Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 174 The Little Sister’s Story

Elafren, a real old Gomo resident, okay. Although compared to those real children who actually went through pregnancy, this guy who was born from a cloned womb was still worse.

After all, in a ghost place like Gemo, it is really not easy for your powerful mother to carry you for more than ten years and ensure that both mother and child are not dead. A noble family with children can be regarded as a kind of strength. proved.

Elafren, the fast-born person who came out of the test tube, like all others of his kind, has a shorter lifespan than the black bean sprouts born normally, and has a greater desire to suck souls. But the soul wounds of these Dark Eldar can only be healed with pain and torture. There is really no such thing as who is better or worse.

Are you more noble if you tortured 1,000 slaves to death today than if I tortured 10,000 slaves to death? It's obviously not the case. Everyone is disdainful, so stop pretending.

In Elafren's growth career, betrayal and sneak attacks have been carried out in her short life of more than a hundred years. At least according to the current standards of the Eldar, she is still very young, even underage.

This girl got into a lot of trouble and enemies because of this, but she always relied on her superb driving of the Raider motorcycle and her accurate intuition of danger to save her life.

Then she took revenge when the night was dark and stormy, tying all her enemies to her precious motorcycle, coating the bloody floor of Gemo with a layer of sticky red paint while dragging her through the poison nest. Li left a layer of green corrosion on his motorcycle.

And now, she felt that the thirsty and empty wound in her soul was filled by a small figure, that ordinary monkey slave.

After dodging several explosive lasers, Elafren put his motorcycle upside down and hung it above Lin Fan's head. As they passed each other quickly, his black lips kissed Lin Fan's cheek.

"Hmm~ This taste is really intoxicating." Elafren licked his lips with his tongue intoxicatedly, enjoying everything he just felt. It was obviously just a very plain, imperfectly evolved, rough and hairy inferior skin of a human monkey, but it made the young Elafren feel the joy of satisfaction.

There was still a trace of a sacred feeling between her lips and teeth that she had never experienced in Gemo. Even the best hallucinogen did not have such a taste.

"Hey! Can you, the one who doesn't speak, transfer this slave to you?"

Khan was a little angry. He had no idea of ​​communicating with this Dark Eldar who had equally excellent driving skills. Do you still expect a primarch and an alien to cherish each other? Or the most notorious Dark Eldar among the Eldar, who are known for their duplicity?

If Khan's attention hadn't been focused on the crystal cluster-like spikes in the Gomo building complex, he would have taken out his gun and killed this annoying estrus fly hanging around them.

"You little bastard! If you were thinking with your lower body, I would really leave you alone!"

"I'm shooting! Her movements are too erratic, and she often misses the side of the deflagration ray. I'm helpless!"

Lin Fan touched the gun with one hand and the fragrant black lip mark on his cheek with the other hand. There was a slight sting, probably because the lipstick was poisonous, but for Lin Fan it was okay, it was quite irritating.

etc! Lin Fan, Lin Fan! You are a human being! An Astra Militarum! Those are the Dark Eldar! Don't be fooled!

While Lin Fan was having a fierce ideological struggle here, Khan finally broke out of the dark spikes, and their field of vision suddenly broadened.

There is a red line in the middle stacked with living skinned people, guiding all those who want to participate in the bottom line competition to the real track. The grotesque flying machines that emerge from the surrounding buildings and various shadows reflect the unique aesthetic of their owners.

Don't tell me that Gemo is really free. It's hard for you to see so many species in any part of the universe.

There are Orcs who drive meteorite spaceships, there are Eldar pirates whose ships have graceful streamlines but no bloody razors, and there are Thales who drive lights that are as bright and colorful as nightclub bulbs. Of course, the most common ones are The dangerous vehicles of the Dark Eldar rule the track.

These dangerous pilots running at high speeds rolled and fought in the air, relying on the cannons on the vehicles, or simply sticking their heads out and shooting, destroying all opponents in front of them and leaving their vehicles behind. His remains and corpses fell into the bloody track and became a joke among the announcers.

"Now! The most dazzling stars on the entire track are from Conquer the Viscera Block - the Slaughter Brides, Aymara Squad! These beautiful black widows are not easy to mess with! They can easily make you bounce on the bed Liang Jue, I will completely drain you! They have already slaughtered 156 unlucky people!"

"And those stupid green-skinned beasts! They were stupid enough to join the bottom line competition, but these crude meat animals that are used as nutrients and potted plants shine in the bottom line competition! Their meteorite spaceship is the entire field. The largest of all the vehicles on the planet! Its members are also too numerous to count!”

"Oh? Hades? Do you think the orcs violated the rules? Don't listen to Hades, there are no rules in the bottom line game!"

"And our cowardly compatriots! Those cowards who live a boring life on the Ark. Although these traveling pirates are pretty decent, their ships are so boring! So boring!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Charad's infectious and sarcastic broadcast resounded throughout the track, and from time to time there were loud cheers, as well as the kill numbers on the dynamic bloody list. The dense list was completely visible. I don’t know how many people participated in this competition.

Maybe the entire population of Gomo is included.

"Oh~ My dear, you want to participate in such a boring competition~ Take me with you, I can also fight." Elafren came over and lay lazily on the motorcycle. , staring at Lin Fan and Khan with his charming eyes.

Khan finally couldn't bear it anymore and pulled out the poison crystal pistol from his waist. It seemed that the kaleidoscope not only helped change Khan's appearance, but also changed the equipment on Khan's body. But how to calculate the effectiveness of the weapon? Woolen cloth? According to the explosive bomb? Or follow Poison Crystal? Lin Fan was very curious.

As soon as a burst of fire was fired, Lin Fan clearly saw a ghost flash out of the poison crystal pistol. What was shot was not a cut crystal fragment, but an ancient explosive bomb propelled by a rocket engine.

But Elafren, who was difficult for Lin Fan to hit, did not mean that the angry Khan could easily hit it. That lazy body was twisting and turning in difficult movements that no yoga master could do.

He narrowly dodged the disguised bomb and only suffered a shallow scratch on his waist. The slight pain seemed to make Elafren feel happy, and an unhealthy blush appeared on his face.

"Then I'll take it as your approval~ Our team is called - Kiss Team~ Those who can't catch me are slaves~"

"What? Slave?"

Khan looked angrily at Elafren, who was riding a brilliant horse. As an experienced driver, his racing soul was severely despised. He swore to the grassland of Chogoris that he would definitely catch up with this bastard. The Eldar then tore off all her limbs and used them as accessories on his motorcycle for the rest of his life.

Elafren's appearance, the complete picture is posted in the discussion settings (this is not a drawing by me)

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