"Hide! Check the armor seal! The radiation will kill everyone!"

Yan Ou shouted to his soldiers, telling them to hide behind their combat uniforms and not to show anything.

But it was obvious that such a cowardly act was not recognized by his men. A soldier raised his gun and fired in a hurry. He was hit by a series of radiation bullets just after completing a standard shot.

Yan Ou watched the reckless soldier's armor being punched with holes, and then streams of hot liquid with strange colors spurted out.

"What should we do! Sir! They are slaughtering us!"

"Wait for the support of heavy armor! They will not fail to see the situation here!"

It can be seen that these soldiers were frightened by this cruel way of death, but Yan Ou was able to remain absolutely calm. According to the joint combat manual, infantry is to occupy, delay, and cover, and the real breakthrough should be completed by combat uniforms and heavy armor.

"Look! It's the Soldier Bee fighters! Destroy those humans!"

The support of the air force made the struggling Fire Clan warriors want to fight. These drones in the atmosphere are equipped with long-tube pulse cannons.

Easy to produce and overwhelming.

Facing laser bullets, their armor can still withstand one or two, and there is no need to consider the pain of physical collapse, so these aircraft with a wingspan of 7.9 meters can shoot a lot of plasma before crashing.

And behind these Soldier Bee fighters, a Manta super-heavy transport aircraft is coming to support. This 382-ton aerial behemoth can destroy all heavy armor with its heavy railgun and six ion cannons.

It is providing support for the battlefield in the distant horizon. Yan Ou can only see a signal identifying the vehicle on the right, and cannot see the specific outline of Manta at all.

++Abomination intelligence detected, ready to sleep and soul-removing hymns++

Facing the drones operated by AI, the Mechanicus's Skitarii burst into amazing hatred. They all extended slender metal antennas from their backs and sang emotionless hymns with the trumpets in their throats.


Although they were chanting only numbers, the speed, quantity and volume gave them a sense of magnificence and holiness, and a huge resonance echoed across the battlefield.

The metal antennas behind them were getting hotter and hotter, with tiny lightning bolts generated from them and jumping to other antennas, looking quite beautiful.

++Praise the might of the God of All Machines! Praise the Soul of All Machines! ++

As the last number of the hymn ended, all the crusaders sang the name of the God of All Machines in unison, and a huge electromagnetic field was instantly released from the metal antenna, surging forward with a directional pattern.

"What is this!"

Yan Ou felt a mess inside his helmet, the vision displayed by the eyepiece alternated between black and white, and a sharp whistle came from his ears, and he felt that his ears could not accept this sound at all.

But the situation in the air was even worse, and these drones quickly stopped under the electromagnetic attack. One by one, they fell from the air and hit the ground, and these aircraft weighing about three tons smashed the soldiers who could not dodge in time.

++Execute the destruction agreement for the God of All Machines. ++

The battlefield fell into silence for a long time, and then the sound of the mechanical legs of the Skitarii marching in unison shook the earth.

The Manta aircraft tried to save the situation, and it aimed all its weapons at the robed robots.

The strikes of the rail gun and plasma cannon left a gap in the neat array, but from the perspective of the turret operator, only the robots in the center of the explosion died, and the robots on the edge of the explosion just paused.

But the attack of this Manta ended here. The volcanic cannon that came from nowhere penetrated its shield, evaporated the entire internal structure of the aircraft, and left only a lifeless shell falling to the ground.

"I didn't expect that the military emp could be used like this." Rebecca observed the front line with a telescope and was amazed. She and Lin Fan were stationed at the foot of the Divine Calculation Tower, which was the core line of defense.

"So you have to be careful. If the gear head knows what you are, our regiment will be in trouble. Do you know how difficult it is to find an area with low radiation?" Lin Fan held a radiation detector in his hand. No matter where this thing detects, the bar is basically full. The sound that was originally heard a little bit is now as dense as fried beans. "Political Commissar Kane, are you happy to kill the aliens?" "Of course, it is my duty to kill the enemy for the Emperor." Kane still looked confident and humorous, with a flawless smile on his face. But only Lin Fan knew how scared he was just now. Several teams of titanium troops who relied on xv25 stealth suits to enter the deep position were discovered by Lin Fan. At that time, these troops were quietly passing by Political Commissar Kane. But Lin Fan thought it was fun to scare Kane, so he pretended to fire the laser gun in his hand and smashed it to the ground, hitting the eyepiece of the xv25 stealth suit. The titanium warrior thought he was discovered and released from the invisible state. Kane found himself surrounded by aliens and screamed in fear. However, his fighting nerves and desire to survive still made him draw his sword subconsciously, and he chopped down these combat suits equipped with only pulse swirl cannons one by one.

Lin Fan observed Kane and found that he could always dodge the shooting of the Titanium Army in a mysterious way and kill them with a single blow.

Whether it was skill or luck, Lin Fan said he couldn't tell. But the soldiers just thought Kane had saved them again with his amazing intuition, just like their previous lives.

As for that embarrassing scream? They just thought it was Kane's heroic battle cry. As long as the result is correct, someone will help you imagine the process.

"At least we can still fish for now. It won't be so easy to fight next. When the impact of the Skitarii Army makes the Titanium Army add weight, we can prepare to activate the gravity trap."

"I thought you would kill everyone on the front line." Rebecca curled her lips at Lin Fan who was rubbing his hands, "Don't you feel sorry for those mechanical heads dying? Aren't you a very soft-hearted person?"

"I am very soft-hearted, but I also know when I shouldn't be soft." Lin Fan shrugged helplessly, "There will always be deaths on the road to revolution. I'm not a real god. I can restart the universe with just one sentence."

"I saved a few worlds, but how many worlds in this broken universe still need to be saved? There is no need to be indifferent to the current casualties."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you have become cold and ruthless too."

Looking at Rebecca, Lin Fan could only sigh.

A radium carbine, the radiation will kill the enemy and damage itself, but the servants of the Mechanicus choose to replace necrotic flesh and blood with machinery

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