The person who knew Sabo on the street that day was actually Sabo's father, Outluk III. He sent people to pursue him but to no avail, so he entrusted the matter to the Sapphire Pirates.

After receiving the commission, Blue Gem, the leader of the Sapphire Pirates, immediately sent people to the mountain to look for him.

For several days, Luo Jiu still couldn't find the ship he wanted. Those ships were either too small, too poor in quality, or too expensive.

The bandits wanted to help Luo Jiu build a ship, but they were bandits, had no experience, and were just powerless.

Luo Jiu is now lying on the grass, fantasizing whether God will take pity on him and give him a big ship.

Suddenly, Dogura brought bad news that Sabo was captured by pirates. When

Luo Jiu heard it, the pirate group? Then there must be a pirate ship. Isn't this God feeding?

Stepping on the left foot... No, Luo Jiu rushed down the mountain with the moon step. Dogura thought that Luo Jiu was eager to protect his brother, and immediately called the bandits down the mountain.

Two hours ago, the daily routine of black eating black was staged in the garbage mountain.

Ace and his friends snatched the treasure from others. They were preparing to go out to sea and save money to buy a boat.

When they were escaping, they were discovered by a group of pirates. The pirates secretly followed them and happened to find that Sabo was the person they were looking for.

Ace actually knew that someone was secretly following them, and discussed with Sabo and Luffy to make another fortune.

They led the pirates into the forest and tried to use the traps they set to eat them.

But Ace and his friends still miscalculated. The pirates were in large numbers and were adults. They caught Luffy and threatened Ace and Sabo.

Ace and Sabo had to obey and exchange the treasure to Luffy. As a result, the pirates did not follow the moral principles of martial arts, sneaked up on Ace, and beat Ace and Luffy again.

When they heard that their main task was to find Sabo, Sabo threatened to die to save Ace and Luffy.

Luffy and his friends originally wanted to save Sabo, but they met Bluedgem. After being recognized, Ace and his friends' previous robbery of treasure was also discovered.

Bluedgem set a fire in the garbage mountain and sat aside to let his men interrogate Luffy and his friends.

Ace was stepped on the ground, and Luffy was hung up and beaten

"Damn you little brat!"

"Tell me where the treasure is!"


No matter how the pirates punched and kicked, Ace and the others just kept silent and stared at them fiercely.

The pirates felt insulted that they couldn't even handle a child, and they continued to beat Luffy and Ace with more force.

"Die~!" A pirate got angry and swung his knife to kill Luffy.

"Luffy!"Ace's eyes widened with anger, and a domineering aura burst out of his small body.

Most of the pirates' eyes turned white and fainted. As a captain, Bluejam did not faint, but he was sweating profusely.

Although Bluejam was a pirate, he was only a low-level pirate who had never even been to the Grand Line. He could only bully others in the East China Sea. He didn't know what was going on in this situation, but was just afraid instinctively.

"What happened?"

Bluezeam slashed at Ace with a knife:"Did you do it, little brat?"

Although he didn't know what happened, the fear in his heart made him instinctively attack the person in front of him.

Luo Jiu was originally flying in the air, and found that Luffy and the others were captured by pirates again. Thinking of giving Luffy and the others a little training, he didn't go down.

When Sabo was captured and Luffy was on the verge of life and death, Ace awakened the power hidden in his body, the Conqueror's Haki that only one in millions of people has.

Although Ace's Conqueror's Haki cleared most of the small fish, it was just awakened after all, and it was not good enough to clear Bluezeam.

""Rain kick!"

Just as Bluejam was about to make a move, Luo Jiu kicked Bluejam's head with a storm kick, and the head fell next to Ace.

Luo Jiu untied the rope that bound Luffy and praised Ace.:

"Ace, you did a great job."

Ace didn't know what happened just now, looking at the pirates who fainted around him.

"What is this? I did this?"

Luo Jiu nodded and gave Esco a brief introduction to the power system of the pirate world.

"So, what was just now was Conqueror's Haki?"

Ace was not too happy, and told Luo Jiu about Sabo's capture.

At this time, Dadan and the others arrived, and Luo Jiu asked them to take care of Ace and Luffy, and he went to rescue Sabo himself.

"Dadan, take Ace and the others away first, they are injured."

"Leave Sabo's matter to me."

Ace did not agree. He also wanted to save Sabo. Luo Jiu gave him a knife and knocked Ace unconscious.

"Dadan, take them away quickly."Luo Jiu slashed through the sea of fire and opened a passage. He did not stop slashing and crashed into the mountain.

"Bang, bang, bang~"Several huge trees fell down

"Sorry, I used a little too much strength."

Dadan knew that he couldn't do anything, so he could only pray that Luo Jiu would succeed.

"I understand, Luo Jiu, you have to be careful too."Dadan carried Ace and Luffy and left through the passage.

Luo Jiu flew into the air and an explosion sounded.

""Bang!" Luo Jiu was still a step too late. The boat driven by Sabo had been bombarded by the Celestial Dragons, and the wreckage of the boat was floating on the sea.

Luo Jiu flew downstream and saw a man in a dark green robe fishing something out of the water. There were two people following him. One of them was a huge figure like a bear, and the other had an absurdly large head.

"Uncle, that guy is my brother." Luo Jiu pointed at the man who had just been picked up by the uncle in the dark green robe.

"Your brother?" Long handed Sabo over to his men for treatment and looked at Luo Jiu who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yes, he is my brother."

"What do you think of my brother? The world's most vicious criminal, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long."

Long's eyes were startled, and so were the bear and the demon king behind him.

The power of the revolutionary army is still relatively weak, far from being known to the world.

His purpose of coming back to the Kingdom of Goa this time is to spread the ideas of the revolutionary army to those who are uncertain about their final destination, and absorb them to strengthen the power of the revolutionary army.

Facing someone who suddenly appeared, and who knew his identity, he was a little surprised:"You know me?"

"Well, can we change the conversation?

Long nodded, and the revolutionary army retreated to the ship.

"Is it ok?"

"Tell me, what else do you know?"

Luo Jiu nodded and said that he is now Garp's student, and these are all what Garp told him.

Of course, Long didn't completely believe it, but when it comes to Garp, he remembered that Garp once said that he sent Luffy to a mountain to live with several picked up children.

Long asked with half belief and half doubt:"Are you the child picked up by Garp?"

Luo Jiu was silent for a moment. Garp was his savior. Although it was Roger who asked Garp to take care of him, it was almost the same to say that he was picked up, because Garp didn't know how to take care of children.

"I guess so. By the way, Mr. Long, aren't you going to see Luffy?"

Luffy" Long silently said,"No, I'm a failed father. I'll leave Luffy in your care."

Long has a bigger goal. For the sake of the revolution, he can only put aside his family affection.

Sabo was seriously injured, and Luo Jiu entrusted Sabo to Long. At present, only Ivankov can save Sabo.

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