Laculas looked at the furious bishop who was charging towards him, and just raised his hand to freeze his figure.

"Tsk, tsk, I'm a little surprised, but this is your limit."


Laculas took a few steps closer, his head transformed into a bird's head, and he opened his mouth wide at the archbishop, "I have never eaten the soul of a bishop. I hope it tastes better for you."

All the illusions disappeared, leaving only the Archbishop kneeling blankly in the Holy Relic Hall. After a while, he stood up, twisted his neck, and moved the joints on his body.

Luokasna felt he had adapted to this body and walked out of the Holy Relic Hall.

The guards outside the gate were unaware of what was going on, and they saluted the archbishop who came out.

"The saint just showed himself."

Rokasna said lightly, and then saw the fanatical expressions on the guards' faces, "The saint told us how to save the world and save those confused believers."

"Call all the senior officials here. I need to share with them the revelations that the saints have brought to me."


A guard soldier obeyed Archbishop Rocasna's order and quickly told the good news to all the bishops who were still in the church district.

Soon, the bishops, the nuns of the Sisters, and the knights of the Crusaders all met in the lobby. They gathered around the round table and waited for Archbishop Rocasna to relay the saint's revelation.

"I saw an empty seat somewhere. Why is that? Where is Bishop Marian?"

"Bishop Marian has already formed the Legion of Atonement. He should be fighting the traitors in the Scrap Steel Plains now."

"Oh. That's it. So has anyone finished forming the Legion of Atonement?"

Several bishops from the Holy Sect were unhappy with the Archbishop's inquiry. They suspected that the Archbishop was here to use Saint Laculas as an excuse to disband their legion, and then find an excuse to bring the new Saint back to the church.

"Archbishop, our Legion of Atonement is made up of saints who desire to be cleansed of their sins."

There was no clear answer to the archbishop's question, but the strong and determined attitude could be felt from the tone and expressions of these bishops.

"Hmm. I think the church members may have some misunderstandings about me. I don't want to force you to disband the Legion of Atonement. In fact, I think your point of view from the Holy Sect is very good."

Some old bishops heard what Archbishop Rocasna said. They stood up and wanted to say something, but were stopped by the Archbishop's gesture.

"Please listen to me first. I know you are also very concerned about the safety of the saint, but equally, it is such an inspiring event for the saint to go to the battlefield. You are right, Sister Selina."

"The Saint's decision to hide his identity and join the battlefield really excited the Sisters of Memeriel."

"Even if it violates the rules and disciplines?"

The archbishop's teasing with a smile made Sister Selina a little embarrassed. If it weren't for the heavy burden on her, she would also like to join the Legion of Atonement to fight with the saint.

Even if you can't see all this with your own eyes, just imagining yourself and the saint fighting on the same battlefield is enough to make people feel the supreme glory.

"They are both good soldiers, but they are a little too excited."

"Yes, yes. I heard that the most serious violations they committed were just coming home late or drinking a glass of beer before going to bed. It's not a big problem."

Seeing the Archbishop's benevolent look, the Sister was relieved. She thought the Archbishop mentioned this issue to investigate the Sisters' restlessness in the past few days.

You should really discipline the girls after you go back. You can't just try to make mistakes like this. This is not in line with the original intention of the Sisters.

"This time I come to bring you the protection of the saint. I have copied these sacred scriptures left by the saint Laculas. Although they are not as powerful as the saint's relics, for you It will also be a big help.”

Everyone took the scripture scrolls distributed to them by Archbishop Rokasna, and the servitors at the side used hot wax to seal them on their clothes and armor.

The divine power comes from the scriptures and continuously cleanses everyone's hearts.

"I also hope that you will spread the teachings of Saint Laculas more in the Legion of Atonement, so that more lost lambs can feel the love of the Saint."

Everyone saluted Archbishop Locasna, and they felt a little guilty. Fortunately, they had always suspected that there was some conspiracy behind the Archbishop's efforts to keep the saint in the church.

Now it seems that the Archbishop was just confused for a moment.

The bishops, nuns, and knights of the Holy Army all resigned, leaving only a few old bishops of the Saint sect still at the table.

This was specially ordered by the archbishop to let these people stay. The archbishop wants these people to repent and change their minds.

At least that's what the Archbishop said before he walked out happily from the Holy Sect.

Archbishop Lokasna gently taught the Saints sect so that they could accept the views of the Saints sect, and everyone worked together to wipe out the traitors from this planet.

But their exchange between shadows sunk in darkness was not like that.

"Are you the insiders mentioned in the principal's plan?"

