Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 333: Turkey-Wacker Research Institute

Yingyang suddenly frowned. She seemed to have heard something interesting that Vakkan had just said.

"What are you currently studying? Please forgive my poor pronunciation. Subspace engines?"

Vulkan was not amused by the funny pronunciation of Oshasara, which had been deciphered from Imperial documents.

It's as strange as the "Koumisa" in the human army. Who knows what this "Wapuin Trail" is.

(Political commissar missar subspace engine warp engine, here refers to the pronunciation of the Tau language, just like coffee is what we call coffee.)

"For the past three hundred and fifty years, we have been studying subspace engines. I have to say that humans are still very advanced in terms of certain technologies, but the inexplicable decorations on them are strange. We have found a lot of them. Things like holy oil and holy incense.”

Vakkan shook his head when he said this, seeming to express regret that humans maintain scientific equipment in such a clumsy way, just like looking at animals in the zoo who clumsily use wooden sticks.

"Now with the help of the Tu-Pinwak Research Institute, we have successfully scanned the internal structure of the subspace engine. Although the outer shell cannot be disassembled and there are many garbled areas on the scanner, we have still been able to reverse engineer part of the design. , and applied to the new generation of jump engines.”

Looking at Wakkan's smile, Yingyang also nodded. Wakkan's mentor could not crack the secret of the subspace engine until his death. Now he, the apprentice, can finally make his teacher proud.

As for the Tu-Pinwak Research Institute, Yingyang also knew about it.

It can be said to be the best scientific research institute in the Tau Empire. Although it is only a new research institute born in the past hundred years, their scientific and technological achievements have surpassed several old Tu clan research institutes.

Now that the Tu-Pinwak Research Institute has cracked the secret of the subspace engine, it will definitely make it more prosperous and become a holy place in the hearts of all Tu clan technicians.

They can even be recognized and appreciated by the ethers, giving them a stick of good deeds.

"But I have to say that the research on subspace engines has led to a new question. What is subspace? The Human Empire has mentioned subspace many times in communication networks and documents, and they are very taboo about this word. It’s like being forced to use subspace.”

Yingyang listened to Wakan's doubts, but she couldn't give him an answer, but it was obvious that the diplomat Masa also had important things to report.

"Perhaps you can return to the institute to continue experiments and contribute your wisdom to the greater good."

"Oh." Realizing that he was lost in thought, Wakkan apologized to Yingyang and Masa, "Then I will leave now, for the sake of the greater good."

"For the Greater Good."

After watching Wakkan go away, Masa spoke, "Currently, the new generation of humans have forgotten about the Empire. We give them a peaceful death for the older generation."

"Very good. For the sake of the Greater Good, I don't think they will miss the bad life in the old human empire."

"The human auxiliary army is now fully equipped and ready to cross the Gulf of Damocles with us and attack the corrupt government of the human empire."

"This will reduce the casualties of our tribe, which is the best thing."

Yingyang lamented that although this was unfair to humans who believed in the Greater Good, as a Tau, she must put the interests of the Tau first.

All races in the empire are equal to each other, but it is obvious that some races are more equal.

Moreover, the number of humans taken in was too great, and there was even a bad phenomenon of human culture assimilating to the Tau on some planets.

If it were not for the foresight of the ethers, caste marriage and socialized upbringing would have been implemented. Their empire would likely be overwhelmed by the overwhelming numbers of humans.

As for the cleansing of humans.

She had never thought about this problem. As long as the humans who joined the Greater Good Path did not betray this great path, no one could use cruel massacre to erase their achievements.

Just like Vision, her classmates and rivals were branded as traitors and cowards.

"Commander Shadowyang? What happened?"

"Ah. No. Please forgive me for being distracted. I was just thinking about the human auxiliary army."

"You are too humble. It is precisely because of a great commander like you that we can better implement the Greater Good."

Yingyang forced a smile. Originally, this praise should have been reserved for Yuan Yuan, not her.

"So how did the caravan do in infiltrating the human empire?"

"They like to exchange trade with us. Although they have great fear of the human empire, they still regard our trade as a way to become rich."

“Classic rule by fear.”

Masha applauded Yingyang's summary. They were afraid of being discovered by the human empire and wanted to secretly trade and cultural exchanges for wealth. This was a sign of the unpopularity of the human empire.

Even the inhabitants of the planet cannot be fed, but they worship a corpse on a throne.

It's really ridiculous. Many translated state religion books describe their emperor as an omnipotent god, and a corpse that has been sitting on the throne for tens of thousands of years.

If that ridiculous emperor was really omnipotent and like a god, then he shouldn't be like a corpse slumped on a chair.

This is extremely contradictory and defies logic at all.

Moreover, their favorite ornaments are actually the skulls of their own tribe, which is exactly the same as the savage orcs and Kroots.

In the end, the people of the Water Clan believed that the Emperor might be the totem of this country, a kind of ignorant worship left over from primitive times, and not as trustworthy as their Aether.

"Be prepared, and all the clans will work together to create a better tomorrow." Yingyang looked up at everything they had built with their own hands, and at the lush shrubs planted in the buildings.

There are also the Tau children who are socialized to inherit their parents' caste and become heirs to positions within their clan.

But that's all, they don't have last names, they don't have lifelong parents, only public daycares treat every Tau child fairly.

Shadowsun swore that he would protect everything in the Tau Empire and that the human Empire's horrific reign would never be repeated.

What's the difference between what they do and what the orcs do? Not even as good as the orcs. Unpleasant laughter can still be heard in the orc camps, but there is only despair and silence in the empire's hive.

The main race of the Tau Empire. In the early days when the dwarves had not recovered their souls, their empire had the Craftsman race.

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