This time, Luo Jiu came back at the right time, basically the same time as when he left, and this also gave the sleepy Luo Jiu a chance to catch up on sleep.

Before, in order to take care of Carl and Clo, it took half a day for Xiaoyao to reach the destination. During such a long time, Luo Jiu could not kill time without entertainment.

But now Luo Jiu doesn't have to worry at all, because he fell asleep as soon as he came back. He lay in bed with peace of mind, and even his dreams were extremely sweet.

Although Luo Jiu was tired during this journey, he also gained a lot. He not only gained two capable men, Tezoro and Tiger, but also captured Hancock's heart.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Luo Jiu is happy, but the Celestial Dragons in Mary Joa are in trouble. Their residence was burned down. They were originally few in number, and now they have become an endangered species.

But in terms of misery, the worst should be ordinary civilians. They have no power, no rights, no freedom, and they are also exploited by Celestial Dragons and plundered by pirates.

And judging by the nature of the Celestial Dragons, they will definitely find ways to make up for the loss of Marijoa from the civilians.

So, it is no doubt that the civilians in the pirate world are the most miserable.

Such a depressing life will cause physical problems, so every time they live another day, they should celebrate. Why not find joy in suffering as a way of catharsis?

Luo Jiu slept until he woke up naturally. It was already night. Luo Jiu, who was full of energy, could start a new nightlife and experience the night culture of different regions.

"This sleep is so comfortable!"Luo Jiu stretched himself and sighed at the beauty of life.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Carl and Clo lying on the ground. They were listless and looked listless.

""Good... evening, both of you!"

They turned their heads to look at Luo Jiu, and then became lazy again.

There were no entertainment activities on the ship, and there were no pirates for them to practice with during the flight. It seemed that they had not had a fulfilling time in the past half day.

The ship had landed from the air into the sea, and was about to reach Lubrnir Island. Luo Jiu kicked Carl and Clo:"Don't lie down, get up, it's time to eat.……"

Smelling the strong smell of alcohol coming from the two, Luo Jiu immediately left them, then pinched his nose and asked:"This smell of alcohol, you haven't been drinking for a long time, right?"

"Hiccup~ It's so boring, we can only drink to kill time……"

Since Carl and the other two had eaten and drunk their fill, Luo Jiu no longer cared about them, and Xiao Hei also had his own food space, so there was no need to worry about it being hungry.

After docking the boat, Luo Jiu boarded the Lubnir Island alone.

At this time, in a corner of a tavern somewhere on Lubnir Island, a man who looked to be about 30 years old, with a diamond-shaped face, reeking of alcohol, and a chestnut on his head, was drinking alone in depression.

Why do you say depressed?

Because his name is Mont Blanc Kuliké, and his ancestor is Mont Blanc Nolando, who has been called the big talker Nolando for more than 400 years.

It was for this reason that Kuliké was bullied and ridiculed since he was a child. After

Kuliké finished drinking the wine and placed the bottles neatly on the ground, he slapped the table and shouted:"Boss! Ten more bottles of rum!!"

""Okay! Table 9, ten bottles of rum!" Hearing Kulikai's words, the bar owner was delighted and hurriedly responded loudly.

However, Kulikai's voice aroused the dissatisfaction of other drinkers. Seeing that the person in the corner was Kulikai, they became more excited.

A few gangsters picked up the bottles and stopped at Kulikai's table. They drank a few sips of wine and thought they knew Kulikai, so they started to tease him.:

"Hahahaha, isn’t this the descendant of our big talker Nolando... Kulikai?"

"What happened to you? Do you want to sober up and relieve your sorrow?"

Some people saw the dozen empty bottles under Kulikai's feet, and he quickly said:"If you ask me, he found the gold of his ancestor Nolando and wanted to celebrate? Hahahaha~"

"That's right! That should be it, hahahaha~!" Hearing this, the other gangsters laughed even more unscrupulously, and their laughter was very sarcastic.

Although Kulikai had heard such sarcastic words from other drinkers for decades, he still felt uncomfortable hearing it again. Kulikai clenched his fists and loudly warned the gangsters next to him:"Get out! Don't come near me!!"

Seeing that Kulikai dared to warn them, the gangsters instantly felt ashamed. The yellow-haired gangster in the lead smashed the wine bottle to the ground, then pointed at Kulikai and said:"You are just the descendant of the big talker, you are as cowardly as him!"

"Several of my brothers are willing to pay attention to you, so just be happy!"

Seeing Kulikai's murderous eyes, the yellow-haired gangster suddenly felt a chill, and his sense of crisis instantly surged. After leaving the money for the wine, he quickly ran away. The usually tough gangster seemed to have lost his courage. The other drinkers didn't understand why, and they were still thinking about having fun. As a result, these gangsters fled the pub at the same time.

But what does this have to do with them? This little episode did not affect their drinking and having fun at all.

As soon as the gangster left the pub, Luo Jiu came to Kulikai's table. He smiled and asked:"Can we share the table?"

"Thank you for your help, little brother. Please come in!" Kulikai thanked Luo Jiu and then pulled out a bench for him to sit down.

Luo Jiu sat opposite Kulikai and he began to order:"Boss, let's have ten signature dishes to fill our stomachs first!"

"All right! Table number nine again, very signature dishes!!"The boss's voice came from the bar front desk.

Seeing Luo Jiu being so arrogant and ordering so many dishes, Kulikai waved his hand hurriedly and said:"Little brother, just order your own dishes, there is no need to order for me.……"

Luo Jiu said in surprise:"Well, I didn't order your share!"

"Is... is that so?"Hearing Luo Jiu's words, Kulikai touched the chestnut on his head to try to ease the embarrassment.

Kulikai's embarrassment was not relieved until the waiter brought the wine over. He took the rum and poured it directly into his mouth in big gulps.

Not long after, the meal ordered by Luo Jiu arrived, including soy sauce elbow, large pieces of barbecue, etc. The waiter filled the entire table with them.

Luo Jiu picked up the soy sauce elbow and put it in his mouth. With a mouth and stomach with its own armed color domineering, Luo Jiu was not afraid of the heat at all.

When he took the first bite, he felt the elasticity of the meat. This elastic taste seemed to jump in his mouth, giving him great satisfaction and aftertaste.

The pure pork on the outer layer of the soy sauce elbow is firm and chewy, while the meat inside is tender and juicy. Every bite can feel the delicate meat and the rich soy sauce. Smelling the fragrant food, the roundworm in Kulikai's stomach was awakened. He swallowed his saliva, but watched Luo Jiu's eating show.

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