"Hold the line! They are coming!" The loud voice of the political commissar resounded across the broad front where each regiment was stationed. The turbulent flow mixed with the aura of demons poured into the crowd, stimulating the nerves of every soldier.

A twisted demon covered in human skin was the first to appear under the light of the gate. The twisted tentacles dancing crazily all over its body gave it unimaginable speed.

"Wa la la la la la la la!" Under the scream like mixed with phlegm, more and more demons appeared from the shadows.

The first ones to react were the Wolf Spider turrets arranged in the mezzanine of the deck. They were programmed with simple aiming programs and could not care about any shocking or twisted problems. They would only lock their aiming lasers on every demon as soon as possible. Then vented his anger.

Tarantula Turret

The heavy laser and heavy explosive fire network composed of hundreds of tarantula turrets intercepted the tide of demons and turned them into strange colorful balls and disappeared. The Astra Militarum and Navy sailors, who were suddenly awakened by the sound of gunfire, reacted one by one, raised their weapons and fired in unison.

The blazing light of laser guns and the hail of bullets from automatic weapons created a splendid scene at this wide gate. The tank group behind the soldiers also adjusted their muzzles and the muzzles of the blaster machines on both sides, looking for Capture any tough demon and smash them into pieces and clouds.

The situation looked very good for the Astra Militarum. The demons looked powerful, and their numbers were staggering, but few could break out of this deadly web of firepower.

But at this moment, hundreds of green or purple vomit and energy balls suddenly spewed out from the dark shadows and slammed into the Astra Militarum position.

The wailing sounds corroded by vomit and the sight of energy balls twisted into flesh and blood monsters severely damaged the morale and fighting determination of those around them.

"Damn it! Damn it! Aim at them! Shoot flares to light up the damn darkness!"

"Tariq, Tariq, help me! My intestines! My intestines are eaten by worms!"

"Your Majesty the God Emperor! Kalk has turned into a big meat ball!"

Chaos arises! The wavering appears! The originally dense firepower network had several gaps under the demon's indiscriminate bombardment, and the turrets that had been performing their duties were also exploded one by one by the demon's concentrated fire. The demon's ferocious laughter and the dying roar of the Astra Militarum became the most bloody and cruel contrast.

But this battle will not end so simply. A steady stream of reserves behind them are filling up the front line. Medical soldiers shuttle between explosions and corpses, searching for any lucky ones who may be treated, and trying to push them to the back. Sent to the field medical room.

There are fewer and fewer of those agile and fast small demons on the entire battlefield. With the help of flares, tank fire severely teaches those demons that shoot from a distance. As the last dodging demon was shot through the head by a precise laser, the struggling body suddenly turned into bursts of colorful light and disappeared.

The entire noisy battlefield suddenly became silent, with only the groans of the injured, the cries of the mentally broken, and the occasional shooting of deserters. But no one relaxed their tense nerves because of this temporary silence. They could naturally feel the more terrifying and huge malice in the distance approaching their defense line with slow and heavy steps. A more difficult battle was about to begin. advent.

Captain Bio looked at the front line he was stationed in, which was full of dead bodies and the filthy and smelly vomit of demons. God knows how these green and scary things were mixed with pools of tiny and bloodthirsty maggots. He witnessed it with his own eyes. A poor guy was hit directly by the vomit. Almost instantly, swollen yellow and green pustules appeared on his skin, and the flesh on his body was greedily devoured by maggots. He writhes in agony with his throat like a broken bag, until the fire-breathing soldier frees his hand to reward him with merciful pleasure. The fierce flames instantly swallow up his twisting and twitching body, burning the maggots and vomit. It became a blackened block of carbon just like him.

Damn it.

This is the only thing that Captain Bjorn can think of. All descriptions and metaphors are so feeble in such a crazy scene. Only these simple swear words that have been accompanied by mankind for several epochs can best express what Bjorn feels in his heart. Horrified.

After raising his hand and shooting a trembling mutant soldier who was about to get up, Captain Bio leaned against the deck of the steel barrier, holding his laser gun tightly in his hand and weeping unsatisfactorily. With trembling hands, he wiped away the tears that kept pouring out of the corners of his eyes, feeling that his vision was getting blurry.

"You coward!"

After scolding himself for his incompetence and cowardice, Bio realized how trembling and hoarse his voice was. Hearing the thump of boots on the deck, Bjorn stuck his head out and looked at the gate where they were stationed. A whole new company was quickly running towards his position to fill the line, although Bjorn saw the expressions on these guys' faces. It doesn't look good, and the movements when running are a bit unnatural.

They were also frightened.

Bio comforted himself. It seems that this fear is normal, right? Everyone was afraid. If it weren't for the fact that the ship had no way to escape, he had every reason to believe that a large number of soldiers would run back as soon as they saw those things. After all, in their training, they never mentioned dealing with something that transcended reason.

With a beautiful turn over the obstacle, a figure jumped cleanly into the trench of Captain Bjorn.

"Hello, company commander. How many survivors are there on your position, and how many heavy weapons are there?" The person who jumped in glanced at the military rank on Bjorn's shoulder and quickly asked him about the situation.

"Do you even need to ask?" Bijou grunted angrily to the guy who just came in, "There are no living people in the entire front, everyone is dead. The heavy weapons have also been distorted and distorted by those damn things. Disgusting, if you're not afraid of death, go ahead and use it." After saying that, he turned his gaze to a heavy bolter machine gun that had grown teeth and eyes.

Lin Fan looked at the self-destructive company commander in front of him, and it was hard to say anything to mock him. After all, he was still holding on to the position, which was already very good. You can't ask a person like him to do this. More.

Lin Fan's Thirty-seventh Regiment was relaxing in the consumer living area on the middle deck after training, but they encountered the highest-level sirens on the ship. According to those boat people who have lived on boats all their lives, they have never heard such a rapid siren. Lin Fan only felt that something was not good. It was very likely that subspace demons had gotten on board, and the scale was quite large. Then they received an order from the Casare Corps headquarters, which proved that Lin Fan's intuition was right.

"A subspace rift opened at the D1347 channel of the ship's hull. Each regiment quickly went to the C0, C10, C20, C40, and C50 gates to station, and moved towards the D1347 channel while ensuring that the position was not lost, blocking the subspace rift at all costs. ”

Lin Fan and the 3rd Company quickly gathered together and headed to the C0 gate without a moment's delay. They rushed to the nearest position to them, only to hear the terrible news that all the original garrison soldiers had been killed.

"Sir, I don't want to disturb you, but those things are here again."

Old Jock's loud voice rang in Lin Fan's ears again. He threw a grenade at the mutated bolters, blowing them up into scrapped iron twists, and then built his own on sandbags. Heavy bolter machine gun.

Lin Fan pulled up Captain Bio, who was sitting against the wall, and looked into the distance with his telescope.

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