Odemeyer ran so fast that Lin Fan was surprised by her speed. This thin-looking scientist didn't know what kind of genetic modifications he had undergone over the long years. He felt that this speed was faster than anything he had ever seen before. The body is much faster.

"Uh, why are you so slow?" Odemair sighed and put one hand around Lin Fan's waist. Considering that Odemair's figure was relatively thin, she could not hold Lin Fan on her shoulders like the original body.

But Odemeyer didn't slow down because she had a big living person in her arms. Her arms twisted back and moved to her back, fixing Lin Fan behind her like a satchel. A fleshy bag grew on her shoulders, and she quickly grew a new arm.

Unscrewing the bottle and pouring Rebecca out, Odemeyer's eyes flashed a laser and struck the powdered Rebecca.

"Oh. It's a little numb. Wait! What are you doing? Don't touch my gallery!" Rebecca screamed, trying to protect her precious spiritual food.

Odemeyer ignored the nanorobot's struggle and pinched Rebecca with his hands, kneading and grinding it like dough.

Rebecca screamed as she was being rubbed, but Odemeyer kept moving. A clump of nanoswarms was thrown to the ground.

With a snap, Rebecca quickly transformed into a drilling vehicle.

"Damn it, how did I become like this?"

Rebecca was still wondering about her own form, so Odemeyer entered the cab and operated Rebecca to drill deeper into the ground.

The Rebecca drilling rig goes straight into the ground, kicking up the sand. Under the sand are dense and shiny metal plates, which support the soft sand and the entire Bikini Castle Theme Park.

The high-heat laser melted layers of metal, and the red molten iron enveloped the drilling vehicle, and Odemeyer walked deeper.

"Hot, hot, hot!"

The screen was full of red, making it difficult to see other situations. Odemeyer adjusted the console again, and suddenly the entire shell of the drilling vehicle flickered.

Rebecca finally stopped shouting that she was hot, and even sank into the molten iron much faster.

After drilling to the bottom of the metal layer, the drilling vehicle lost its support and slid down carrying the hot molten iron.

This is a hollow area surrounded by metal walls, with a ball held up by an anti-gravity generator in the center, with aperture-shaped symbols engraved on it, shining faintly white.

Rebecca changed her shell again and generated a suspension engine at the bottom, taking Odemeyer and Lin Fan to float in this empty core area.

Odemeyer drove Rebecca close to the ball, held the pen on his coat in his hand, peeled off a layer of skin on his body, and started writing and drawing on the skin.

"I'm your father."

After writing, he threw it directly onto the ball. The flesh with the words on it was sucked into the body by the ball, and then Lin Fan heard whispers.

"Welcome back. General Manager Ers, the containment object has been unable to be detected and the disintegration protocol is being implemented."

"Terminate the Disintegration Protocol, your mission is accomplished."

Unspeakable cheers came from all directions. At the same time, in the underground prison of Holy Terra, there was also a stasis in which the sealed creations dissipated like smoke.

The Shadow Prison Prisoners had no idea what had happened, they only knew that a dangerous ancient creation had disappeared from their consciousness forever.

The feeling of shock disappeared, and the planet ended the process of disintegration.

Odemeyer took a deep breath and sat in the driver's seat wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, she opened her eyes and turned to look at Lin Fan, "Let's go, let's see what else I, an old antique, can do for mankind."

Odemeyer returned the same way and repaired the metal layer that had burned a big hole in the road. It can be seen that Odemeyer hated this Bikini Castle-themed amusement park. When she left, she dropped a capsule-sized bomb that destroyed everything and brought relief to the robots that had lost control and fell into madness.

Penetrating the surface of the ocean, Odemeyer observed the building remains on the surface, "Where are the original artificial servants? The remains of the buildings here show a completely different style."

"I don't know about the artificial servants, but according to the only remaining people here, they came here 5,000 years ago, and there was nothing on the ground at that time."

"It seems that they have also been purged. They hope to live under the hands of the Terminator, but they have never thought that the Terminator will not regard them as their own. The only ones recognized by them will always be others who can log into the Ascension Throne. The final product.”

"Hey, what is the Ascension Throne?" Lin Fan asked, and the outline of the Golden Throne suddenly appeared in his mind.

"That is the key to the ascension of the finalists to the gods. This magnificent machine is set up on the golden ark. It can generate an unchanging coordinate in the subspace and absorb the soul projection of the tortured. All in the finalists The souls who were tortured to death under the ruler's rule will be attracted to the throne of the Ascension God."

"Mr. Duhka values ​​that machine very much. Ever since he said he made a deal with the darkness, he has asked us to seize the Ascension Throne at all costs. He said it is the key to the survival of mankind in the future."

After hearing this, Lin Fan's expression changed drastically. This thing sounded very similar to the golden throne that the emperor was currently sitting on.

Fixed-point coordinates, belief orientation, and the ability to upgrade people to gods.

Basically, it is exactly the same as the current function of the Golden Throne, and it is indeed through this device that the gods of the subspace, the God-Emperor like the cold sun, were created.

The God-Emperor is now focused on protecting humanity, so that's why he doesn't stand up from the throne. Otherwise, he would have been freed from the torture of the throne, roamed the warp as a ruthless god of freedom, and made the other four gods tremble.

The only consequence is that all humanity will perish, with Slaanesh devouring the Eldar and the God-Emperor devouring humanity.

Malcador and the Old Guard Alliance must have stopped the ascension ceremony at the last moment and snatched the throne and placed it on Terra, waiting for the birth of the Chosen One.

The spiritual energy contained in the throne must have gone out of control. A large number of souls of the tortured were thrown into the emotional tide of the subspace. This energy pointed to the remaining humans, which in turn led to the spiritual awakening of the human population.

Humanity, which was originally not closely connected with the subspace, has since become dazzling and delicious in the eyes of evil gods.

The throne has lost the energy stored in it, and if you want to ascend to the gods, you have to start all over again. This is also the original intention of Malcador to single-handedly run the state religion and the Tribunal.

If the Webway Project fails and humans are unable to sever ties with the evil gods of subspace, then they will have no choice but to create new gods in order to achieve a balance of terror.

The Wailers are unlucky, the Smurfs are lucky, and the buffs of the two cancel out.

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