Hearing the rustling of the grass nearby, Hancock, curious, slowly parted the grass.

The moment Hancock parted the grass, Sandasonia and Marigold immediately jumped out.

""Huh! I'm almost suffocating!"

Hancock jumped back in fright. She was like a cat with its fur standing on end.

"Eh?! Sanda Sonia? Marigold? You... why are you here?!"

Marigold apologized like a child who had done something wrong:"Hehe~, sister, we didn't mean to eavesdrop."


Sandasonia covered Marygorude's mouth and laughed awkwardly:"Sister, listen to my explanation. I said we didn't eavesdrop and didn't see anything. Do you believe it?"

"Ahaha! So shy!"

Hancock didn't expect that her sister saw everything just now. She covered her blushing face and ran away quickly.

""Sister, I'm sorry, please listen to our explanation!" Sanda Sonia and the other two chased Hancock.

After the three left, two more people emerged from another bush.

"Hmm, what a simple little girl, don't you think?"

"Yes, Stella~"


In the holy land of Marijoa, in a meeting room somewhere in Pangu City, five old men gathered. They were the top leaders of the world government - the Five Elders.

They had great power and strength, otherwise how could they be called the God of War?

From left to right, they are:

God of Agriculture, Shepard ten Peter Saint, he has blond hair and even his beard is golden, he wears a black suit without a tie, and there is a scar under his neck.

God of Finance, Izambaron·V·Saint Nasujuro, he wears a white Taoist robe, is a bald man, wears round-frame glasses, and holds a samurai sword in his hand.

Saint Topman Vochuli, the God of Law, wears a black suit, is a bald old man with two big mustaches and a birthmark on his forehead. Saint

Marcus Maz, the God of Environment, wears a black suit, has long straight white hair, and has three long white goatees. He looks a bit like a high-end version of the God of Sky Island, Sky Knight Gan Ful.

Finally, the God of Science Defense, Saint Jaygolucia Satan, likes to use a cane, wears a black suit, has white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, wears a noble flat hat, and has a scar near his left eye.

The God of Law, the bearded Saint Vouchuri, who occupied the C position, took out the report and threw it on the table:"According to the report of CP0, a pair of Celestial Dragons, father and son, have recently disappeared in Marijoa. What do you think?"

The Taoist Celestial Dragon knocked the samurai sword in his hand to the ground. He said disdainfully:"Missing? Humph, with their personalities, they probably sneaked to the ground again, right?"

The others nodded. In their opinion, most Celestial Dragons are indeed living a life of idleness and waiting to die, without any ambition.

However, as Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders can't do anything. After all, Im himself didn't say anything. Those Celestial Dragons without ambition should continue to be the stupid sons of the landlord. The bearded Saint Vouchuri nodded, but he thought about it and felt that it was not right.

Although ordinary Celestial Dragons are also arrogant and arrogant, they have one common characteristic, that is, they are afraid of death, or extremely afraid of death.

So he asked:"Without the protection of the CP organization and the navy, how can ordinary Celestial Dragons dare to run to the sea alone?"

"Do you think they have such courage?"

Saint Vouchuri said this not to look down on ordinary Celestial Dragons, he was just telling the truth. Arrogance and cowardice are indeed the portrayal of today's Celestial Dragons.

Although they are all Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders have lived long enough, and they don't have many concerns about today's Celestial Dragons.

They are well aware of the bad nature of today's Celestial Dragons, and naturally they don't associate courage with today's Celestial Dragons.

Maybe something really happened to the Celestial Dragons, but if it was in the holy land of Marijoa, nothing could escape Im's eyes.

Saint Satan was leaning on a cane, and he knocked on the ground a few times:"In that case...what does Lord Im have to say?"

The five people looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

Seeing that their colleagues were like this and had not received Im's instructions, the bearded Saint Vouchuri crumpled the report into a ball and threw it casually.

"Is that so? If that's the case, then we don't need to worry about this matter. Lord Yimu should know the situation himself."

The Five Elders didn't like trouble. Since Yimu didn't make any mandatory requirements, they could just slack off.

The blond, Taoist robe, long-haired and goateed Tianlong people all expressed their support.:



"It can only be this way"

"This... is fine." Since everyone else agreed, Satan could only obey the majority.


In the alien space, Luo Jiu and his group were eating grilled fish, grilled meat and the like.

Seeing Hancock gasping for air from the spiciness, Luo Jiu enthusiastically handed over the hot milk:"Here, if you feel it's spicy, drink some milk.""

"Oh...thank you." Hancock took the hot milk, took a sip, and her mouth was no longer so spicy:"Hmm~, delicious~!"

Hancock has accepted her own heart. Even if there are people around, she will not feel so shy now. She doesn't need to care too much, just love when she should love.

"Sister~! This fish is so spicy, we want to drink milk too~"

Looking at the two sisters who were acting cute, Hancock gave them a cold look:"Hmph, no."

The two of them wiped their tearless eyes and pretended to be sad:"Eh?! Are you kidding? Sister, you actually treated us like this, we are so sad~"

"Yes, we have already apologized, and we have forgotten how shy you were before."

Hancock moved her hands and feet, and said kindly:"Well? My dear sisters, you seem to have promised me not to mention this matter again, right?"

Looking at the three noisy people, in order to prevent things from getting out of hand, Luo Jiu stood between them:"Okay, okay, isn't it just milk? You all have a share!"

"I did put a little more chili in this fish. I thought you guys could handle spicy food."

Then Luo Jiu took out a box of milk and gave each of them a bottle.

"Do we have some too? Thank you, Master Luo Jiu." After taking the milk, Tezulo went to be intimate with Stella again.

Sandasonia and Marigold drank the milk and deliberately looked at Hancock with squinted eyes:"Hey! It tastes so good~"

"Thank you, brother-in-law~"

They seemed to think it was not enough and made faces at Hancock:"Slightly~"

""Humph!" Seeing the two sisters, Hancock was furious and sulked alone.

Luo Jiu rubbed Hancock's head and comforted her:"Don't be angry, I gave you hot milk, and theirs was cold."


""Hmm, I understand." Hancock took the milk, she felt the temperature of the milk, and regarded it as Luo Jiu's love.

""Bo~" Looking at Hancock's slightly blushing face, Luo Jiu couldn't help but kiss her forehead.

Hancock's face turned red rapidly, and she gasped and buried her head in Luo Jiu's chest.

Sanda Sonia and the others looked at this ambiguous scene and suddenly felt a little regretful. If they had known this, they shouldn't have teased Hancock.

"Tsk! Marigold, do you think the milk has gone sour?"

"I agree."

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