The bar owner noticed Luo Jiu's ambition. In his eyes, Luo Jiu and Roger overlapped.

The bar owner murmured:"Luo Jiu? Roger? What a coincidence."

Then, the bar owner walked into the hut:"Young man, wait for me a moment."

Luo Jiu noticed that the Black Soul was a little excited today, as if it had noticed something. After the owner left, the Black Soul became more impatient.

""Quiet!" Luo Jiu held the black soul tightly, and continued to drink the sweet wine after the black soul calmed down.

The bar owner searched in the hut, opened the secret compartment, and took out something wrapped in a cloth strip:"Found it."

The bar owner put the thing on the table, untied the cloth strip, and inside was a gorgeous golden box.

"" Boss, what is this?" Luo Jiu put down his glass and leaned forward to take a look.

The bar owner raised his mouth and said with a smile:"Don't you want to see it? Inside is Roger's sword!!"

Luo Jiu was shocked and said loudly:"What!! Roger's sword, the supreme sword Ace is in your hands!"

Could it be that Roger has no money to buy wine and is buying the sword on credit? That's not right, Roger is the Pirate King after all, it's impossible for him to be so down and out.

""Hush, keep your voice down." The bar owner motioned Luo Jiu to be quiet.

Luo Jiu calmed down, and found no one else nearby with his Observation Haki:"Is everything okay? There is no one else nearby."

The bar owner took out his sword, carefully wiped the fine dust off the scabbard, and couldn't help looking back on the past, tears welling up in his eyes.:

"Roger gave me this knife ten years ago. He said that someone might come to take it in the future, and then Roger turned himself in."

The bar owner handed the knife to Luo Jiu, his eyes sharp:"Are you the one he is waiting for? Prove it to me." Is the one Roger the Pirate King waiting for? There is no one else except the Liberator Joy Boy.

"I don't care who Roger is waiting for, I am who I am!"Luo Jiu took the saber, drew out the blade, and observed the supreme sword Ace, which was a Western saber with a golden handle.

"Not bad, this sword."

Although it has not been unsheathed for ten years, Ace is a supreme sword, and it was used by Pirate King Roger. Luo Jiu felt a slight domineering aura from the sword.

"Who is it? A familiar breath, is it Roger?"A third voice came faintly from the bar with only two people.

Luo Jiu's eyes widened:"Is it an illusion? No! It's the famous sword Ace!"

The demon sword Black Soul also erupted in intense restlessness, and Luo Jiu had to pull out Black Soul. At this time, Luo Jiu held the famous sword Ace in his left hand and the demon sword Black Soul in his right hand.

"Is this what you noticed? The dark soul?"Luo Jiu crossed the two knives.

The bar owner handed the golden box to Luo Jiu:"Are you the one Roger is waiting for? Please accept it together."

Luo Jiu did not take the box, but asked the bar owner:"I am not Joy Boy, are you sure you don't want to wait any longer?" Luo Jiu did not eat the Nika fruit, he is not the liberation fighter Joy Boy, he does not know whether this variable will affect Roger's plan.

The bar owner also saw the movement made by the famous sword Ace just now. Although Roger surrendered, his spirit will live forever.

"Just accept it with confidence and leave everything to fate! I think Roger would definitely say the same thing."The bar owner stuffed the golden box directly to Luo Jiu.

This time Luo Jiu did not resist and accepted the box:"Then I'll accept it. It's no use for you to regret it later."

This was something the boss insisted on giving. It had nothing to do with Luo Jiu. Even if Joy Boy came in person later, Luo Jiu would not let go.

Counting the time, Carl and the others should have gone back. Luo Jiu left money for the wine and said goodbye to the bar owner:"Boss, I should go. The sweet wine is delicious."

After Luo Jiu left, the boss said mysteriously:"Maybe the person Roger is waiting for is not Joy Boy?"

Luo Jiu held the box and walked in the narrow alley. It seemed that gangsters lived around here.

