Destroy these monsters that destroyed Tau!

The Avengers are full of rage, and they want to avenge the people on the planet.

But this kind of overwhelming hatred is meaningless to the Destroyer. All he has to do is to clean up all living creatures as quickly as possible.

First, conquer the sky.

The body that was originally floating half a meter above the ground suddenly shot straight into the sky. His gauss cannon locked onto the bombers and heavy fighters flying in the air. The green tearing beam shone on the high-energy shield of the aircraft, but did not directly hit the Tau aircraft. destroy.

Gaussian weapons require the existence of matter to achieve maximum damage. If they only face pure energy bodies, the damage will still be much worse.

Adjust the output mode of the Gaussian weapon to aim the muzzle at units on the ground. The Gaussian beam shot out like a net covered the Tau troops on the ground who were shooting in the air.

The Destroyer moved at a speed far exceeding that of the Tau aircraft, stretching out its claw-like hands. These strong armors had no defensive effect in front of the claws, and the entire spacecraft was cut into two pieces. Or just get smashed by the Destroyer.

"Ah!" A Fire Caste warrior who was hit by a small Gaussian beam screamed. His knee was punctured with a hole the size of a needle, and the area around the wound was slowly disintegrating.

He felt that his legs were peeling off layer by layer. The magnetic field generated by the Gaussian weapon not only destroyed chemical bonds at the subatomic level, but also interacted with an opposite magnetic charge, providing a steady stream of power for continued destruction.

The warrior was struggling in pain. He felt that his skin and muscles were being pulled by the wound, and his flesh was falling off and scattered like sand. His Gaussian bombardment wound was emitting steam, leaving layers of dust falling on it. on the ground.

This pain lasted for a full three hours. A tiny wound completely swallowed up a soldier, and he couldn't even give himself a break in the pain of being forcibly peeled off.

The slowly disintegrating bones fell into the victim's powder, like the dying embers of a fire.

"What it is!"

"We can't stop him!"

"Support! Support!"

"I'm in so much pain. Please, kill me."

More and more troops were sent to the battlefield, and more and more dust accumulated on the ground. The Destroyer never felt happy because he had eliminated several Tau troops. There was no desire for destruction in the core of his logic. Satisfaction.

The battlefield has become quiet. These Tau people have learned wisely from the massacre of about 10 minutes. They did not stand carelessly in front of the Destroyer, shouting revenge.

The Destroyer's body was also somewhat damaged in the blow, the metal breastplate like ribs had some cracks, and the cables covered under it were leaking cooling liquid bit by bit.

"Start the repair protocol. Determine the security of the battlefield."

The Destroyer injected the extra energy absorbed in the previous battle into the living metal and used it to repair the minor damage. However, it was obvious that the Tau thought this was a good opportunity for them to sneak attack on the Destroyer. Some Pathfinders aimed their lasers at the Destroyer. The body of the destroyer.

Without turning his body, the Destroyer just turned the muzzle of his gun, completely destroying these low-level creatures that were watching the Destroyer's body in the shadow of the ruins.

The Tau fleet commander did not become furious because of the severe blows suffered on the ground. No one knew better than him the tenacity and excellent combat skills of these well-trained warriors.

The troops on the ground were slaughtered one-sidedly. The information received from all the intelligence systems could only analyze this, and the result they obtained was only to scratch the skin of 10 unidentified metal creations.

How to fight this shit?

Is it this group of things that destroyed Tau? And the 50 defense fleets guarding the surrounding Tau?

Didn't I wake up? Am I dreaming?

The commander slapped himself hard, feeling the burning pain on his cheek, and even some signs of swelling due to excessive force.

"Sir, after the sacrifice of the ground troops, we successfully rescued a survivor!"

"What? Invite him in quickly, we must know what is happening here!"

After being treated, Amalaga was brought into the command room. He was taken away on a manta from the fierce melee just now.

The army ether was the first to speak, and he asked about the fate of other ethers on the planet.

"They were all captured. A group of skeletons. They came from the Northern Star Region, destroyed the entire planet, and took away all the ether!" Amalaga knelt on the ground in pain, beating the ground with his fists, and then As his body trembled, big tears fell to the ground.

Everyone was moved by his pain, and Ether, who followed the army, asked again, "What about the Ethereum Sanctuary? How is the Ethereum Sanctuary!"

Of course the Aether Sanctuary has been destroyed, idiot.

Amalaga spoke with disdain in his heart, but he also knew that the accompanying ether was not referring to the magnificent building, but to the original sanctuary underground.

At this point, they still haven’t forgotten the origin of their power? These guys are really interesting.

Suijun Yitai may have felt that there was something wrong with his speech. He just smiled bitterly and said, "I'm a little bit out of control."

Everyone fell into silence, and the ship commander made a suggestion to Ether, "Use orbital bombardment against the enemy."


Suijun Yitai suddenly became energetic. He stared, and his body under his robe moved violently, causing his exaggerated clothes to blow out strong winds.

"That's Tau! It's the burial place of countless heroes! It's the beginning of our conquest of destiny! It's us"

Amalaga listened boredly to the righteous nonsense of the ether that accompanied the army. This ether was just protecting the original sanctuary underground from being affected by orbital bombing.

But these Tau people still accepted this trick, and their originally decadent spirit became excited again. The ship commander shed tears of shame on the ground. He confessed to the ether and the higher good, and swore that he would lead his troops Kill those metal monsters.

Amalaga sneered. It was already good that they could destroy the Destroyer. As for the Destroyer Lord, unless they blew up the ball, they would not be able to rely on their science and technology even if the Destroyer Lord floated in front of them. Discover this war machine built solely for destruction.

Feeling that the ship sent another group of troops to die, Amaraga knew it was time to take action, so he snatched the ship and ran away.

Lord Locust Destroyer (Don't ask why it can block phase weapons, ask because of the Emperor's faith)

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