Back on the adventure ship, Luo Jiu posted the secretly taken photos on the deck, which was a must-go place for Carl and Clo when they went out. Luo Jiu believed that they would like them.

Taking off his bathrobe, Luo Jiu went into the bathroom. When he came out, it was late at night. If he didn't sleep, his hair would fall out, so Luo Jiu also fell asleep.

The next morning, the sea was filled with fog. With the appearance of fog, the sunlight took shape. Beams of light passed through the fog and shone on the sea. This is the famous Tyndall effect. In the North Sea port of Kurz, Carl and Clo's exclamations spread throughout the port:"Ah!! What is this! Who took the secretly taken photos?!!"

"I know! It must be Luo Jiu!! Damn it~!"

Although the noisy sound was a bit of a spoiler, Luo Jiu smiled with relief when he heard their voices.

The two angrily found Luo Jiu, holding up the philosophical photo, trying to get an explanation:"Damn it! Did you take this?! Luo Jiu!!"

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?"Luo Jiu picked his nose and ate a few bites of meat from time to time.

" How could I possibly like it?!" Carl and Clo tore up the photo angrily and rushed to Luo Jiu:"You guy! You did it on purpose!"

Luo Jiu bit the meat and did a 360-degree backflip, easily avoiding the attack of the two. After swallowing the meat, he waved his hands and said:"Don't worry about it, breakfast...yes, let's have breakfast first!"

""Gurgle~Gurgle~" Hearing about breakfast, Carl and Clo's stomachs began to growl. They blushed and said,"Hmph, okay, I'll forgive you this time."

The two picked up the meat and ate it with big mouthfuls, looking very satisfied. They had been drinking all day yesterday and didn't eat much food at all.

After eating, Carl and Clo also recalled the stupid things they had done yesterday. They were too embarrassed to see anyone, so they all hid in their rooms.

Luo Jiu asked Xiao Hei to clean up, and he planned to buy some books to read.

Jumping from the bow, Luo Jiu landed safely, and also saw Rossinandi at the harbor.

Luo Jiu walked over and greeted him,"Hey, Rossi, good morning! Where's Luo?"

"Good morning, Commander Luo Jiu." Luo Xinandi replied briefly, then lit a cigarette and said:"Luo... ran away"

"Ran away? Why? And you were careless again." Luo Jiu pointed at the burning black coat.

Rosinante put out the flames and exhaled a puff of smoke:"Luo hates the navy and the world government. After he knew I was a navy, he left angrily."

Luo Jiu casually glanced at the alley next to him and said:"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, the navy serves the world government. You should also know about the white town, right?"

Rosinante was silent for a moment, then nodded:"I... know"

"The"White Town" is Frevans, Luo's hometown.

Once upon a time, the people of this country were very rich, and the entire country was as white and flawless as the ice and snow country in the fairy tale world. It was a country that was as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

But now it no longer exists, because the World Government discovered a special mineral in Frevans' geology - amber lead.

This amber lead has a wide range of uses. It can not only be used to produce tableware, paint, sweet seasoning, cosmetics, but also to make"weapons".

"Although the"amber-lead ore" has high value, it can also poison the miners and cause"amber-lead disease". People with this disease will turn white and die painfully.

Because of the greed of the World Government and the royal family of Frevanle, not only did they conceal the fact of amber-lead, but they also forced civilians to mine. The toxins accumulated from generation to generation. By the time of Luo's generation, life expectancy had been greatly reduced.

When more and more people began to die, the World Government even declared that they were all infected with infectious diseases. People were eliminated as viruses, and in the end only Luo was left alive.

Is it right for the Navy to protect the World Government for its evil deeds? Rossinandi was a little disappointed. He couldn't help asking:"Captain Luo Jiu, is the Navy... really just?"

Some navy members are indeed quite just, but their boss is a pig, and in Luo Jiu's view, justice is not absolute, it should be relative.

"Justice? Leave this matter to Zhan Guo to worry about! As long as you have your own justice, Luo Xi!" Luo Jiu patted Luo Xinan Di's shoulder, and then shouted to the alley:"Aren't you coming out yet? Luo!!"

Hearing Luo Jiu's shouting, Luo Xinan Di looked over and saw Luo wearing a spotted fluffy basin hat. He couldn't help shouting:"Luo!"

Luo sobbed and said:"Mr. Cora, although I hate the navy! But I don't hate you!!"

Hearing Luo's answer, Luo Xinan Di smiled with relief. His efforts were not in vain. Luo still retained his humanity.

They had to separate after all. Luo Xinan Di said reluctantly:"Luo, I won't force you to join the navy. You just be a doctor honestly? How about it?"

Although he didn't want to be a navy, and he was a little reluctant to leave Luo Xinan Di, Luo still nodded.

Looking at the two people who seemed to be parting forever, Luo Jiu couldn't help but suggest:"Or, why don't you come and be an adventurer with me?"

Hearing what Luo Jiu said, Luo Xinandi felt that Luo Jiu was forcing him to leave, and he couldn't help asking:"But I am still a navy? And how come you are an adventurer?"

Luo Jiu touched his head:"Rossi, didn't I tell you? My main task is to patrol the sea and strictly investigate the corruption within the navy."

"Working under me is no different from being an adventurer. It's very easy. Besides, who says that navy soldiers can't be adventurers?……"

Luo Xinandi said loudly:"I never said that!"

In the end, Luo Xinandi still chose Luo. He did not join Luo Jiu's adventure group, but planned to set up an adventure group with Luo.

"Luo, I heard that your ancestors were all doctors, so I’ll give this to you." Luo Jiu threw a heart-shaped fruit to Luo.

Luo took the fruit, thanked Luo Jiu, and asked while holding the fruit:"Mr. Cora, what is this?"

Luo Xinanti opened his eyes wide and said in a rough voice:"We have been looking for many years... the surgery fruit!"

"The surgery fruit? What! The surgery fruit!!" Luo held the fruit and felt his hand inexplicably hot, and he almost slipped and dropped it on the ground.

This surgery fruit was one of the"garbage" left by the previous future Luo Jiu, and it was obtained after he deliberately"exorcised the devil", which means it has no side effects.

In that pile of"garbage", there was actually a rubber fruit, but those were just ordinary fruits without will.

Luo Jiu's behavior of cheating in front of him completely dumbfounded Luo Xinanti, and an idea suddenly emerged in his mind: Could Luo Jiu be the legendary god?

Rosinante stuttered and asked:"Commander Luo... Luo Jiu, are you really a human?"

"Of course I am a human. If I am not a human, then am I a god? Hahaha!!"

As soon as Luo Jiu finished speaking, there were a few flashes in the sky, followed by a series of thunderous explosions.

"Boom boom~!!"

Luo Jiu cursed subconsciously:"Oh my god, is this a punishment from heaven?"

The three of them were shocked. Luo Xinandi slipped and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, a heavy rain fell from the sky. Since it was raining, the matter of buying books had to be put on hold. Luo Jiu said goodbye to them briefly and returned to the adventure ship to take shelter from the rain.

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