I don't know if Luo Jiu was lucky or the gangsters were lucky, they didn't meet

"I thought there were some gangsters? Forget it, let's leave first."Luo Jiu put the box into the space, and he carried two knives with him.

Now with two knives on him, Luo Jiu also considered whether to practice the dual-sword style.

In the end, Luo Jiu decided to practice. He believed that with Xiao Hei's help, he should be able to master the dual-sword style soon, and it is always better to have more skills.

As he walked, it seemed that he went the wrong way, and he came to the Rogue Town Square.

In the square, people were having fun, and seemed to have forgotten that this was the execution place of the Pirate King.

Luo Jiu walked to the huge execution platform, looked up, he seemed to see Roger on the execution platform in the past:"Is it an illusion?"

"Want a drink? I'll give it all to you."Luo Jiu rubbed his eyes and poured the remaining sweet wine on the ground as a toast to Roger.

A gust of wind blew by, and the execution platform shook slightly, perhaps because it had been placed for too long. However, Luo Jiu took this shaking as Roger's thanks.

"You're welcome. After all, I took your knife, hahahaha!"Luo Jiu touched the famous knife Ace and walked away slowly.

Somewhere in the square of Rogue Town, a man in a black robe stared at Luo Jiu with a big white teeth smile on his face. He suddenly disappeared before Luo Jiu's eyes swept over him.

"Strange, it seemed like someone was staring at me just now? Could it be Roger's ghost?"The smile on Luo Jiu's face gradually disappeared. Luo

Jiu looked around and didn't find any suspicious people. He shook his head and said,"I just scared myself."

This time Luo Jiu didn't get lost and went straight back to the ship.

On the deck, Clo changed into a new suit, and the whole person looked more gentlemanly, but it was a pity that he had food in his mouth and was not so elegant.

""Captain Luo Jiu, you're back. Would you like something to eat?" Kro stood up to greet Luo Jiu and handed him a pig's head.

"No, where's Carl?"Luo Jiu waved his hand to refuse.

It was really strange that Carl was not in the snack room.

Clo swallowed the meat and replied:"You mean Carl, he bought the logbook at the grocery store and is studying it in his cabin."

"I see, it's rare for him to do something serious." Carl finally did something serious, Luo Jiu was very relieved.

Luo Jiu handed the map he got from Shapi to Clo:"Let's set sail, go fishing first, and then we'll go to the North Sea to have some fun."

"Oh, elephant tuna? I see."Kro turned over the map and chose the nearest fishing spot.

Ever since Kro showed his fishing skills in front of Luo Jiu, he became a fishing master. The fishing master of the adventure group was really a peculiar thing. Kro went to drive the boat, and Carl went to read the logbook. Only Luo Jiu and Xiao Hei were left on the deck.

"Xiao Hei, come and play."Luo Jiu raised his mouth and walked towards Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei shuddered immediately. He looked back and saw Luo Jiu's mouth raised, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"What...what are you doing? Boss Luojiu, the weather is so nice, how about we get some fresh air and some sun?" Xiao Hei said as he backed away.

When Xiao Hei backed away and touched the familiar door, he knew he was doomed. Xiao Hei scratched the deck with his claws:"No! Let me go!"

"It's okay, it will be quick. Luo Jiu kicked Xiao Hei in and followed him.

In the alley, a man in a black robe entered a small bar.

""Boss, please give me a glass of rum, no, just a bottle will do."

The bar owner was still reminiscing when he was suddenly interrupted. He unhappily went to the shelf to get the rum.

""Bang!" The bottle in the bar owner's hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

The bar owner was shocked:" are……"

The man in black interrupted the bar owner and said,"Shh, I said I won't die."

"Ah~, rum is still as delicious as before. Sorry, I have to drink it all this time." The man in black robe picked up the bottle that fell on the ground.

Fortunately, it was a wooden board and the bottle was not broken, otherwise the good wine would be wasted.

The bar owner was also very happy to see an old friend:"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. My bar business will depend on you in the future."……"

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