke.

"No, no, I didn't see anything! Please don't kill me!!" It kowtowed desperately and begged for mercy.

Cloe smiled evilly:"Huh? The dog talked? I didn't expect there would be such a special gain."

The thin dog reacted and barked hurriedly, trying to get away with it.

But how could Cloe let it leave? He just grabbed its head and subdued it physically. More than ten minutes later, Cloe left the naval branch on the island with a smile on his face. This time, he made a lot of money with just a move of his little hand.

It's true that you can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't measure the sea by a bucket. Cloe almost made a mistake. He didn't expect that the fat loli and the skinny guy would let him get a full 20 million Baileys for free.

Cloe threw Baileys with one hand and whistled happily:"The navy is really rich! Now I have a new suit to wear.……"


On the way back to the port, Clo suddenly smelled a pungent smell of blood.

Relying on the night vision ability of the cat's eye, Clo followed the blood trail all the way to the outside of the city. The scene in front of him made Clo blush.

He was almost blinded by a pair of white legs. He didn't expect that the white legs under the moonlight would be so lethal.

Clo was instantly fascinated, and he didn't even know that the 20 million Baileys in his hand had slipped out of his hand.

The Bailey slipped into the water, and this movement instantly attracted the attention of the woman by the water. She held the scimitar and said vigilantly:"Who is there!"

Clo knew that he had done something wrong, and he hurriedly raised his hands in surrender and said:"Sorry... I didn't mean to peek……"

Seeing that the pursuers were not the king's army, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground with a groan.

Cloe rubbed his hair frantically, as if he was having a difficult psychological struggle.

Due to excessive blood loss, the woman was no longer able to hold on. She was betting that Cloe was a good person, and fortunately she was right.

Cloe first picked up Bailey, then picked up the woman and ran to the port of Lubnil.

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