Cather White Fang was sitting in the transport bay of the Jump Gang Torpedo, sharpening the Frost Battle Ax in his hand.

To his left and right sat a wolf shepherd wearing black power armor and a wolf skull-style helmet, and another wearing a Fenrisian wolf skin and holding a sacrificial staff wrapped around many animal bones.

Space Wolves Think Tank, Rune Priest style

"Haven't you found that moment of gentleness in the turbulent current? We have been waiting for three hours. If we continue to wait like this, I doubt there will be anyone alive on the ship."

"Take your time, White Fang. I thought the cold seas of Fenris had taught you to be a patient hunter."

Wodehouse Ice Wolf pulled out the Fenris mead hanging from his waist, put it to his mouth and took a sip, "This is not an easy job. I need to drink more to find the solution from this chaos." Give us a chance to launch. Although the distance is quite close, and there are no annoying meteorites or ship debris blocking us, it is still very dangerous. A little mistake or carelessness will make our poor little jump gang. If the torpedo is swallowed by the subspace, we will also become a meal for the evil god. By the way, do you still have wine?"

Wodehouse Ice Wolf finished his Fenris mead in several gulps and raised his eyes at Cather White Fang.

"Are you dreaming? I will not give you my wine." Cather White Fang protected his mead jar with his hand and looked at him with dangerous eyes. No one can steal the Space Wolves' wine, even if Leman Russ comes. Maybe Leman Russ can steal it if he comes, after all, Kaiser White Fang can't beat him.

"Huh?" Wodehouse Ice Wolf, who was still joking, suddenly changed his expression. He closed his eyes and began to carefully feel the surge of the subspace wind. Cather White Fang saw the serious Wodehouse. Ice Wolf did not continue to speak and stopped polishing the battle ax in his hand.

This trip mission was originally to take the bloodclaw pups who had just passed the ceremony for a practical training and exercise. He, the old wolf, led the team, and the priest Bennett Wolfclaw beside him was responsible for recovering the gene seeds and Supervise the fighting situation of those Bloodclaw kits.

This hunting group even brought a group of Gray Hunters, a tactical team of the ordinary Astartes Chapter, to deal with emergencies during the voyage. This safe decision finally came in handy. Who can Did you expect that a damn Chaos traitor could sneak into the ship and open a warp rift inside the ship?

After using their prestige to restrain the impulsive Bloodclaw cubs, White Fang, Ice Wolf, and Wolfclaw quickly decided that the three of them would lead half of the Gray Hunter team and rush to the bottom of the Flame on a gang torpedo. Quickly deal with the demons and close the ritual.

"Okay, now, launch!" Wodehouse. Ice Wolf opened his eyes and punched the ignition button on his side. As the torpedo engine quickly started, Ice Wolf also mobilized his whole body's psychic abilities. The volume enveloped the entire torpedo, and white lightning emerged and exploded from the ice wolf's body, making a stinging sound that echoed in the transport warehouse.

"Ahhhhhh!" After the torpedo completely submerged into the subspace, Ice Wolf immediately shed a lot of sweat on his forehead. It was as if someone poured a large bucket of water directly onto his head, and the entire torpedo sank into the ice. The double squeeze of the wolf's psychic power and subspace power produced an unbearable squeaking sound.

It wasn't until the torpedo hit the Flame's bubble-like Geller's stance two seconds later that the Ice Wolf half-knelt on the ground as if he was weak, breathing heavily. The strong arm that was always holding the staff was trembling like an ordinary person who was thrown into the Fenris Icefield and froze half to death.

Seeing the Ice Wolf in such a state, Kaiser White Fang knew that his mission was accomplished. If it weren't for his prophecy, he would have come out of the Chapter Fortress to train the Chapter's new recruits with them.

"The prophecy matches the first one. Exhaustion due to overdraft of strength." Ice Wolf told White Fang about his current bad state in his trembling voice.

"Then the second part of the prophecy comes. Seriously, does the prophecy really have to be fulfilled before it can be revealed?" Bai Yati picked up his ax and kicked away the jammed torpedo. hatch. Wolf Priest Bennett Wolf Claw was helping the Gray Hunters to be released from their fixed seats. In order to pursue rapid passage through the subspace, the impact the torpedo suffered when it hit the Flame was too great. So much so that the shell of the torpedo made of adamantine and ceramic steel was severely twisted and damaged.

"They are watching us, and I must keep everything prophesied."

"Okay, okay, I don't understand you priests. I hope this prophecy is really worth it."

White Fang sighed, drank half of his Fenris mead, and then placed it in front of the ice wolf. Walking out of the cabin, looking at the bottom deck of the Flame that had become eerie and dark due to power outage and subspace corrosion, he put on the helmet he had been holding on his waist.

With the activation of the built-in auspicious device and detector, the surrounding darkness becomes clearer and clearer. Although it is not difficult for a space warrior to fight in the dark, an old wolf must prepare enough if he wants to complete his hunt. preparation.

"Looks like we have a little friend to keep us company."

Daemons sensing the souls of the Space Wolves Space Marines came from all directions so quickly that the auspicious device could only show a single patch of red light. The Gray Hunter followed Wolf Priest Bennett Wolf Claw and quickly formed a battle formation, with the bolter and heavy bolter in his hands vigilantly aimed at possible enemies.

These warriors who have grown up from the Blood Claw newcomers to the Gray Hunters are the backbone of the Space Wolves. In the long battles and hunting, they have washed away the unique aggressiveness and impulsiveness of the Blood Claw pups, and replaced them with the spirit of hunting. The cunning and calmness of a wolf pack.

Each of them is a deadly hunter, able to use the weapons in their hands to their full potential.

Masters of melee combat, capable of tearing apart their enemies with wolf-like fury. Even if you are facing demons, you can still destroy them.

The tide of demons rushed towards the Space Wolves warriors. Facing such a large number of demons, the Gray Hunter directly adjusted the bolt gun in his hand to full-speed shooting mode. The dense rain of bullets formed a long line of destruction. The whip was struck on the arrogant waves, just like the sea hunter in the icy Fenris ocean used his powerful steel harpoon to conquer the sea monster, the devil's attack was forcibly contained.

"For the Emperor! For the Primarch! For Fenris!" The war cry of the Wolf Claw Priest became so loud and passionate through the loudspeaker set in his helmet.

"A drink worthy of the Holy Father!" The warriors of the Space Wolves responded in unison, destroying all demons in sight with even higher enthusiasm and an even more intense desire to fight. As the number of demons decreased rapidly, the gray hunters gradually moved forward from their original positions, just like a pack of wolves driving away prey that had no choice but to take the road.

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