The transport aircraft slowly drove into the hangar, the gate was closed, air was injected and the cabin air pressure balance was restored. Rebecca and Delia got off the transport plane, although neither of them needed oxygen and considered air pressure balance.

Delia handed over the data command of Sage Kaos to the mechanical priest guarding the hangar, and then took Rebecca back to the camp on the ship.

The noise made Delia frown. She stood at the door and tapped the bottom of the gear-powered ax on the deck, making a huge metallic echo.

The soldiers fell silent and looked back at Delia and Rebecca.

"What's going on here? Answer me!"

Listening to Delia's roar, Old Jock quickly came over and gave her a gear salute. When Delia was angry, it was best to follow the etiquette in place. Everyone in the Thirty-seventh Regiment knew this.

"Commander Soap decided to mix up the companies. You know we have about the same number of people. He wanted everyone to learn from each other."

"That sounds interesting. Are you discussing it? I didn't catch that."

A soldier from Valhalla's Great Company stood up and expressed their dissatisfaction to Delia in an excited voice.

"I think this order is nonsense! It undermines the combat style and glorious tradition of our regiment, our company. With all due respect, the colonel who came in by air has no experience in the management of the regiment!"

Lieutenant Sura Delia knew this female officer. Judging from behavioral analysis, Lieutenant Sura admired Political Commissar Kane very much and even regarded her as a mentor. But Delia could also see that Kane was slightly bored with Lieutenant Sura.

Probably because of the lieutenant's risky attack and his recklessness that got Kane into trouble, Kane didn't think highly of her.

Delia glanced coldly at the restless Valhalla people in the field. Due to the empire's confidentiality regulations, Lin Fan's achievements during the war were deliberately hidden by the empire. Now his story is only spread within the legion, but it is very rare. It is obvious that the people of Valhalla treat Lin Fan's story as an over-glorified comedy.

It's also understandable, an Astra Militarum tearing apart an Ork Titan? More than one? If you were a Space Marine, everyone might believe it.

But was it really hidden by the Ministry of Military Affairs? Delia knew more or less about the purges in the Armageddon sector and the Ministry of Military Affairs from the Space Wolves, and Kaiser White Fang mysteriously told her that Golden Corn had taken action.

But what is golden corn? A Space Marine Chapter operating in the shadows?

"You cannot question Colonel Soap's merits! If you are not willing to respect him, you have to think about how many parts of your body you can replace with me."

"Tsk." Lieutenant Sula sat down, but it was obvious that she was not convinced. This was obedience under threat.

"Ahem, let's let Political Commissar Kane come and discuss things clearly with Chief Soap. The organization of our regiment is really too confusing. Although they are all colonels in name, some colonels have more power."

Colonel Castine, the former commander of the 597th Valhalla Regiment, spoke. A young and beautiful female officer with rich war experience. Although there is no shortage of female soldiers in the empire, young women with combat talents like Colonel Castine are still relatively rare.

The hatch opened, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the legendary hero of the empire, Commissar Kane, and the ordinary-looking Colonel Soap next to him.

Commissar Kane is a tall man, his figure is well lifted up by his political commissar coat, and he appears to be in great spirits. Coupled with the confident smile on his face and the slightly humorous corners of his mouth, his temperament is inflated to the point that it is difficult to describe.

Many female soldiers turned red when they saw Kane's intoxicating smile.

On the other hand, the other person beside him was Lin Fan. A little thinner than Commissar Kane, and not as tall and tall as Kane. There are no traces of being baptized by war on his ordinary face, and he looks so young and naive.

Many people who saw Lin Fan clean his face for the first time would subconsciously think of him as an aristocratic boy who didn't want to eat minced meat. This guy couldn't see the military aura or the bloody aura of bravery in his body, only a gentle smile.

Just like your classmates in college.

"Ah, I heard your doubts about my record and that I don't have the ability to manage you. You may prefer Commissar Kane."

Lin Fan stood in front of the people of Valhalla and nodded apologetically to Commissar Kane. If anyone could see it, Commissar Kane's face was a little stiff, and his smile wasn't that pretty.

"But I am a reasonable person, and some officers are really not good people. So I will prove my ability to you. In the next few days, you can challenge me, in any form. Even if it is a competition to see who can It can stay in the refrigerator for a long time.”

"Really?" Lieutenant Sura couldn't sit still when she heard this. She was the first to stand up and challenge Lin Fan.

"Of course it's true. If I lie, I will let the Emperor strike me to death with lightning."

"Okay! If you lose, the whole group will be handed over to Commissar Kane to manage!"

"No problem, honey."

Krieger and the Atonement Army were very angry when they heard such a rude offense, especially Colonel Erica, who had already pulled out the shovel in his hand. If the soldiers of Kamaklan hadn't stopped them, they would have started fighting. .

"Don't panic, don't panic. Have fun." Camachlan's soldiers giggled. They were not worried that the Valhallans would defeat their invincible soap commander. This group of people had long regarded their stories as The conversation after dinner showed no respect for soap.

Now they are happy to see these stubborn and savage Valhalla people defeated.

Political Commissar Kane just wanted to cover her face and leave this place. She also wanted to shoot Lieutenant Sura. She would only cause trouble for herself.

His subordinates may not know what kind of ruthless person Lin Fan is, but as the senior political commissar of the empire, and with his ridiculous legendary aura, they can also learn a thing or two from the words of his superiors.

Lieutenant Sulla's challenge was nothing but self-inflicted humiliation. Political Commissar Kane originally discussed with Lin Fan how to mix the company and revise the content of the night courses. Who would have thought that the veterans of Valhalla would cause trouble for him like this.

oh! They have been making trouble since they were incorporated into this regiment, and they have always been unwilling to be incorporated into an unknown group like the Casare Thirty-seventh Regiment. He believed that he was following the legendary political commissar and the great hero of the Empire, Caiaphas Cain's legendary Astra Militarum, and became an indispensable force for the Empire in the long galaxy.

Maybe this time, these people can be clear-headed and stop taking Kane too seriously. They should do their best to give credit to the political commissar in any war.

The internal design of the Leman Russ tank. How can this thing hold ammunition after loading its crew? The golden age accommodates technology, bushi

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