Luo Jiu was in a trance, and felt that there was a figure in front of him waving at him. Luo Jiu walked towards him uncontrollably, and the figure in front of him raised his mouth.

"Yes, that's right, come here quickly... I... I can't wait any longer." The figure bewitched Luo Jiu.

The figure gradually grew larger, and horns, wings and tails slowly grew on its body. It soon turned into a pale demon with a pair of red eyes.

The demon's long tongue curled in the air, swallowing saliva, as if waiting for delicious food.

The demon only cared about Luo Jiu and didn't pay any attention to the changes in the surrounding space. The lifeless pale space was slowly covered by a faint blue light.

"Hmm~ I can already smell the strong power of time and space. I wonder who can stop me this time!!"

The demon opened its mouth wide, waiting for Luo Jiu to walk in.

When it was about to enjoy the delicious food, a faint blue light covered the pale space.

"" Snap!" A sound of snapping fingers appeared in the quiet space.

The dazzling blue light spread all around, and the whole body of the space-time demon was frozen, leaving only two eyes spinning wildly.

A hand patted Luo Jiu's shoulder from behind:"Wake up!"

Luo Jiu's eyes were clear, and when he opened his eyes and saw the ugly demon in front of him, he hurriedly stepped back.

Luo Jiu looked at the silver-haired Luo Jiu:"Where is this place? And that monster, and are you my future self?"

"Oh, we meet again. I'll explain it to you later. Now, let me deal with this rat first."Silver-haired Luo Jiu shook his hands, looking like he was itching to do it.

"You can't run away now, right? Space-time demon... Yita! Anything to say?"Silver-haired Luo Jiu snapped his fingers and released the mouth of the space-time demon.

The demon felt his mouth loosen and immediately cursed:"Damn Luo Jiu!! Aren't you dead?!"

"why why!!"

"How can you fix it! How can you fix it! You should be dead, I clearly saw you disappear……"

""Shut up!!" Another snap of fingers.

The devil Yita's stinky mouth disappeared, and half of his face seemed to be torn off by something.

The devil Yita did not make any sound, but his eyes were wide open, as if he was shocked.

"Watch out, Luo Jiu, I'll show you a little more of my skills."

Silver-haired Luo Jiu opened his hands, and two forces burst out from his palms, one blue and white, and one purple and red, entwined into a ball, spinning at high speed like a yin-yang diagram.

"Space-time demon? Now! Removed!!"Silver-haired Luo Jiu slapped the light ball on the head of the space-time demon Yita and shouted:"Peel off!!!"

The eyes of the space-time demon changed between panic, unwillingness and fear at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it did not turn into regret until the whole body became smaller. It was still too impatient.

Finally, there was a handful of yellow soil on the ground, and the space-time demon had been sucked dry.

Silver-haired Luo Jiu separated the light balls, just like breaking an apple, and the light balls gathered into pure time and space power in his two hands.

Silver-haired Luo Jiu walked up to Luo Jiu:"Come on, absorb them, this is a great tonic."

Luo Jiu stretched out his hand to take it. The two light balls seemed to have life, and they jumped directly out of the palm of the silver-haired Luo Jiu's hand and drilled into Luo Jiu's body.

Luo Jiu felt warm in his body. The storage limit of the power of time and space was increased, and the quality was also improved.

Luo Jiu estimated that it should have increased a hundred times, because after the increase, he felt a little empty in his body.

""Virtual", it doesn't exist. Luo Jiu dismissed the unlucky thoughts, and then stared at the silver-haired Luo Jiu:"You are not dead at all, are these all your arrangements?"

"That's right, the future is too boring. If there is no fun, I can only create fun for myself." Silver-haired Luo Jiu conjured up an armchair and slumped on it.

Luo Jiu also imitated silver-haired Luo Jiu, took out the armchair, lay on it and asked:"Have you been as leisurely as you are now during this period?"

Silver-haired Luo Jiu drank juice and answered seriously:"No, I can also fish."

"Fishing? Like just now, you use me as bait, right?" Luo Jiu stood up and questioned.

