"Run! Run with all the energy you have!" Kaiser White Fang and the Blood Claws charged forward, clearing away the blind orcs blocking the way for everyone.

They could increasingly feel the huge energy accumulated in the orc's flying head. The buzzing sound made them feel uneasy, not to mention that there was a huge mechanical insect behind them staring at them.

Rokasna originally wanted to chase down the imperial troops who were like ants on the ground, but his instinct told him not to let down his defense. The orc's weapon was obviously aimed at him.

"You orcs! I didn't mess with you! Why did you fire on me!"

Rokasna looked at the escaping imperial army angrily, observed the environment of the basin, and calculated in just a few microseconds that it was impossible for them to escape from his magnetic devourer.

No matter how fast those two-legged creatures are, they will eventually be swallowed by themselves, crushed into powder by fine grinding gears, drained of all available elements, and then thrown into the incinerator and turned into firewood.

His temples were beating fiercely, and the energy fluctuations caused by the ugly big face of the orc made Rokasna feel a little scared. Not daring to be careless at all, he completely integrated his body into the fuselage, allowing his subspace essence and Tzeentch's blessing to be perfectly integrated into the fuselage.

The huge mechanical devourer exuded blue spiritual light, and its mouth quickly assembled a huge turbine cannon, which also accumulated energy and shot at the big head of Brother.

It seems that Brother Big Head's weapon preparation is finally over. It has been three seconds of charging time since the beginning, and now is the moment when he will destroy the world.

Trazin was already in mid-air on the battlefield, recording precious historical moments with his own eyes.


The weapon that Trazin calls the disintegrating entropy cannon releases fury. The huge green beam that shoots flashes with the angry and roaring faces of thousands of orcs. Even the sound when shooting is the kind of Waaagh that can resound throughout the world. roared.

Not good, not good! Rokasna's pupils shrank. The power of this weapon when released was far beyond his imagination. Even with protection, he would be severely injured by such a hit.

He couldn't perform the substitution of true and false without a formation, but that didn't mean that he, an outstanding graduate, didn't have other ways to deal with it.

"Now it's time for you to pay the price! The mirror of the soul of the ignorant!"


A distant world on the border of the empire.

Xiao Yan touched the ancient ring in his hand, which was the basis for him to become the Great Emperor of Science.

Thinking about his past, his early elementary school career when he was mercilessly teased by teachers, his junior high school life when he was overwhelmed by studies, and finally on the day before the high school entrance examination, he bought a simple-looking ring from a street vendor. .

From then on, his life as a scumbag student changed.

High school entrance exam room.

"Damn it, I can't even write these things!"

"Jie Jie Jie! Boy, don't panic, I will help you."

"Who? What sound! Who are you?"

"Jie Jie Jie! You guys can call me Luo Lao."

He passed the high school entrance examination very easily. Xiao Yan felt like he was in a dream. His paper was basically the same as the blank paper, and none of the correct answers in the future would be correct.

Xiao Yanmosuo held the simple and dull ring in his hand and asked uneasily in his heart.

"Is it really okay?"

"No problem, no problem, just write, everything is just as plan."

During the college entrance examination, Xiao Yan's parents hugged their precious son excitedly, for no other reason than that Xiao Yan, who had been regarded as a fool since he was a child, actually surpassed the rest of the crowd with a super high score of 749 points in this exam.

You must know that this exam was written by Ge Jun, who is called the terminator of the college entrance examination by thousands of students, but even this devil could not find any loopholes in Xiao Yan's paper.

Finally, he smiled bitterly in the marking room, stood up and left, sighing: "My era is over."

The one point deducted is a traditional Chinese language. The essay is basically not deducted from the full score, otherwise Xiao Yan will become the first perfect score student in the history of this world.

"Great, Mr. Luo! Then which school should I apply to now?" Xiao Yan excitedly asked Mr. Luo for his opinion. During their long relationship with him, he had completely relied on Mr. Luo's intelligence.

"Apply to the University of Science and Technology."

"Why not better Huaqing and Dabei?"

"It's part of the plan."


