"Did you make it?"

"That's half the battle."

"What does it mean?"

"She can indeed create things according to her consciousness, but the problem is that there are flaws."

Trazin showed Orikan an image of a humanoid creature that looked like a sheep, dissecting its outer skin and internal skeletal structure.

"She made many of these things, but unfortunately she could only conceive half of them. When she focused on the outside, the inside was empty, and when she considered the inside, the outside was missing, and finally she built it A lot of horrible monsters.”

Trazin sighed, and he remembered how difficult these things that Bai Huan called "pleasant goats" were. These subjective creations that looked like two-dimensional images were incompatible with reality, and even the rules of physics were not interoperable.

"Subjectives cannot construct something that fits their ideas in detail, because their brains cannot support the long-term existence of so many details. It is like an image of instant memory, with only a rough outline."

"Then why do you think the king brought you and me? The army we have is still too worth mentioning." Orikan nodded the star staff in his hand doubtfully.

"Perhaps you and I are familiar with the subject. I once took her sightseeing and focused on other places, and you wiped our butts, hahaha!"

"I will erase your museum when I get back, even if I use the Brilliant Star Map."

"You old bastard."

"Each other."


"A sneeze! A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Lin Fan sneezed more than a dozen times in a row, so that Lin Fan, who covered his mouth with his hands, was covered in spittle.

This violent and continuous sneezing ended the quarrel between Yuan Yuan and Ying Yang. They turned to look at Lin Fan shaking his head and asking about his situation.

"I heard that if humans sneeze too frequently, it means someone is talking about you." Yuan Yuan spoke first.

"Oh my god. My nose feels very uncomfortable right now. I think you are right, there must be something talking about me."

Lin Fan raised his head and sniffed a few times, feeling that his condition was much better.

After the quarrel between Yuan Yuan and Ying Yang was interrupted, they had no intention of continuing the quarrel. They just stared at each other coldly without any intention of giving in.

This conflict of ideas cannot be resolved in a short period of time. We can only wait until the two of them help each other in difficulties and hardships in the future, and then resolve their differences. After all, that's how the story is written, isn't it?

Anyway, that's what Lin Fan thought. He stood up from the chair and stretched his waist.

"Something's wrong, Commander Farsight."

"Something's wrong, Chief Soap."

Rebecca and Ovesa spoke together, and they looked at each other awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan and Yuan Yuan asked, and then said in unison, "You ask first."

"Oh no, you better ask first."

The awkwardness of talking together became more and more serious, and the two fell into silence.

Rebecca and Ovesa also looked at each other, and finally Rebecca coughed slightly, and then described the problem that just happened to everyone present.

"The fleet has sailed to the Gulf of Damocles, but the situation there does not look very good. The astropaths and psykers of the Imperial Fleet have detected a large number of subspace rifts."

"This is the subspace jammer that Director Yongtan said. He has already thought about it all!" Yingyang stood up and said anxiously.

"Calm down, this won't take us too much time. It's just some subspace rifts and storms. Leave it to us."

Lin Fan patted his chest confidently, and then asked Rebecca and the others to follow him back to the imperial fleet.

"Uh. Won't you take me with you? Strictly speaking, I am your prisoner." Yingyang followed Lin Fan and spoke cautiously.

"You want to follow? That's fine, it's always good to gain experience. Yuan Yuan, do you want to follow?"

"" Yuan Yuan was silent for a while, and then asked Oveisa to follow Lin Fan with him. As Lin Fan said, it is always good to gain more experience.

He has never seen the so-called subspace rift so close.

The Imperial fleet was very nervous facing the fissures in the Gulf of Damocles, just like they did with all fissures, for fear of overwhelming demons and pollution pouring out of them.

But these cracks were a little different from what they had seen before. Apart from triggering suicidal tendencies and deep depression in the observers, they had no other negative effects.

And the Raven Guard say these rifts feel vaguely familiar to them. After all, they often struggle with this deep sense of self-destruction, and their antidepressants come in handy.

A shuttle several dozen meters long flew to the edge of Damocles Bay. On it were Lin Fan, Yuan Yuan, Yingyang, Ovesa, and Rebecca and Delia, who were responsible for contacting and controlling the shuttle. priest.

The other ships are observing from a distance, with all weapons and positioning transmitters ready. If anything happens, the Space Marines will be transmitted directly to the shuttle.

"These cracks appear to be opened from the invisible waste abyss. There are no intense or extreme emotions, only a sense of death."

Lin Fan stood behind Delia. His gaze penetrated the plastic glass and saw the dark unknown substance spurting out from the cracks. Strange pillars made of dead bones and corpses expanded from the space from time to time. These extraordinary The presence of the substance is fatal to those on board the ship.

"It's amazing." Ovesa marveled. His eyes were fixed on all the details, for fear that he would miss something.

Then he began to breathe calmly, his expression became indifferent, his eyes were dull, and finally he pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at his chin.

Bang bang bang!

Three sounds came, and Lin Fan slapped each of Yuan Yuan, Ovesa and Yingyang. Just now, these people were mentally contaminated because they were too absorbed in staring at the rift in the subspace, and they were all preparing to commit suicide.

"I. What happened to me just now?" Yuan Yuan felt a little painful. He supported the wall with his hands. He felt that he had completely lost interest in life and only wanted to end his life cleanly.

"Spiritual pollution in subspace is the mildest symptom of subspace, so you must have a belief, similar to that of God, so that you can retain a trace of sanity in the pollution. Come and shout after me, for Emperor, for the greater good."

"For the Emperor, for the Greater Good."

"Very well, remember to follow through on these words, if you do not want to be contaminated by the spirit of the warp."

Transcendent Star God, this thing can absorb other Star Gods. According to the rules, you can only fight this fragment on Titan. You can understand it as the origin or incarnation of the basic God.

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