From what happened just now, it was obvious that the fish was the space-time demon, and Luo Jiu could only be the bait. Luo

Jiu sorted everything out. He took a lot of supplements every day and didn't consume any energy, so how could he be weak? It was all the fault of the silver-haired Luo Jiu.

The silver-haired man spread his hands, looking as if it was none of his business:"I can't help it. It's all because Yita can run too fast. I don't have time to search through space and time one by one. It just so happens that I have you as bait. It would be a pity not to use it for fishing."

The silver-haired Luo Jiu stared at Luo Jiu with sharp eyes:"By the way, the space-time power you absorbed just now was from it. It's a compensation for you. Even if it's only half of its power, it should be able to awaken you."

"Awaken? How to do it?"Hearing that he could awaken, Luo Jiu could only let the silver-haired Luo Jiu go first.

It was definitely not that he couldn't beat the silver-haired Luo Jiu, but he also wanted to fish, and he also wanted to learn from the silver-haired Luo Jiu to be a fisherman.

Although the big fish has been caught, Luo Jiu can still go fishing for small fish, fishing for the devil hidden in the devil fruit, it's interesting to think about it.

The silver-haired Luo Jiu stretched out his hand:"Give me your hand."

Luo Jiu hesitated and didn't reach out his hand. Although it was his future self, it was a little strange.

"You're so annoying! Go away!"Silver-haired Luo Jiu was impatient and threw a ball of light at his face.

"I'll give you all this garbage." Silver-haired Luo Jiu threw some more light balls like throwing paper balls, and they just happened to hit Luo Jiu's handsome face. The light balls hit his face, and Luo Jiu slept peacefully on the armchair, absorbing the experience that appeared inexplicably.

Silver-haired Luo Jiu put on a familiar black robe and entered the space-time crack.

Through the space-time crack, you can see that the world on the other side seems to be riddled with holes, and the whole picture looks dead. Some deformed and perverted black creatures are still devouring each other.

In the last second, the monsters were still devouring each other, and in the next second, they were directly crushed by the meteors in the sky.

Luo Jiu again...���When I woke up, I felt full of strength and found myself not on a chair, but on a white bed.

"Where is this?"

"You're awake, wait a minute, I'll get you something to eat." Lu Jiu trotted away and entered the kitchen.

He looked at everything around him, and a sense of familiarity arose spontaneously. Except for the fact that a few people were missing, everything else looked exactly the same as what Luo Jiu saw when he just opened his eyes.

Luo Jiu whispered:"So it's... my hometown?"

By the way, this is Luo Jiu's first time back to his hometown.

Not long after, Lu Jiu came in with porridge and some fruits.

Luo Jiu took the steaming porridge, and under Lu Jiu's shocked gaze, he scooped a spoonful directly into his mouth.

He had never dreamed of such a thing, and he didn't expect to be able to taste the meal made by his mother. Luo Jiu couldn't help crying.

"Are you...are you okay? Aren't you afraid of the heat?" Lu Jiu put down the fruit. Apart from Luo Jie, she had never seen such a reckless person. Is there really someone who is not afraid of heat?

Luo Jiu said stubbornly:"It's not hot!"

Lu Jiu stared at Luo Jiu with suspicion:"Really?"

"It's really not hot. Eating this delicious porridge, I just thought of my mother.……"

Lu Jiu suddenly had a strange idea and asked:"What about your mother?"

"She...she……"Luo Jiu didn't dare to look into Lu Jiu's eyes, and spoke more and more quietly.

Seeing Luo Jiu's unwilling look, Lu Jiu also realized that she was a little unreasonable, and she apologized:"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask nonsense."

Luo Jiu quickly put down the bowl, waved her hand and said:"You don't have to apologize, it's my own problem."

Then, Luo Jiu finished the porridge made by Lu Jiu, touched her head and asked:"Can I drink more?"

Watching Luo Jiu eating, Lu Jiu felt relieved and happy. She showed a loving smile and said happily:"Of course!"

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