"Corsaro! You hold off the Crows while I go to revive Colvin."

"Uncle, can this be saved?"

"As long as I say yes, you go quickly!"


Corsaro roared and led the White Scar warriors to resist the Dark Crow's charge.

Lin Fan quickly picked up all the stones he could collect, and Rebecca was also called over by him.

He can no longer tell which parts of Colvin these stones are. He needs the calculation and analysis of the machine to continuously piece together Colvin's body.

"This is so interesting, you smashed a petrified Chapter Master into pieces, hahaha!"

Rebecca still looked careless. She quickly scanned the cross-sections of the stone with her eyes and quickly spliced ​​them together with her hands.

"Okay, I'm not sure if there are some stones here, but the cross-sections match up, do you want them?"

"I want it, I want it all! Spell it out first and then talk about it!"

Lin Fan was almost dying of anxiety. He didn't want the Raven Guard to hate him because of such an accident. Maybe I should take less action in the future, or at least look at the situation clearly before speaking.

"Die! For the Chapter Master!"

A Dark Crow veteran who didn't know how he broke through White Scar's guard appeared from behind Lin Fan. It could be seen that he was really angry. As a Raven Guard, he should have been silent, but he was so angry that Lin Fan desecrated the Chapter Master's body and shouted out.

"For the sake of your equipment, you'd better retreat first."

A huge mechanical figure blocked the sneak attack of the Dark Crow Veteran. Priest Delia's gentle voice tried to persuade the Dark Crow to give up the sneak attack.

But she had no intention of holding back at all. The battle ax and heavy hammer forced the Dark Crow to dodge.

Dark Crow is not afraid of being injured, but meaningless injuries will only make his revenge for the Chapter Master a vain cloud. At least he must kill these bastards for the Chapter Master before he is qualified to die to apologize.

"Okay, okay! This is the last piece!" Lin Fan looked at the spliced ​​Colvin, and he felt that this should save him.

But can it really be saved? Colvin turned into stone, was broken into pieces, and was finally put back together again. No matter how you look at it, this guy has returned to the throne.

"My loving father, I hope your old soup is really helpful." Lin Fan whispered to his loving father quietly, and then put his hand on his throat.

The sound of vomiting came from Lin Fan's throat, and part of the old Nurgle soup in his stomach was regurgitated.

Lin Fan swallowed it, wrapped a drop of it with his tongue, and squeezed it out from between his teeth. Finally, he dipped his fingers into the drop of life essence and wiped it on Colvin's forehead.

A shocking situation happened. Colvin's petrification faded under the application of life liquid, and part of it turned into flesh, but part of it was still cold black stone.

"Is the death energy of this thing so strong? A drop of old soup is not enough to dissipate it?"

Lin Fan was a little shocked. He could only spit out more liquid from his throat and smear it on Colvin's body bit by bit.

This situation is so strange and blasphemous to anyone who sees it, just like the ritual of the Nurgle cultists. Two disgusting Nurgle demons spit in each other's mouths during communication.

"You devils! I will blast you away!" The Dark Crow veterans were so anxious that they were crying. The veteran who was tightly entangled by Delia suddenly burst out with amazing power.

"I embrace the power of the dark night!"

The lightning claw broke through Delia's stance, cut off her arm, and then slashed across Delia's waist.

He didn't follow up with a last-ditch attack, because Delia's other hand held him firmly, pressing the Raven Guard firmly against the wall and unable to move.

"Are you going to shoot?" Yingyang asked. She didn't understand what was happening at all. Why did the army of the Human Empire suddenly start fighting among themselves?

Aren't they here to rescue this group of friendly troops who are trapped in a tight siege?

Delia looked at her arm exploding with sparks and her waist bleeding out with blood and lubricant. She thought about how much time it would take for her to repair her body again.

"Colvin! Wake up!" Lin Fan patted Colvin's fully recovered body and shouted to him.

Could it be that the throne has started to receive heroic spirits? Lin Fan thought this, and then placed the icon on Colvin's forehead.

"Emperor, you old Biden, you have picked the wrong person!"

Lin Fan yelled, hoping to pull Colvin's soul back into his body.

The icon became the medium connecting Colvin's body and the throne, and Lin Fan's shout reminded the emperor.

The God-Emperor sat on the golden throne, guiding trillions of souls into the sanctuary to prevent them from being invaded by evil spirits, and then he heard the voice of the Emperor in his heart.

Wrong person? A Chapter Master of the Raven Guard? The God-Emperor opened his eyes impatiently and found Colvin's soul in the torrent of souls.

"Colvin, you still have unfulfilled responsibilities." The God-Emperor looked at Colvin's soul indifferently, and threw him into the repaired body with a wave of his hand.

Colvin woke up suddenly. He felt that he had had a dream, and he dreamed that he saw the sacred throne and the Lord of Humanity.

"You finally woke up! Stop your men!" Lin Fan saw that Colvin finally woke up and quickly pointed to the Space Marines fighting in the group.

Although Colvin didn't know what was happening, he also knew that the Space Marines should not be plunged into civil war.

He sat up and felt a stab of pain in his waist, as if a bullet was embedded in it.

"Ugh." Colvin held his waist with his hands and uttered a crow cry, "Crows! Stop!"

Colvin's voice resounded in the hearts of all the Crow Guards. Their attacks stopped, and the Wolves and White Scars also stopped.

It was a misunderstanding, and no one wanted to kill anyone.

Bennett took off his dented wolf helmet, wiped the blood from his nose with his hands, and spat out a few teeth.

"You are really evil." Bennett glanced at the Crow Priest coldly.

"What happened just now? We swore in the nest that we would never draw our blades with our brothers for the rest of our lives." Colvin was very serious, and he scanned the battlefield full of wounded soldiers.

"Captain." The Crow Guard who was released by Delia knelt on one knee in front of him and explained everything to him.

"Kevan Shrek." Colvin watched his third captain report the news to him and quickly understood the misunderstanding that had just occurred.

"I told you! There is a way to save him!" Cather White Fang cursed. His face was bruised and his beard was almost gone. Even his nose was almost cut off.

"Hurry up and save this old guy."

Cather White Fang carried Wodehouse to Lin Fan, and Lin Fan slapped Wodehouse very skillfully.

The surrounding plants did not change

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