"Yes, sir. We are."

"The plan says that you are clearly young believers who have just joined the sect, so how can you have such a high status? You have also swallowed up these bishops?"

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The shadow of an old bishop sighed, sounding very aggrieved.

"It was agreed that we would stay for 30 years, but what happened? 30 years later, another 30 years later, and another 30 years later. I have already had a life extension surgery. If the plan is not carried out, I will become an archbishop."

"Yes, yes, along the way, in order to pretend and not attract attention, I really walked through every pilgrimage procession, and I didn't dare to use any magic. If it weren't for this man who invented the Eucharist, my body would have starved to death halfway."

"No, no, as a colleague, this is what we should do."

Rocas looked at the way these Moras complained at home, and he had an understanding of their work over the past hundred years. He nodded with relief.

Although these guys are a little weak, they really get things done, which is much better than those colleagues who are slacking off in the Sealing Institute.

"So are all your men ready? We need to launch a bigger rebellion. Some key words were deleted from some of the plans written by the principal before, so I can only get a rough idea."

Rocasna's shadow leaped, and he recalled the first of the many plans, which was "——The Great Rebellion". The first half had been deleted, and Rocasna could only get a rough idea from the principal's grand plan.

Combined with the plans of the latter few books, Rocasna felt that the principal wanted to let this planet rebel, and then they would hold a ceremony in the Memeril Hive.

After the ceremony, they would let this planet sink into the blessing of the subspace, and completely transform it into a demon planet and send it out.

In this way, as long as there are trade ships and pilgrimage ships passing by this planet, they will be contaminated by the energy of the subspace, and the principal's power will spread to a farther place.

The considerate principal even prepared a "——Holy Book" for him to deceive idiots. This must be used by the followers who have become demon planets to spread the doctrine.

Rocasna has read it completely, and the content is not much different from the book praising the Corpse King, except for some minor changes in some places.

This book has raised their religious status a lot, from a rebellion to an act similar to clearing the court.

"Hey, sir. We are ready for a long time, just waiting for the order, and our servants will charge for the principal like chicken blood."

"Very good, very good, are the disguises ready?"

"It's ready, we will cover up all the weapons and waves to make them look like the paralyzed guy, and no one will be able to find us then."

The more Rocasna looked at these change demons, the more he liked them, and he had already used up all the dirty words for his colleagues in the Sealing Institute.

"First, wait for the scriptures I sent down to take effect, and then we will start to act. When all the redemption legions are mixed on the battlefield, let them fight against the imperial army, forming a situation of sandwiching the two sides and blooming in the center."

"Great~ Very great~"

When the demons were happily discussing how they could easily disintegrate the armed forces of the entire planet, Rocas suddenly remembered something.

"Have you heard of a man named Priest Rai? What is his situation? Is he one of us?"

The shadow of the change demon scratched his head and thought for a while before giving Rocas an answer.

"Rai. I remember that guy was a leader of the indulgence sect down there. He opened a restaurant down there. Their chefs cook pretty well. We occasionally cook for the tortured and dying living souls in his restaurant."

"Yes, yes." Another change demon also interrupted their topic, and also stuck out his tongue to taste the taste of those souls.

"But he has been a little depressed recently, and he is not so cheerful every day."

"I heard that their master asked them to send something more abnormal, not to hold torture and deadly parties."

Is that so. Rocas recalled what he saw and heard in the warp.

Since the earth-shaking screams and violent roars came from the Palace of Debauchery, Slaanesh and Khorne have been in a real war.

Both sides are really angry, and almost all their forces are invested in the battlefield of the gods.

Nurgle wanted to go over to persuade the fight, but he was beaten by the two gods together, and finally went back to the garden to continue making soup with a groan.

"Alas. Life in the Subspace has been difficult recently. Do you remember the long drunken street near the Impossible University? The bar of the pretty little succubus Loic-Bartender closed down. Now she may be performing in the alleys for a living."

"What?" A changeling was very excited when he heard Rocasna's sigh, "Loic-Bartender! She! She went to perform!"

"Ah, yes, what happened? Do you know her?"

"Woo woo woo. She is my girlfriend."

"Ah, this. Please accept my condolences."

Rocasna comforted the crying changeling, sighed that things have changed, and thought of his unfulfilled ambitions. The bitterness in his heart also flowed from his eyes.

The demons hugged each other and cried together.

In the intertwined and twisting shadows on the ground, a little light flashed from time to time.

Because of the issue of atonement, the Krieg people cherish emotions more than other Astra Militarum. The problem is that their atonement overwhelms personal feelings.

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