Bypassing the defenses of the Necrontyr, and shuttling through the endless swarm of insects. The Deceiver has his own way to prevent these insects from putting their strong appetite on himself. The mantra "death" in his pocket will deceive the swarm's keen sense of smell.

Amalaja only needs to hold the mantras "life" and "attachment" to diligently create more degraded bodies in the laboratory.

The Deceiver gnawed a few mouthfuls of dry food, and his soul was crushed between his lips and teeth, becoming part of the power in his Star God body.

When the Deceiver's dry food was about to run out, the ring made of the corpses of Star Gods and the Old Saints appeared in front of him. Taking a deep breath, the Deceiver was glad that his computing ability had not regressed.

The Tyranid swarms breed on these rings, like maggots gnawing on rotten corpses. They are nourished by the power in the corpses of Star Gods, and are almost endlessly generated quickly. At the same time, they are also nourished by the Old Saints who are proficient in psychic energy, forming their unique subspace shadows.

The Warp is known for its chaos and disorder, but in the eyes of the higher-level creatures, the Deceiver, it also has a different kind of structural beauty.

The center of the Warp is occupied by the four most active Chaos Gods, and outside their territory is the Invisible Abyss composed of the remains of the dead civilization. This soulless and lifeless area does not arouse the interest of the Chaos Gods, and only Tzeentch has certain ideas about the end of the Invisible Abyss.

At the end of the Invisible Abyss is the majestic shadow of the Tyranid swarm. Hungry and unsatisfied, even the Invisible Abyss will be swallowed without hesitation.

But fortunately, the Warp shadow of the swarm is closely integrated with their flesh and blood. As long as the swarm does not flood the entire galaxy, their shadow will not enter the realm of the four gods to feast.

The Deceiver is getting closer and closer to the ring belt. Compared with the ring belt, he is as insignificant as a speck of dust. The Deceiver knows that behind this bad belt is the remnant of destruction left by the previous Subjective, and it is the pure white nothingness that Lin Fan severely damaged Nurgle.

This wall has blocked the essence of nothingness for a long time. The power of creation of the ancient saints and the star gods is still working even after their death.

Now this wall should collapse, and the creatures of the entire galaxy should realize that their world is a cruel lie, and all their struggles and efforts are just self-righteousness.

When he thought that everyone would lose all hope, the deceiver's face showed an uncontrollable smile.

"The confrontation between subjective and subjective is really exciting."

After saying that, the deceiver took out the truth "death" and slapped it on the ring before his arm disappeared.

The truth "death" slowly penetrated the structure of the ring like a branding iron melting ice, and soon the deceiver could see a touch of pure white of nothingness blooming in his expectant eyes.

The swarm sensed the situation here and came to check, but found that the pure white could not be stopped at all. The huge loss of biomass made the hive mind panic. Although his scalp was numb from the Gaussian beam of the Necrontyr, the biomass was not reduced at all, but was quietly hidden by the cunning Necrontyr.

No! We can't stay here for long!

After the hive mind understood this, it suddenly ordered all the swarms to break away from the ring belt, and extend the vitality of the swarms by one second.

Some insects are too big and old. They are tightly attached to the ring belt. It is unlikely that they can evolve the ability to fly in a short time, so other insects eat them and carry them in their stomachs.

"Step up the attack! At all costs!"

An order was issued by the hive mind, and the swarms fighting with the Necrontyr on the front line became more violent. Before, they were thinking about breaking through the Necrontyr's defense line to facilitate the subsequent swarms to enter. Now they just want to put all the hopes of the survival of the group in the vibrant Milky Way.

"My Lord! The bugs are going crazy!" The Necrontyr tried his best to resist and blasted a large group of bugs into pieces, but there were too many bugs behind. They squeezed and squeezed to run forward. The small bugs were crushed into pieces by the bigger bugs and stuck tightly to their shells. They were like a mudslide made of flesh and blood. Even if the Necrontyr tried his best, it was difficult to stop them all.

Not to mention, the Trickster stood on the side of the bugs.

"It's so boring to bully these cute little creatures." The Trickster laughed a few times and used the degraded body to help the bugs escape into the Milky Way more smoothly.

A palace of the Necrontyr hidden in an independent space has fallen into extreme panic at this time. Their monitoring equipment discovered that the curtain was breaking and that the real space was disappearing bit by bit.

The result of all this will lead to a slow increase in the most dangerous number, and each increase will sound like a death knell in the silent palace.

Galaxy Collapse Index: 99.99995%


Technicians and warlocks watched the Galaxy Collapse Index grow up little by little in despair and helplessness. Even if they tried their best, they couldn't stop the index growth.

"Quick, notify the Silent King." A technician shouted in panic, "The great king must have a solution!"

"Where is the current subject? Let the current subject think about it!"

"Still counting on him? He can't even figure out our second grade questions!"

"Then at least he is better than Bai Huan, right?!"

The God-Emperor, who had just suppressed the shaking of the throne, inexplicably heard the sound of broken glass. He looked around but could not find the source of the sound, so he had to calm down and concentrate on dealing with the threat of the Void Dragon. He thought Xi Legao must be a smart man.

And Silegor over there is also sweating profusely. Behind him is the army of Tzeentch demons who are chasing after him. He has the ability to destroy these difficult demons, but that will make the subsequent performance less than perfect.

"Hey little one~" Silegor teased the source of desire in his arms, which was also Slaanesh himself. However, this heavy polymer is not as difficult and dangerous as Slaanesh. It shows more of a simple sense of biological instinct. When Silegor's finger points at the source, it will not wrap around greedily and thirstily, but Like a frightened rabbit, it first flinched, and then stretched out a thin tentacle to get familiar with the taste of siligo.

Where did you have so many ideas at the beginning of life? Be in a daze after eating, and be in a daze after eating.

If Slaanesh could remain so chaotic, Silegor would be willing to keep it as a pet.

But unfortunately, Slaanesh has a more ambitious mission to complete.

Boom! One of the weaker curtains shattered, and thanks to Silegor's quick eyesight and quick hands, he was spared the damage, but the galaxy reflected by that gap would suffer from the frenzy of subspace.

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