The "Alien Execution Regulations" were approved by the Emperor. A golden double-headed eagle was engraved on it. The entire parchment was emitting golden embers as if it was burning, but it still maintained its basic integrity.

"Unexpectedly. Has this titanium alien been lowered to the cleaning order?"

Everyone was a little surprised, but they didn't show their emotions.

They had been discussing the issue of this regulation in the past few days and had differences.

The Forge General and the Navigator Ambassador abstained. They did not care about this issue. In fact, due to their responsibilities, they actually did not care about many issues of the empire.

The Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Grand Master of the Assassin's Court, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Astra Militarum believe that the Titanium aliens should be purged.

The Pontiff of the Ecclesiarchy, the Host of the Orchids, the Host of the Astropaths, the Mother Sisters of Battle, and the representatives of the Inquisition believed that the Emperor's revelation should be awaited.

A 5:5 meeting ratio is not unusual. Many times, meetings of high lords will get stuck in this link.

But what is strange is that the representative of the Inquisition, who shouts and kills every day to see who is a heretic, actually chooses to deal with it mildly, which really surprises everyone.

The Holy Father of the State Church even suspected that the representatives of the Tribunal had been possessed by demons. In the past few days, he had joined forces with the Sisters of War and the Sisters of War to ambush heavy troops around the Tribunal of Terra, ready to rush in at any time to check whether there was anything inside the Tribunal. Demonic contamination.

Next, the high lords of the empire began to show their talents. Whether it was a frontal statement of interests or a power struggle behind the scenes, they would advance the meeting agenda.

The situation in the empire does not allow them to be idle and lazy. Today, because of the 5:5 jam, both parties gave up the discussion. Tomorrow it will be stuck at 5:5 and the two sides will give up the discussion again. Then the empire might as well stop running and just die.

It's just that the issue this time is indeed a bit subtle. After all, the regulations were written by the Emperor and the Imperial Prime Minister himself. They did not dare to ignore the Emperor's opinions under the eyes of the Imperial Army.

No matter what the Emperor's current state is, they will leave this regulation to the Emperor himself.

Although faced with this kind of problem in the past, the Forbidden Army could only hand them a ball of cooling ashes.

Everyone could only look at a pile of ashes and think hard about the emperor's revelation. In the end, a few high lords thought they had received the emperor's revelation, relaxed their opinions, and then allowed the issue to move forward.

But now such a specific double-headed eagle seal made everyone excited. The pope of the state religion suppressed the urge to burst into tears and spoke to everyone, "In this case, we postpone the investigation of the extinction of the titanium aliens for 500 years. The fate of the titanium aliens will be re-evaluated in 472.M42.”

The meeting of the high lords that lasted for a month finally ended. They solved many problems this time, but unfortunately, the empire always has more problems waiting for them.

The Beast Suppressor series weapon was approved by the Foundry General. After all, it is just a laser gun and there is nothing to review. He even programmed an entire efficient production line during the meeting, as well as a new universal muzzle. .

Even if the Astra Militarum does not have a Beast Suppressor laser gun by then, they can obtain the bright and loud characteristics of a Beast Suppressor rifle by installing a 5cm-length universal muzzle, and the efficiency will probably be as high as that of a Beast Suppressor. One-half the size of a rifle.

The other thing is to incorporate titanium aliens into the imperial demi-race and communicable alien documents, and by the way, ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Military Affairs to write a weekly article to publicize this content.

Finally, the Terra headquarters will deploy various planetary governments and Rogue Traders and ask them to send some supplies near the Gulf of Damocles.

A spokesman for the charter captain prepared customs clearance paperwork for them, as well as special commercial exemptions, so that these men could profit from the dangerous road.

Faith and loyalty are not always necessary. As long as it is not a matter of life and death, the empire will still maintain an economic system that allows those who work to gain.

As for how many people can benefit from the system, the empire's bloated bureaucratic machine can only do its best.

Countless ships responded to the empire's decree and headed towards the star sea. In the emperor's palace, the Imperial Guards were also busy.

But these superhumans weren't busy clearing away the demons pouring out of the webway, or honing their skills in a training ground that was close to actual combat.

They sat in front of a large, sturdy table, writing quickly without any pause. There were one or two drops of sweat on their foreheads, and there was a slight bloodshot in their eyes.

"It's time to change shifts."

A group of forbidden soldiers walked into the house, and they reminded the forbidden soldiers who were still writing.

The pen stopped, they stood up, their fingers trembled slightly, and completed the handover of work with this team of forbidden soldiers. Except for a sentence during the shift change, they did not say any additional words.

If someone could lean over their table and observe, they would find that they were all imperial decrees, and all of them were inextricably related to Lin Fan.

These decrees come from different departments and have different contents. The only similarity is that the names of many people have been crossed out and replaced with new names.

Here, the Forbidden Army is eliminating hidden dangers within the empire. The chaos and influence Lin Fan created along the way should have attracted huge attention within the empire, just like Commissar Kane.

Many fallen ones are probing Lin Fan's secrets under the orders of their dark masters, and are hindering Lin Fan's activities all the time.

Even the "Alien Execution Regulations" were blocked by the traitors, and they were planning to excommunicate the expedition fleet and the Tau people as rebels. If it weren't for the Forbidden Army's obstruction, this document would never have been passed down so smoothly. Lords discussion.

As early as when Lin Fan was free and unrestrained on the Internet, the traitors of the empire had already begun their activities.

The traitors within the empire deleted orders one after another in an attempt to turn the Casare Corps into a rebellious army, and at the same time deployed a large number of troops to encircle and suppress them.

The Forbidden Army has been using Lin Fan's line to clean up the carrion within the empire, but sometimes there are too many traitors that need to be killed, and there is even a bad situation where an entire branch is full of traitors.

In order to ensure that other traitors are not hidden due to the actions of the Imperial Guards, the Imperial Guards have been using their superhuman brains to quickly deal with the funeral affairs in this room, fill the vacant positions reasonably, and conceal many secrets.

This is particularly complex and difficult, so much so that even the Forbidden Army is unable to bear the thought and processing. Therefore, the Imperial Guards will take over this job one after another according to the monthly cycle.

People named Kane in different worlds

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