After college.

"Xiao Yan, what's the matter with you? I know you entered the school with the first score in the college entrance examination, but you can't just waste your studies like this, failing more than 50 subjects."

"Mr. Luo."

"Xiao Yan, your test scores are good, so I'll give you a 99. I'll deduct one point to prevent you from being proud."

After graduate school.

"Xiao Xiao! What's wrong with you? I was allowed to enter the research group without taking the exam because of your nearly perfect score in college, but all the experimental data you submitted were wrong, as well as your reports! I can find any junior high school student who can write better than you!"

"Mr. Luo."

"That's great, Xiao Xiao, this is a very important scientific research project, and the success is all thanks to you! I will submit your doctoral application to my superiors right now."


"Congratulations to Comrade Xiao Yan for becoming the youngest Bachelor of Science at the age of 20!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"With the help of Bachelor Xiao, there will be no problem with this aerospace project!"

"Master Xiao is leading the controllable nuclear fusion project. We will have endless cheap electricity! The era of utopia is coming!"

"Bachelor Xiao has appeared on the cover of Time Magazine for 15 consecutive times. He is the brightest star of our time!"

"Bachelor Xiao! As long as you are willing to provide advice on our scientific research project team, we are willing to offer you an annual salary of 80 million yuan!"

"Master Xiao! Bachelor Xiao!"

Xiao Yan was on the balcony of his luxurious scientific research villa, admiring the huge labyrinth-like garden downstairs. Everything here was obtained through his ingenuity, and the money he earned was basically scientific research funds and various projects. kind of endorsement.

This kind of life was extremely satisfying, and he didn't marry a wife and have children. After all, for a super talented man like him, he could just wave on any beautiful woman he wanted.

"I am the Chosen One." Xiao Yan said to himself proudly. Throughout his life, he did not dare to apply even those cool articles, for fear of being criticized by readers for not having the brain and basic logic to write stories.

But those stubborn writers who insist on writing cool articles will then take out the legendary and glorious life of Xiao Yan and vigorously refute those readers who shout for storytelling and logic.

The readers could only say: Xiao Yan can’t do it~ How can Long Aotian do it in reality~

Then he took out five reminder coins and left.

The phone rang, and Xiao Yan transferred the signal to the holographic projection screen, only to see an anxious old scientist with red eyes.

"Master Xiao! It's not good! Our controllable nuclear fusion station just melted down! Now all the controllable nuclear fusion stations on the planet have exploded! Tens of millions of people have died! Our investigation found that it is because You, your controllable nuclear fusion algorithm and results are all wrong! Master Xiao, we need help!”

"Maester Xiao! Our space station disintegrated in mid-air!"

"Master Xiao! Our network equipment is in a mess! All electronic equipment is stuck in an infinite loop!"

"Master Xiao! The patients who were treated for cancer cells turned into zombies! Let's ah ah ah!"

More and more emergency calls were projected on the screen. Looking at those anxious and angry faces, Xiao Yan's throat became tight.

He quickly touched the ring, "Mr. Luo? Mr. Luo, can you talk to me?"

"Oh?" The voice in the ring was calm, and there was even a sense of joy that the plan was successful.

"Mr. Luo! Have you seen everything? Help me quickly. You have helped me so many times. There is no reason for me this time."

"Hehehe, just as planned."

"Plan? What exactly is the plan?"


Mr. Luo's voice completely disappeared. Xiao Yan anxiously touched the ring and shouted over and over again, hoping to get help. The respected old professors and dignitaries on the screen looked at the panicked Bachelor Xiao with ashen faces.

"We're screwed."

Nuclear power plant explosions, the collapse of the automated industrial system, the collective withering of high-yield food, zombie viruses, and low-Earth global orbit crashes.

All the scientific achievements established by Academician Xiao in just a few years have turned into disasters that massacred the people of the planet, and there are many more such things among the stars.

Under Rokasna's excellent graduation project, 999 worlds were destroyed, including empires and aliens.

This is why Warhammer still requires close combat in the end. It seems that the essence of the materialistic worldview is idealism.

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