A Kroot jumped from the shadows, hitting Skitarii Alpha's body with the shotgun in his hand, just as he was about to chop Alpha with the blade of the shotgun.

I saw Skitarii Alpha's wrist twisting rapidly like a machine, pointing the arc pistol in his other hand at the incoming Kroot.

This blue-white lightning exploded suddenly, and the lightning directly pierced the Kroot man's brain, roasting it into fragrant brains.

The attacking Kroot died instantly and were blasted into the sky by arcs of electricity. The constantly flashing electric energy on his body was rapidly heating his body, giving the battlefield a hint of burnt smell.

Yanou seized the opportunity and knocked down the Skitarii Alpha with a pulse gun while he was using all his weapons. He shouted as he approached, pouring the entire magazine's firepower onto one person.

"Calm down! Yan Ou! Our attack is not over yet!"

Another Fire Blade captain grabbed Yan Ou and told him not to lose his mind.

Yan Ou took a closer look. In the battle just now, they destroyed the incoming skitarii, but they also suffered heavy casualties. The three combat uniforms and more than 300 soldiers in the entire team were turned into powder and radioactive plasma.

"I'm sorry, Si Wei."

"No, I don't understand. I'm also very angry and frightened. This force is completely different from what we have seen before."

The captain of the Fire Blade, known as Si Wei, patted Yan Ou on the shoulder and told him not to be nervous or blame himself.

"Would you be interested in seeing what these things are?"

"This is what the Tu clan should do."

"Forget Earth caste technicians." Si Wei ignored the laws of caste. He took out the short knife from his waist and forcefully pried open Skitarii Alpha's helmet. He wanted to see what the enemy's commander was. .

Just over 50 robots can cause them such heavy casualties. No one can accept such a result.

"Damn it. What the hell is this."

Si Wei looked at the terrifying face under the helmet with disgust, a skinless skeleton covered with a transparent layer of unknown objects, and underneath covered with cables and mechanical equipment engraved with fine text.

When he pinched these transparent objects with his hands, the soft and tough texture reminded Si Wei of the so-called muscles. Are the muscles of these things transparent?

"I'm going to throw up, sir," a soldier complained.

"What the hell are these things?" Si Wei shook his hand and decided not to think about such things. They had seen enough horrible things on this battlefield, but this thing would not be the last one they saw.

"keep going."

Their silent steps were accompanied only by the roar of guns and the smell of corpses being slowly cooked by the hot air.

The siege of the giant tower position has gone through more than a hundred rotation cycles. Yingyang never closed his eyes in the command room and was receiving a large amount of intelligence every moment.

Her spirit was now highly tense. The attack on the giant tower was extremely difficult, with criss-crossing battle lines, and alarms that suddenly appeared from the occupied area from time to time.

All of this tells Yingyang that the Human Empire is doing its best to counterattack her offensive.

Want to give up?

But we have already invested so many soldiers, and rashly choosing to retreat will only put the original troops on the planet into trouble.

Moreover, the current advancement of the front line was acceptable. Every day she could see her troops getting closer to the giant tower.

Could this be a trap? Could it be a trap that draws their troops here little by little?

Yingyang thought it was possible, but she had no second choice.

The scale of the human empire's counterattack was too large. According to the combat situation coming from the contract port, humans launched a full-scale attack on the airport and the ground.

Even the most pessimistic researchers of human society dare not make rash judgments on the war situation. A combat machine as huge as a mountain appears on the battlefield, and just a glance from a distance is enough to make people retreat.

"This place must be destroyed to delay the empire's attack."

Yingyang no longer thinks about victory in the war. She just wants to prevent the Tau Empire from spitting out the planet it is currently expanding. This is a great victory.

If she can delay the attack of the human empire by destroying the supply world, she can completely fortify more worlds, making every step of human attack cost a huge price.

Maybe there will be a scorched earth outside the Gulf of Damocles, but there is nothing to be sad about. After all, it's not a core family world, so even if everything explodes, it's acceptable.

As the days passed, the Tau troops were forced to the foot of the giant tower. It no longer mattered how many casualties they had suffered along the way.

As long as the towers fell and the generators that maintained the global bomb-resistant shield were in ruins, Shadowsun could use its fleet's artillery to destroy any enemy forces that resisted.

The atmosphere in the command room was deathly heavy, and all the battlefield correspondents were waiting on their chairs for the final attack order.

"Send out xv46, xc95, and xv104 series combat uniforms."


Everyone was so shocked. They were surprised that Commander Shadowyang wanted to put their secret weapons against the empire into the battlefield. These things should have been used in the most critical moments.

As the battle uniform of the Tau Empire, they have always used xv to refer to all combat units, instead of confusingly naming armored units like the Human Empire.

The number after xv allows the troops to intuitively understand the functions of this batch of combat uniforms.

Generally speaking, the first number represents the weight of the combat suit, and the second number represents the specific purpose.

1-under development, 2-trial type, 3-customizable, 4-compatible with command and control system, 5-stealth type, 6-space combat type, 7-penetration, 8-fire support type, 9-assault and close range Combat type.

Just like the xv107 battle suit, which means a type 7 battle suit with a weight of 10. The same applies to the xv25 combat suit, a type 5 combat suit with a weight of 2.

The xv46 Pioneer void suit has a jetpack, rapid-fire cannon, flamethrower and fusion cannon. It has extremely strong combat capabilities in narrow spaces and can also launch life-saving capsules in the case of serious damage.

Of course, the Human Empire might not do this. They would prefer to protect equipment rather than personnel.

The xv95 ghost combat suit is a stealth combat suit equipped with heavy firepower. 9's heavy weight is made up of heavy armor and high-tech equipment. These battle suits are three times taller than the so-called Space Marines of the Empire.

The electronic interference of this thing is very fascinating, because it can deflect the trajectory of the laser gun. I wonder, don’t human infantry aim with their eyesight?

The final xv104 Riptide Battle Suit can be said to be a new product of Earth caste technicians in recent years. It has harder armor and more powerful firepower.

But their number will never be large, and the man-hours required to produce one xv104 combat suit is enough to produce tens of thousands of xv8 crisis combat suits.

xv104. This thing is the first three cars in the book to pass through a hive city

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