People outside the field were awakened by Kane, but Lieutenant Sura on the field was under tremendous pressure.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Lieutenant Sura looked back at Lin Fan from time to time. There were no scratches on this guy's bulletproof armor. On the contrary, in order to dodge the sneak attack, he fell firmly on the solidified sand ground.

To be honest, there is no shame in falling in the battlefield. Any recruit who thinks about such boring issues as humiliation will not survive the first thirty minutes. The more complex and chaotic the battlefield, the faster you can climb and roll, the greater your probability of survival.

This subconscious slam saved Lieutenant Sura's life many times during the war. Several times in the battle in the hive, she had to fight wits and courage with the enemies in corners and behind windows.

A quick and unexpected fall backwards can make the enemy lose the target for an instant and be surprised. This is the greatest significance of this action.

He touched the rough scratches on his body armor with his hands and took some photos of the magnetic sand. Lieutenant Sura only felt that the rapid breakthrough was becoming more and more difficult. Facing the fire of ten or more enemies at once, it was difficult for her to raise her head.

In the past, she would call the heavy weapons squad to load a mortar shell and send the enemies in these bunkers to the sky, but now she can only rely on herself.

With the training grenade in her hand ready, she recalled what she had just seen, adjusted the parameters of the explosion, and counted silently for a few seconds.

"It's now!"

Lieutenant Sulla threw the grenade and let it explode over the enemy's head. The anti-magnetic field is used to simulate shock waves and fragments, and enemies affected by the explosion are reduced to a ball of loose sand.

Almost at the same time as the explosion, Lieutenant Sulla rushed out from behind the bunker. The laser gun in his hand fired quickly, killing four or five enemies who had regrouped.

An enemy burst out of the crater, aiming a non-lethal weapon at Lieutenant Sulla.

Damn it! Eager!

Lieutenant Sura secretly blamed herself for being reckless, but the pressure Lin Fan put on her was too great, making it impossible for her to polish off this area bit by bit.

The lightning hit Lieutenant Sura's shoulder, and she immediately felt the twisting and throbbing pain in her muscles. She gritted her teeth and shed a cold sweat. He endured the intense pain with all his strength and pulled out the gun from his waist with one hand.

With a few shots, Biubiu turned the enemy into a ball of scattered sand. Lieutenant Sura was also hiding behind the bunker and breathing heavily. She needed some time to endure the muscle cramps in her shoulders.

Perhaps the training ground should also train the soldiers' self-rescue ability, but considering the intensity of the imperial army's battlefield, being shot is almost the same as death. If it were a real battlefield, Lieutenant Sura's shoulder would have been broken.

The feeling of muscle cramping will become your happiness. At least you can keep an arm and send it back to the field hospital for treatment.

"Damn it." Lieutenant Sula's arm cannot be used now, but she must defeat Colonel Soap for the dignity of the Valhalla regiment and for the face of political commissar Caifas Kane.

She held the gun in one hand and continued to move forward at the risk of her life. But the more flustered and anxious she became, the worse her performance in the battle became. In the end, she was hit by four or five lightning bolts at the same time. She fell to the ground with hatred and could only look at Lin Fan's performance with her head sideways.

Hehe. Have you gone somewhere? Let me see what strength you have.

Lin Fan saw Lieutenant Sura's eyes from a distance. The girl, who was obviously quite beautiful, had to stare at him with such a terrifying look.

He didn't offend her, so why was he so angry?

Shaking his head, Lin Fan felt the area blocking Lieutenant Sura.

More than 50 enemies were scattered in the corners, including Lao Liu who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead and burying himself in the crater with sand.

The two reinforced bunkers are where the most enemies are. The things made of these sands must have strengthened the sensing and shooting thresholds, basically enabling aiming and shooting within 0.5 seconds.

Lin Fan felt he was ready, clapped the Beast Suppressor Type V laser gun in his hand, and closed his eyes.

He opened fire first to ensure that the lasers could fire continuously, and then he stretched his hands out of the cover without sticking out his body and head at all.

"You're... you're cheating!" Lieutenant Sula saw Lin Fan's actions and was so angry that she almost coughed up blood. In her eyes, this was Lin Fan's attempt to rely on the high rate of fire and large force of the Beast Suppressor's laser gun. Capacity grinds away enemies in bunkers.

But how could Lin Fan do such a rogue thing? Every time he shoots, there will be results. Others can't see the hit when they reach out with their guns, but Lin Fan can see this.

A series of shots shattered the enemies. Even if a few enemies were able to shoot lightning, Lin Fan could still withdraw his hands in advance to avoid the lightning that made his muscles twitch.

Although he would not have been injured by such a thing, considering Lieutenant Sulla's dignity, he decided to put on a show.

The enemies in the bunker were eliminated, leaving only the old men who were pretending to be dead and hiding. Lin Fan opened fire while walking. These enemies didn't even give them a chance to rush out and attack them, so they were beaten into a ball of sand in advance.

Lin Fan was impressed by the light weapons training ground. He went over to help Lieutenant Sura and asked her if she wanted to go to the heavy weapons training ground as well.

"You...I..." Lieutenant Sula was holding her tongue and didn't know what to say. She saw Lin Fan's shooting and predicting the attacker. These combat skills could already tell that Lin Fan was not an embroidered pillow. He has the real stuff.

"Jurgen, go and compete with Colonel Soap."

"Okay sir."

Kane ordered his adjutant, gunner Jurgen, to have a test with Lin Fan, not because he wanted to see who was better, but because he was also curious about how well Lin Fan could use heavy weapons.

There are only two people around him who are best at using heavy weapons. One is Old Jock and the other is Jurgen. He has also compared the strength of the two and found that the key to Jurgen's ability to defeat Old Jock is his body. Strong body odor.

You must know that Jurgen and he were once trapped behind enemy lines, and the body odor on Jurgen even made the Nurgle believers think he was one of their own. The greenskins were stifled by Jurgen's body odor, and one by one they vomited out the remains of their undigested food.

Lieutenant Sura was sent back, and Kane solemnly told her not to be so reckless in the future and to learn to be calm.

Then came the duel between Lin Fan and Jurgen. Jurgen had no problem using the heavy bolter machine gun, but compared to Lin Fan

A superman who holds a heavy bolter machine gun larger than him in one hand, and can also carry a large box of heavy bolters in his right hand, ensuring steady shooting while sprinting. Kane decided that he would stay away from him in the future.

No Space Marine he knew could carry a heavy bolter machine gun with one hand and charge while firing.

It seems to be a technological barbarian from the Terran Unification War.

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