"Okay Lin Fan, isn't it just a gravity generator and a dark matter jar that you don't know the principle of? It's nothing to be afraid of." Lin Fan pinched the green jar in his hand. He couldn't turn off the gravity generator peacefully. , but at least he can demolish it violently.

"Xiaoyi, come in."

"Oh~ well, nothing good happens around you." The belt turned into a silver snake, got into Lin Fan's mouth, and covered his mouth with a thin layer.

He waved his hand to Khan and said, "You two, run away quickly, I think this thing is going to explode." Then he held the green jar with both hands.

It feels strange in the hand. This gravity tank made by the old iron head using some inexplicable method gives him an inexplicable resistance, just like the push-away feeling of pushing your hands back and forth in the water.

The increasingly dazzling green light shone in Lin Fan's eyes, forcing him to squint and observe the beautiful scene of the gravity compressed into the jar being released.

It's so beautiful that it's hard to describe in words.

Then a green wave of gravity flooded Lin Fan's motorcycle, and at the same time, dim energy that could be captured by the naked eye also spread.

Khan sat in the Void Crow and tried to escape the horrific explosion, but he was unable to keep the plane running at high speed.

Elafren jumped in, sat on Khan's lap, leaned on his power armor, and grabbed the controller in his hand, "Eldar things can only be used by the Eldar!"

These Eldar weapons need to be activated by a special, weak psychic energy. Compared with real psychic spells, this kind of fluctuation is as insignificant as a drop of water in a huge wave. It is completely insignificant. You need to worry about being targeted by Slaanesh.

The Void Crow was reactivated and quickly escaped from the destruction range of the continuously spreading gravity waves and dark matter energy. Everything swept away was squeezed into high-density garbage by the gravity field, and then was wrapped in the out-of-control garbage. Dark matter annihilates.

This ball of destruction is a mixture of green and dark purple. From above, it looks like an Alpine lollipop with a dim glow of cantaloupe and grape flavor.

But the unlucky ones who didn't have time to escape didn't think so.

Other Void Crows saw this terrifying ball of destruction. The giant beast whose limbs were blown off by them and was still slowly recovering had only crushed some buildings and scratched the bloody paint of their tower.

But this mixture of gravity and dark matter is firmly shaking the already unreliable dimensional foundation of this region.

Lord Viktor's face spawned on the monitors aboard all the Void Raven bombers, along with Mandela's assassins holding blades to their necks.

"Oh my God~ Our beautiful city has become like this now, it's so bad."

Victor's face looked sad and artificial, but no nobleman piloting the Void Raven dared to be amused by the crude performance of the Lord of Conspiracy.

"Get rid of the trouble that affects the foundation. The dimension has been twisted. If you don't want me to use the cutter to send this space into the highest sky, then hurry up and solve it."

Everyone was sweating profusely. This Victor really dared to do this. He cut off this wealthy city and threw it into the subspace. For the Dark Eldar, it was a garbage dump full of monsters.

Anything can be thrown in, and it seems that Lord Victor doesn't really care about the lives of loyal nobles like them.

"If it's gone, just raise it again, it's no big deal."

Victor always says that

Seeing that the face on the communication screen disappeared, and the Mandela assassin behind him went nowhere, the pilots finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were too lazy to care about the destruction that the giant beast continued to cause.

This damn ball of destruction must be solved first. I really don’t know what kind of fool would put the gravity generator and the dark matter storage tank together.

The book clearly states that the collision of these two dangerous things will cause destruction. The active gravity field will push the inactive dark matter away until the gravity of the space returns to the average value.

And the damn dark matter should have stayed there quietly until it penetrated and entered the negative dimension, instead of running around like sand blown up by the wind!

Archon Arendnar contacted all the void crows, "There is only one way now, launch all the void mines to completely annihilate that area!"

"The price is too expensive. This is a void thunder! Use one and lose one!"

"Then you are ready to use your scalp to wipe Lord Victor's feet! Idiot! I have never seen the efficiency of that gravity-breaking generator. If you wait like this, Lord Victor will not take action! That thing will take care of itself. Why were they all crushed to pieces!"

"All right."

Everyone silently activated the void thunder on the Void Crow and fired it towards the ball of destruction.

These void mines detonated at the edge of the spreading ball of destruction, and pure darkness, the kind of darkness without any light, was like a spreading black spot suddenly appearing on a beautiful landscape painting.

Extremely abrupt and unpleasant.

This kind of darkness is completely different from a lightless shadow. Even if light shines into it, you can't see the outline of the object and the degree of change in the light.

That darkness seemed to penetrate everyone's eyes, giving them memories they would never forget.

Every time Arendenar used this void weapon, he would be amazed by their ancestors. What a powerful force it was, what a miracle of manipulating the rules of the universe.

Now, they can only produce some inferior void bombs. Basic weapons like the ones that their ancestors equipped for heavy bombers can no longer be made.

The spreading Alpine lollipops and pure darkness fought each other, but they were soon defeated. The active abnormal gravity was swallowed up, and the dark energy that annihilated matter was also swallowed up.

This place is extremely clean, with only the flat ground that was crushed.

"What will happen if the void thunder and the dark matter gravity field explode together?"

A governor asked.

"I remember doing an experiment in college. I used a gravity field as big as a table tennis ball to collide with the void needle. At that time, the air and tables and chairs in the entire classroom moved to the center of the collision. If the tables and benches in the university I attended were not all integrated, I really doubt that these things would be sucked in."

"So such a big collision"

Arenardenal listened to their conversation and suddenly a chill rushed to his head. Is there any need to think about this? When the effect of the void thunder ends, the next thing to appear is the terrifying space shrinkage.

The rest of the people also realized this and hurriedly urged the void crows to fly far away to escape the collision point of space shrinkage

But unfortunately, they ran a little too late. If they chose to escape right after launching the void thunder, they might still have a chance of survival.

The Grey Knights are here, which means your planet is finished. Even if you beat them, your whole family will be executed.

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