At different times, we need to choose different ways to solve problems.

If Lin Fan traveled to the Republic of China, he would choose to join the revolution.

Tear the warlords' fortresses to pieces and bury the feudal system in the grave. Millions of poor people must stand up under thousands of years of cruel oppression.

There are enemies outside, and corrupt worms inside waiting for an opportunity. Lin Fan will not shout for the great unity of the people of the world at this time, but first let the broken mountains and rivers return to unity and let the sinking people shout the last roar.

If Lin Fan traveled to the feudal dynasty, he would not think of launching a communist revolution.

Instead, he would choose to improve the production level of society and let the wheel of history roll forward with the power of science.

From the relatively backward feudal society to the more advanced capitalist society, after all, without the support of productivity and the necessary wealth as accumulation, it is nothing but a castle in the air to force the society to enter the next stage.

The economic base determines the superstructure.

If Lin Fan traveled to Western Europe and caught up with the vigorous religious reform and peasant uprising, he would not think of enslaving the masses in the name of the Son of God.

He would not join the noble lords who were high above him, nor would he join the solemn and hypocritical priests and ministers.

Truchses shouted: God will never abandon the nobles who are born prominent!

Martin Luther shouted: To deal with peasants, you must use fists to make blood spray from the nose, use knives to make the head jump off the shoulders, and use bullets to smash the ears. Peasants need this kind of teaching stick. Since the peasants do not listen to the merciful words of God, they must listen to the executioners who come with axes.

Lin Fan will definitely sneer at their remarks and say that he can play the role of Huang Chao.

The streets of heaven trampled on the bones of the nobles, and the inner treasury burned into brocade ashes.

The corpses of the nobles were everywhere under the butcher's knife, until no one in the whole of Europe dared to call themselves the descendants of the nobles and the chosen people of God.

This change and guidance is ultimately on a planet and within a race.

Expanding to the entire galaxy, the situation becomes more complicated and difficult to control. The genetic modification adopted by humans in the golden age gave the human species many appearances and branches.

The poor living environment has caused many people to have serious genetic mutations, and many people live under the shadow of the hive city.

So how do these people count? They are defined as mutants, and they are locked underground by the government and other people.

They say that the Emperor has abandoned these dark sons, even if the mutations in these humans are not what they want.

The cruel, oppressive, and ignorant country tortures the human race.

There are no good people in the entire universe, not even one.

Especially the cruelty of the human empire.

From the upper limit, he is weaker than the torture prison of Gomo.

From the breadth, Gomo is far less than the pain that the human empire can create.

The countless legion soldiers and fanatics under his rule are rampaging in the galaxy, bringing death to people or things that do not abide by their narrow view of purity.

Every man and woman is moving forward in pain, either on the battlefield or in the countless factories and hive-like slums that provide fuel for the imperial machine.

All of this is a humble slavery to the God-Emperor's zombie paralyzed on the throne. His commandments are at most vaguely recalled, distorted by the unreliability of time and human nature.

Even with the so-called honor and the concept of fighting for humanity, this still cannot make the human empire show a glimmer of light.

Just like superheroes who save the city, they eliminate villains again and again, and celebrate their rescue of citizens in the ruins of the city.

But they never cast their eyes on the soil that nourishes darkness. They are more like a group of bodyguards, people who repair the dark system.

This is how the human empire is displayed, appearing in the world with the worst power desire and extremely stubborn xenophobia of mankind.

The hungry evil gods laugh at the world. They absorb the hatred sacrificed to them by the living beings, weave hatred, and carry out an uninterrupted harvest cycle.

Each era has its own tasks, and people in each era also need to solve different problems.

What Lin Fan needs to solve is the endless war and endless hatred in the universe.

All races in this universe are soaked in each other's blood. Everyone is a scumbag. Even humans in the golden age have a lot of black history.

Any rational guy would choose to let this shitty universe directly /remake.

But Lin Fan is an idealist, an idealist who will not be destroyed.

The weapons of the reactionaries have no effect on him. He can make the world a better place little by little, no matter how many years it takes him to achieve it.

He also knows that the policy of extermination and exclusion must never become the essence of the empire.

This galaxy has gone through too many reincarnations. Although the span is quite large and no one can remember it all, Lin Fan knows it.

The War in Heaven exterminated unimaginable life. The pain and hatred when life died caused huge waves in the calm subspace.

They woke up and peeked at everything in the real universe through the curtain.

The past of the Human Federation is no longer traceable, but from what the Emperor and the Space Marines saw and heard in various pocket empires.

The Human Federation seemed to be degenerating in its final stages. The Colossus, which was driven by human blood, the nobles who planted humans to harvest their organs to maintain immortality, and the human tongue factories built for entertainment, all vaguely hinted that the Human Federation was about to move towards peace and spiritual harmony. On the same path of decadence as the clan empire.

The storm of the age of strife drove the final nail into the tomb of the half-buried golden human race.

The evil god has become active and is wreaking havoc among the human race who have just awakened their spiritual powers. Possessed by cruel and bloodthirsty demons, the boundary between reality and fantasy becomes increasingly blurred.

The Eldar's indulgence gave birth to Slaanesh and blew away the mighty warp storms.

The Emperor seized the opportunity and launched the Great Crusade in an attempt to turn the tide.

He was so eager that he didn't want to waste any time governing the reconquered planet.

But Lin Fan could also understand that the Emperor was trying to seize time to build humanity's own Webway system before the four gods could do anything.

If the Webway could be built with the resources of Terra and Mars alone, the Emperor would not think of launching a galactic conquest.

For the Emperor, as long as the Webway succeeds. Humanity could abandon warp navigation and minimize the chance of falling into corruption.

As long as the Webway succeeds, all crudely managed Imperial worlds will be able to establish close connections with Terra, and all problems of local separatism and political corruption will be solved.

Fast communication and efficient transportation can sweep all the scheming and evil-minded people into the dustbin of history.

But the problem is, the Webway plan failed.

What have you done, idiot! I want to save us! Father! (Internet channels and scarlet letters)

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