Moon-class cruisers and smaller frigates can be built by savages on a wild planet within ten years. (In the background, there is a temple floating in the sky. The indigenous people submitted minerals in a way of worshiping the gods. The governor and workers built the ship in the orbital harbor. The indigenous people dug the mine for 11 years and completed it.)

But this Emperor-class battleship, which carries countless glory, is not so easy to produce. Even the most powerful forge world will take centuries to put a majestic battleship into the endless void.

It can be said that in the face of these aliens, dispatching an Emperor-class battleship has given them enough face.

This Emperor-class battleship named the Executor is equipped with ancient weapons. Its ship structure was discovered by the Sage of Chaos during the M36 period.

At that time, the Executioners were piled up in the space hulk, and it took the Mechanicus people a long time to separate the battleship.

The warship had many systems still functioning when it was dismantled, and the weapons on it are said to be traceable to the Great Crusade 10,000 years ago.

The ship's light spear array has become history and a secret. Maybe the sages of Kaos have the design drawings.

But no one dared to ask him. Everyone knew that Sage Kaos was moody and unstable.

Sitting on the luxurious bridge, the captain, Elliot von Raeder, issued a declaration of destruction to the Tau Empire fleet.

The sideways rain of macro-shells shattered the shields and hulls of the Overwatch battleships, turning them into metal parts floating around in the void.

"Commander! Our troops can't hold on for long! We hope the commander will retreat quickly!"

Yingyang watched as the captain of an overseer battleship connected to the communication, and then his figure disappeared in a burst of fire.

This is four-fifths of her fleet. If they are all destroyed here, she might as well die on the battlefield. How will she face the soldiers who are holding on in the rear, waiting for the hope of victory?

"Commander, let's go! Someone must lead the next battle! At least keep the empire out of the Gulf of Damocles!"


"There's nothing more! Commander, give the order to recharge the jump engine! Let the outer fleet support it for a while, and we can save more ships."

"Okay. All ships covering the core fleet engines have completed charging!"

The five supervisor battleships in the center were covered by other ships, and all the energy from their shields and weapon arrays was transferred into the engines, charging them as quickly as possible.

The other ships also used their hulls to cover the commander's retreat. They stood in the gaps and allowed the Empire's artillery to weaken the shields, turning the ships into a mass of exploding parts.

A burst of light shone, and five supervisor battleships started their jump engines under cover and disappeared from the battlefield.

++Lock the location of the fleeing warship and prepare to pursue it. ++

Several squadrons of cruisers left the battlefield. They opened subspace rifts on the side, and with the help of astropaths and psykers, they determined where the Shadow Sun appeared.

"Sir, I do not recommend that we continue to pursue. I have a premonition of chaos in the subspace."

"Is it a storm?"

"No, sir, a temporary disturbance. I have not found the cause yet."

The Imperial ships hesitated. They had already won a great victory, and it was no longer worth the risk to continue the pursuit.

But for the remaining Tau Empire fleets in the war, they need to survive. Their ships suffered heavy casualties, and the Imperium of Man attempted to capture them.

"What should we do? They will kill us all."

A Tau communications officer was panicked. He knew how cruel and cruel the Human Empire was to its enemies.

"Calm down, we have another way."

The stocky chief technician of the ship spoke. His face was solemn, and his blue-gray skin turned a little dark.

"We can also fire up experimental engines."

"Are you crazy? We lack testing, and the ship's condition is not optimistic. We have no way of predicting what will happen if we start the experimental engine."

"Then you are going to be tortured by the Human Empire? Transformed into a machine servant? Huh?" The chief technician's rhetorical question made other technicians a little scared. They did not want to become a lobotomized machine servant.

"Then it's settled. Notify the captain and we'll start the experimental engines and let all the surviving ships move towards us."

"The Protector cruiser responded, the Ambassador-class cruiser responded, and we currently have 12 surviving ships."

"Let's take what we have." The chief technician shook his head and looked at the holographic projection of the captain, "What about the Kroot and Nikasas? Why didn't they get closer?"

The captain of the holographic projection was a little confused, "The Kroot and Nikasas did not answer. We can no longer take care of them. Let us fly separately when the disaster strikes. I believe that the higher good will protect us."

"The Greater Good will protect us."

No matter what Kroot and the Nikasans thought, they had to survive the approaching threat of the Human Empire.

Gravity shields activated, their experimental engines activated, and their fate entirely committed to the Greater Good.

A crack opened in front of these 12 traumatized ships. As several streaks of colored lightning flashed across, their ships were sucked into the crack and disappeared.

The captain of the Killer Emperor-class battleship couldn't believe it. Raeder looked at the Tau Empire's ship disappearing into the subspace rift, and he asked his Astropath.

"Did they travel into the subspace rift?"

"Uh. I guess so."

"Where's their position on Geller?"

"Uh. I didn't feel it."

"" The bridge fell into a deathly silence, and the Birdmaster shook his head and sighed, "It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

The gunnery commander also lamented, "I'm beginning to sympathize with these aliens."

"At least we still have some ships to fight. Let me blow up those Kroot ball ships."

"Captain, the Kroot ball ship is requesting access to communications."

Redel touched his chin, "Keep the fleet on alert, surround the Kroot ball ship, and let's see what they have to say."

An alien with a beak, hair like porcupine quills, painted with unknown symbols, and dressed in tribal-style animal skins.

"Hello fellow expeditioners of the Human Empire, this is the Changshao Tribe. My tribe and I have no intention of fighting you."

"But you are helping the Tau invade the Empire."

"No, no, no." The leader of the Changxiao tribe said that he had no such intention. "We are just mercenaries. They pay and we do the work. That's it. If you are willing to hire us, we can also serve you."

"What if I say no?" Captain Redel narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his ship was ready to attack.

The Moon-class cruiser is not very powerful on its own, but it is easy to produce, has many modifications, and can be built anywhere. It is similar to the interstellar version of T34 Torrent.

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