"Wow, it's really chaotic here." The Space Wolf warriors were observing the chaotic scene of internal fighting behind the slope of a basin.

The orcs were not only caught in a battle with the soldiers of the third company and the imperial reinforcements dropped from the air, but also separated various different factions to fight with each other. In their eyes, the great technical tyrant Lao Ba who commanded the entire basin It has been sent, and now it is time to select a new boss using the orc method.

The power armor on Kaiser White Fang's body was full of scratches and traces of battle, the exquisite decorations were full of blackened marks, and the chain sword in his hand had even broken into pieces.

Wodehouse and others were not in very good condition either. After they dealt with the rushing Orc armored forces, they did not stop for a moment and rushed here at high speed.

"I feel the smell of the enemy." Wodehouse narrowed his eyes and tightened the staff in his hand. He raised his hand and pointed to the central flag tower in the basin where the artillery fire was the most intense, where the power of blasphemy spread was most obvious.

"Okay! Great, these idiots always want to get in the way." Kaiser cursed and checked the ammunition reserves on his body, "Boys, get ready! The most difficult moment has arrived! "

"Huha!" The Bloodclaw Space Marines responded to Kaiser's words with powerful roars full of fighting desire, while the more calm Gray Hunters on the side were adjusting their equipment and heavy weapons.

"Okay Wodehouse! Let's go!"

"Gate to Infinity!" Wodehouse's spiritual power gathered on the staff, spread out like clouds and enveloped all the wolves, disappeared with the sound of thunder, and appeared in the next moment. Behind the orcs in the firefight.

"Why is it so dark?" An orc was wondering that he was shrouded in shadow. Just as he was about to look back at the situation, his head was smashed by an iron fist.

The Space Wolves warriors raised their weapons and swept away the orks who had not yet reacted.

The roar of bolt guns and the cutting sounds of chain swords were endless, and a gray hunter picked up a rather ugly trumpet gun, which was a beast suppressor laser gun specially prepared for Space Marines.

But judging from the size used by Space Marines, this should be a laser cannon.

The Beast Suppressor laser gun specially supplied to the Space Marines pours out deadly firepower. The power of those lasers that have been weakened by the muzzle has not been reduced much due to its high-power battery and output.

The metal sheet shields temporarily raised by the orcs were directly penetrated, and were turned into molten burning objects in the loud noise like the shooting of basilisks. Although this weapon was still very scratchy when facing the ceramic power armor, but when facing the orcs It's ridiculously useful in front of these thoughtful creatures.

Even veterans like Gray Hunter will choose this new weapon. It is lighter and more flexible than the heavy bolt machine gun, and it is also easier to replenish ammunition.

You can just throw the battery in the fire to bake it, or just throw it in the sun to dry it.

The orcs fled crying and shouting. Kaiser White Fang led the Blood Claws in pursuit at a speed far beyond that of mortals. As a master of close combat, Kaiser's killing of these stupid and savage orcs was no different than killing a bison. .

He casually cut off the orc's head in a heartbeat, allowing his brain to quickly analyze the current battlefield environment and make the most correct tactical decision.

They are unstoppable and invincible, and only the heavy bosses and murderous cans emerging from corners and factories can stop them for a moment.

They quickly moved closer to the Imperial troops fighting near the flag tower and swept away all visible orc resistance. Blood and corpses filled the entire street, and then were crushed by the heavy steps of power armor.

The Blood God must like this kind of mixed flesh and blood quagmire.

After wiping out thousands of orcs, even the beast-suppressing laser gun was replaced with its fourth magazine. Kaiser and the others finally met the battle sisters and the soldiers of the third company who were fighting feverishly.

To be honest, Kaiser still likes the Astra Militarum more than the nuns.

Those women were too emotional and fanatical when fighting, and it was easy for them to fall into mindless attacks because of the emperor's devout beliefs or other reasons.

At the end of a war, even though the Battle Sisters killed many enemies, the meaningless losses they suffered were enough to put any Space Marine regiment to shame.

To be honest, if he had gone out to lead someone into such a fight, the Wolf Lord would have stuffed his head into the ice fields of Fenris to calm down.

Look at those Astra Militarum soldiers. Although they are not so destructive and do not have such extreme love for the Emperor, they have that simple orderliness of sticking to their posts and obeying orders. This makes Kaiser like them very much.

Even though the Space Wolves don't pay too much attention to some complicated rules and rituals, the art of war can never be taken lightly.

By the way, where is that brat? And what's going on with that hairy King Kong?

The closer Kaiser and the others rushed, the more they realized something was wrong with the situation. Even if he didn't see Lin Fan's figure, what about the hairy King Kong painted with the gears of the Mechanicus?

Are there any greenskins who want to convert to the empire?

Did the emperor steal someone from Gomao?

With a casual sword, he beheaded the three tough-skinned guys who rushed over. Kaiser thought it would be better to wait until the battle was over.

The troops on that side also saw the heroic battles of the Space Wolves, and their morale was greatly boosted. The orcs caught between the two sides were shaken a lot and fled towards the opening in the exchange of fire.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Just when everyone thought they could take a breather temporarily, a huge mechanical structure rushed out of the collapsing orc flag tower.

The body like the links of an insect has countless sharp iron claws. The parts between the links are firmly adsorbed together by super-shrinking magnetism that can be seen with the naked eye, and remain flexible. A suspended space for movement.

The huge mechanical structure seemed to have absorbed all the structures at the bottom of the flag tower, and soon stretched out a body that was much higher than all the buildings.

"Omnisea's underwear. These are much higher than the Emperor Titan." Delia raised her head and looked at the top of the mechanical structure, and her communicator broke into Lin Fan's voice.

"Priest Delia! I think we need naval gun support for this thing!"

"I will not accept that kind of request! The miracle of Omnisiah must be recovered! This is the request of the Mars headquarters! It is also the request of the God of All Machines!"

The voice of the Sage of Kaos was also connected to their channel. Captain Casimian actually saw this terrible thing on the screen. He also thought about whether to directly wash the ground with a macro cannon and blow this thing into pieces. The pieces are ready.

But the voice of Sage Kaos made him hesitate, "Sage Kaos. While we can still control the situation, let the troops evacuate, Hong Pao."

"If you do this, then prepare to bear the wrath of the Titan Order of Mars. Also, the Forging General of Steel Star will also be very interested in you. I really don't know what it will be like to transform your lovely daughter into a servitor. a scene”

The cold threat from the Sage of Kaos came, causing cold sweat to flow from Captain Casimian's forehead.

You're winning the Webway War, fighting off the Custodes and Sisters of Silence, and then you see the sun suddenly rise.

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