At around 8 or 9 o'clock, Luo Jiu woke up again. He threw down his blanket, put on his clothes, put on his down coat

, and started making a snowman on the deck. In addition to Luo Jiu, Xiao Hei also got up early. Usually, he was a lazy dragon who slept all the time except for eating. But today, he was very excited and rolled around on the deck, eating a few mouthfuls of snow from time to time. It was probably the first time he saw snow.

"Xiao Hei! Catch it!!" Luo Jiu threw a snowball, but Xiao Hei had no intention of catching it.

It rolled its eyes at Luo Jiu, as if to say:"I am a dragon, not a dog!"

It was just a pet dragon, but it was disobedient. Luo Jiu had his own way to deal with this. He said earnestly:"Xiao Hei, you have grown up and become a mature dragon!

"It's time to be independent and hunt on your own. I won't feed you anymore!"

""What...what?!" Xiao Hei fell into deep thought, and suddenly realized the serious problem. If Luo Jiu was really so heartless, he would definitely starve to death!!

The next second, Xiao Hei ran towards Luo Jiu, and his fat body left a striking mark on the snow.

Xiao Hei hugged Luo Jiu's thigh, and he said with tears in his eyes:"No, I'm just a dragon baby of several hundred years old, please feed me!!"

Seeing that Xiao Hei was playing the emotional card, Luo Jiu was unmoved. He grabbed a few handfuls of snow, kneaded it into a snowball, and asked Xiao Hei,"Catch it?"

Xiao Hei was living under someone else's roof, so he could only swallow his anger. It was just a snowball, and it wouldn't cost him his life. For the sake of food, he agreed:"Okay! I'll take it!!"

Luo Jiu smiled with relief, that's right, Xiao Hei should have self-knowledge as a pet, and pleasing the owner is its compulsory course.

Raise a dragon for a thousand days and use it for a moment. Luo Jiu thought of a fun game. He looked at Xiao Hei with a smile, as if he was looking at something.

Being stared at by Luo Jiu, Xiao Hei got dragon bumps all over his body. He curled up his claws in front of his chest and asked tentatively:"You...what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I just thought of a fun game……"

"Games? Not good……"Just as Xiao Hei was about to escape from Luo Jiu, Luo Jiu kicked him into the air.

Xiao Hei flapped his wings at high speed and finally managed to stop. Before he could catch his breath, a pitch-black snowball flew towards him. Xiao Hei dodged the disaster with a sly move:"What a close call~"

"Oh, that's good." Seeing the agile Xiao Hei, Luo Jiu's eyes lit up instantly. It was indeed a flying pet and a good target.

Luo Jiu made a few more snowballs and shot them at Xiao Hei without saying a word:"Armed with snowballs, three consecutive hits!!"

"Swoosh~swoosh~swoosh~" Seeing three more snowballs flying at him, Xiao Hei used his snake-skin movement again to dodge the snowball attack.

"I... I am so powerful?" Xiao Hei felt incredible, he didn't expect that he could dodge Luo Jiu's attack.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei's eyes became sharp, he straightened his back, and a wave of heat emanated from his nostril:"Yes, this is me, I have become stronger!"

""Ah da da da~! Ah da da da~!"

Xiao Hei turned into a middle school dragon, mumbling something like dragon tail swing, dragon boxing, dragon flying kick, etc.

Xiao Hei's series of actions made Luo Jiu exclaim,"WTF, you are not a dragon? You are just a fat lizard running around."

Thinking that he had really become stronger, Xiao Hei's old problem came back. He began to be arrogant and looked down on others.

"Lululu~ You can't hit me!" Xiao Hei twisted his butt in the air to provoke Luo Jiu.

Luo Jiu was amused by Xiao Hei. If it were usual, Xiao Hei would definitely be shot in the head. Luo Jiu deliberately let him go, but he was just testing whether Xiao Hei could become a tool dragon for Carl and Clo to train their observation Haki. Since

Xiao Hei dared to provoke, he would have to bear the corresponding price. Luo Jiu gave Xiao Hei a thumbs up:"Okay, you have guts!!"

Luo Jiu pinched the snowball, closed his eyes and made a throwing motion.

Seeing Luo Jiu close his eyes, Xiao Hei became even more inflated. Luo Jiu couldn't hit it even with his eyes open, so what was there to be afraid of if he closed his eyes.

It imitated Luo Jiu's closing of his eyes and said confidently:"I can dodge with my eyes closed!"

Hearing Xiao Hei's pretentious tone, Luo Jiu smiled and said:"Really? I hope you can continue to inflate……"

After that, Luo Jiu threw a snowball confidently:"Hit in a row!"

"Hey, I'll hide!" Hearing Luo Jiu's words, Xiao Hei quickly dodged to the left.

As expected, he was not hit by the snowball. Xiao Hei was very happy and laughed:"Haha! It seems that I missed it again this time!!"

Luo Jiu ignored Xiao Hei's ridicule and continued to throw snowballs. He wanted the snowball to fly for a while.

"Two consecutive hits!"

"Haha, I told you, you can’t hit it... Uh~!" Xiao Hei dodged to the left again, and when it wanted to continue taunting, a snowball hit its abdomen at high speed, and Xiao Hei was caught off guard and spit out a mouthful of saliva.

The snowball hit Xiao Hei, but its speed did not stop immediately, and Xiao Hei was carried away by the snowball.

Luo Jiu took the opportunity to add a snowball:"Three consecutive hits! Four consecutive hits!……"

Luo Jiu's snowball hit Xiao Hei hard. Xiao Hei had to open his eyes. He tried to get rid of Luo Jiu's control.

"My head is still dizzy." Suddenly a black snowball fell from the sky and knocked Xiao Hei unconscious on the spot.

"Bang!"Little Black fell from the sky to the bow of the ship, and he saw stars.

"That's the price……"Seeing that Xiao Hei was almost broken, Luo Jiu had no choice but to make a snowman.

Luo Jiu whistled and carefully matched the hat, scarf and carrot, and finally a white snowman was completed!

"Perfect! This is my masterpiece!!"

The masterpiece is finished, but unfortunately no one appreciates it. What? You said there is Xiao Hei, sorry, it is not a human.

Xiao Hei woke up in a daze. When it saw the snowman built by Luo Jiu, it sneered:"Tsk! It's so ugly!"……"

Luo Jiu moved his ears. He heard Xiao Hei complaining. He dared to say that the snowman he built was ugly. He couldn't stand it.

Luo Jiu picked up Xiao Hei and said,"Ugly? What's ugly about it?"

"If you have the ability, you can also build one!" After saying that, Luo Jiu threw it into the snow.

""Ouch!" Xiao Hei fell flat on his face. He looked at Luo Jiu with dissatisfaction, as if blaming him for being too stingy.

Luo Jiu held his hands to his chest, slowly rising and falling on the ground with his toes:"Don't look at me, hurry up and pile up, or I won't give you food!"

"Threatening me... despicable." Xiao Hei could only complain in a low voice.

Even though he complained, Xiao Hei still worked hard to pile the snow into a ball. For him, the greatest pain in the world was not having food to eat.

After all his efforts, Xiao Hei really made a snowman, no, it should be said that he made a snow dragon.

Looking at the mighty and domineering snow dragon, Xiao Hei looked proud:"Boss, look at this snow dragon, is it as handsome as me, Xiao Hei?"

Luo Jiu nodded. He admitted that Xiao Hei was indeed quite capable, and that the snow lizard was indeed 70% similar to Xiao Hei.

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