"Why can you pronounce the name of the enemy so calmly?" Khan stared at Lin Fan with his eyes. His vision had recovered a lot now, and the big bump on his forehead was quickly reducing swelling.

"Because there is nothing to be afraid of." Lin Fan's answer surprised Khan. He originally expected to hear words about conversion or religion, but he did not expect Lin Fan's answer to be so simple.

Is this the magnanimity of a golden human being? Khan couldn't help but glance at Lin Fan.

"For many people. For those who have only a little knowledge of subspace." Lin Fan carefully considered his words so that Khan would not think of himself as a Chaos believer. "That sea of ​​souls actually projects the universe. In the hearts of thousands of creatures, and the same is true for the four enemies. The worse we are, the crazier they are, the better we are, the better they are, but in fact, look at our universe."

"The empire has become a cruel regime full of oppression and bloodshed, relying on the oppression of countless people's flesh and blood and hope to rot in the galaxy. This great pain not only provides enough intense emotions to the subspace, but also makes The four great enemies are nourished."

"Not to mention our good neighbors. The Eldar treat us as uncivilized monkeys, the Dark Eldar treat us as meat animals, the Orcs treat us as good brothers in fighting, and the Tyranids want to Devouring everything, the Necrontyr dynasty hopes to regain its former glory and rid itself of those flesh and blood creatures that make their machine hearts jealous."

Khan listened to Lin Fan's speech, nodded secretly, and then sat down cross-legged, looking very serious. Lin Fan also sat across from Khan, just like two friends drinking and talking in a pavilion in ancient times.

"Of course we want to become better, and we want to make the entire empire a paradise for mankind. But we never have time, right? From the Great Crusade to now, we have never had time. The four enemies are always in the shadows. Planned to plunge the universe into the ultimate painful war that would cause suffering to all of us."

"The more painful the reality is, the more turbulent and crazy the subspace is; the more crazy the subspace is, the more reality is heading towards an irreversible abyss."

"So this is why I hate Imperial Truth very much. My father preached science, truth, freedom, democracy, and pioneering spirit. But we never did these during the Great Crusade." Khan lowered his head to calm himself His eyes could meet Lin Fan's. "Many people were blinded by the glory of the expedition, but they never looked back at the poor people."

Khan clenched his fists tightly. He thought of the planets and regimes that had been purged one by one during the Great Crusade. The only reason for their purge was their unwillingness to accept the management of the empire.

"But what if you accept the Empire? Nothing has changed on the planet. Those slave owners and cruel warlords cut off part of their cake and gave it to the Empire, and bent down to kiss their father's feet. Bang! They went from backward hostile forces to pro-imperial governors.”

"This is completely meaningless." Khan shook his head sadly. He had already seen the crazy future that the empire was going to. The only reason he obeyed the empire was because the madness of Chaos far exceeded the empire's darkest imagination.

"No, it is meaningful." Lin Fan interrupted Khan's lament and looked at him seriously with his own eyes, just like he looked at the emperor's cold sun seriously.

"Have you ever seen those Astra Militarum soldiers in the trenches? Have you looked at them seriously and carefully?"

Khan frowned slightly. Such questioning made him a little angry. "I have fought side by side with those mortals longer than they have lived. Of course I have looked at them carefully."

"There are indeed many brave people among them, but they were all fooled by their father and went into endless wars in his name."

"That's not the case, no." Lin Fan shook his head, "Although you have fought side by side with the Astra Militarum, you have always overlooked them from a higher perspective."

"During the battle in space, you were at the top of the bridge, watching the brutal war calmly. You never saw the wavering and fear of the soldiers below, and you didn't know how much strength they inspired to stand again. He stood up, silently made a blessing gesture on his chest, then picked up his simple bayonet and charged towards the enemy."

"They shouted the names of their parents, the names of their hometowns, the names of their children, and the names of their partners. They fought for many things, fighting for the only hope and beauty left in life, and for the emperor. It’s just one of the reasons why they plunged into the dark stars.”

Chagatai listened to Lin Fan's heartfelt narration, and his frown softened a little. He thought of the grassland of Chogoris, and how he led the oppressed people to stand up again and live with dignity on the grassland. gallop

When did I forget everything? When you first met the Emperor? Realizing that he could unite and make great the entire human race scattered among the stars? Did he feel disappointed in his father after seeing too much blood and darkness during the Great Crusade? Is it when he is indifferently judging the cruelty of his future on the ruins of the broken empire?

Unity and responsibility are the destination of freedom.

Chagatai looked at his hands, thinking about his waste and escape for more than a thousand years. He walked through the webway, hunting freely like an eagle on the grassland, looking for a place to rest when the wind and thunder roared. Land, when the sun is high and the sky is harmonious, it can be rid of dust

I have escaped for so long, unwilling to face the cruelty and darkness of the empire, but my descendants are still fighting among the stars. Thousands of mortals are fighting against the doomsday that they cannot stop. The kind of love that blooms in the most desperate moments Courage has far exceeded his own.

With a long sigh, Khan closed his eyes, and a tear of self-blame fell silently.

This scene made Lin Fan a little confused. Did he have the mouth evasion skills like Naruto? Can you turn the enemy from black to white in just a few words, and make your teammates shout long live?

My dear Khan, who has the most aloof personality, has become so sad due to his own words, so why don't I try to reason with those Tau? Maybe he can even become a fake etheric prophet.

Maybe one day the relationship between Delia and Lin Fan will be like this?

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