Rebecca found a fairly flat place to land, and asked her clone to go down with Lin Fan.

A group of Krieg soldiers saluted Lin Fan, but did not come to greet him. They were still rescuing residents in the ruins of the building. Lin Fan had taught them before that there was no need to engage in formalism and that they should prioritize things clearly.

It's not that important to welcome Lin Fan now. If you have the time to welcome him, it's better to save a few more people from the ruins.

Lin Fan walked up to the soldiers, asked them what help they needed, and then lifted the heavy building debris so that the soldiers could get in and take the people out.

Rebecca is setting up a communication network, and by the way, contact Delia and the others.

"This is indeed a bit too backward." Odemeyer stood at the door of the Valkyrie cabin. She carefully observed the surrounding situation and analyzed the technological level of the planet.

Although Lin Fan had described it to her before, when she actually witnessed the facts, the sense of gap in her heart was magnified.

But at least people are still alive, and there is still hope for people while they are alive.

Odemeyer walked behind Rebecca and tapped her waist a few times, and then Rebecca dropped another block and fell into Odemeyer's hands.

"Hey!" Rebecca glanced at Odemeyer, dissatisfied with her always touching her, but when she saw the white coat on Odemeyer, Rebecca just stuck out her tongue. In order to show resistance, he ran to Lin Fan and hid.

Odemair didn't say anything. He spread out one hand and split each finger into ten twigs. These twigs were composed of tiny blades, wrenches, and welding guns.

The hand-turned precision machining tool was carving the block, and when it was finished, Odemeyer placed the block on the ground.

A beam of light was released centered on the square, scanning the entire city and seeking instructions from Odemair.


The cube followed Odermeier's instructions and created anti-gravity waves that soaked into the ruins of the city, creating gaps between the buried people and building debris while allowing air to circulate.

The soldiers also began to float a little. Odemeyer looked at the general appearance of the Krieg soldiers and added a whitelist to the block, which restored the gravity imbalance of the Krieg soldiers.

Many buried people can make heavy walls and roofs float outward by moving their fingers and body. The Krieg soldiers also discovered this and worked even harder.

The entire city has more than 20 million residents, many of whom have evil intentions who took advantage of the earthquake to cause trouble.

However, the Imperial Army has no such thing as showing mercy and ignoring the law. As long as they find out that you are involved, they will shoot you on the spot.

Under the merciless suppression of the Imperial Army, those who still wanted to make a fortune from the disaster were trembling with fear. Even those who had not done anything bad were frightened by the Imperial Army's indifferent attitude towards murdering people without blinking an eye.

A week later, the ruins of the city had been largely cleared. At the former castle, Lin Fan was having a meeting with the managers.

On the left are the old managers of the planet, City Lord Owen, Management Minister Ai Weide, Knight Commander Hughes, Master Craftsman Blunt, and a trembling old bishop. Lin Fan saw that his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even hold a cane. It's so tight, it looks like he's about to die suddenly.

How did the old bishop survive the earthquake? Lin Fan thought curiously and asked Erica to give the old bishop a glass of diluted water.

The old bishop nodded gratefully to Erica and took a sip. Then his hands finally stopped shaking and his stooped waist became much straighter.

"How is the refugee camp we established now?" Lin Fan saw that the people were energetic, and then started today's meeting.

"The house we emergency converted from cargo containers is being used as a hospital, and Selina and her people are acting as doctors." Commissar Kane picked up a piece of paper and read, "There is currently sufficient food, and the planet The climate is quite mild, and the people without shelter just have some colds and low fevers.”

"We have been maintaining order, and no one dares to riot under our hands." Erica also made a list of the names of people who were recently defined as thugs.

As if to confirm Erica's words, several gunshots were heard in the distance, which made Owen's body shake. He shrank his head and became nervous.

"Considering that there are no monsters on the planet and the old city is not well planned, I am considering building a new city."

Seeing that Owen still wanted to say something, Lin Fan indicated that he could speak and said that Erica would not shoot you just for talking.

"I have no objection to building a new city, but what about the factory area in the city? We need manpower to maintain it. If we choose a location to build a new city, we must leave a certain population in the old city."

"This? Don't worry about this. Forget about your old industrial area. It's time for those old men to retire. Please let me introduce you to Delia's sister, a mechanical priest who deserves respect." Lin Fan smiled He smiled, then raised his hand and pointed at a silent figure.

Odemair was wearing a large and thick red robe with skull gears printed on it. She raised her head and gestured, but did not speak.

When did Priest Delia have a sister? Commissar Kane looked at Odemeyer and Delia in confusion, but did not express his doubts.

"Priest Odemeyer will build a new production line for us. Lord Owen and your men will just cooperate with our work."

"Oh well."

The meeting was over, everyone had tasks, and Political Commissar Kane stopped Priest Delia.

"If you have a sister, why have I never heard you mention it, and I've never seen her on the ship."

Priest Delia was silent for a while, and then showed the electromagnetic saw on his back. Commissar Kane looked at Delia and his face turned pale, but he pretended to be calm.

"You wouldn't. Wouldn't you hurt a political commissar because of this kind of problem?"

He said so, but Commissar Kane cursed himself in his mind for being so curious. These people really had a big problem and dared to threaten a legendary political commissar.

"Ugh!" Feeling like something was hit in the back of his head, Commissar Kane felt sleepier and heavier, and it was difficult to even raise his eyelids. Finally, he fell into Delia's arms and fell asleep.

"Thank you very much for helping me attract attention, sister."

"You're welcome, sister."

Delia asked the Servo Skull to lift up the sleeping Commissar Kane, and then went to the factory area with Odemeyer to dismantle useful parts.

The evil emperor

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