For some reason, Lin Fan always felt that the way the God-Emperor looked at Odemeyer was a little subtle. No, this gaze was not directed at Odemeyer, but more at the pen on her chest.

The God-Emperor is staring closely at the name "Kwabramster Taranifstin Erth".

"Hello, mortal." The God Emperor's golden light shone as he glanced at Odemair with an indifferent gaze, followed by the Cursed Legion, which looked terrifying.

But Odemair didn't take this trick. She directly mocked the God-Emperor's words and smiled coldly, "Mortal? Ha!"

This contemptuous attitude made the Cursed Legion furious. They all stepped on the ground, their boots sparking golden flames and thunder.

The God-Emperor narrowed his eyes and said nothing for a while, until the Emperor took over control and allowed the suffocating exchange to proceed.

His face became a little softer, and the light on his body became much more restrained. The emperor looked at Odemair and sent a greeting with a human touch.

"Hello, are you a relative of Ersi?"

".You know my father?"

"Your father and I have a pretty good relationship. When I was studying at the Federal University of Truth, I still remember that he gave me several classes." The emperor smiled nostalgically, and then said, "Professor Erth's super The biogenetics course was very well taught and I was very impressed. ”

"The course on superorganism genetics. That course was discontinued as early as 799.M14. So you are an immortal? But if you are also an immortal, then why has the Order of the Immortals never recorded you?"

Odemair's tone softened a little, perhaps because the Emperor and her father knew each other, but she still continued to press for questions about the Emperor's past.

"Because I'm very low-key, kid." The Emperor was talking about his disappearance into the subspace after M15, but this low-key meaning seemed particularly interesting to someone's ears.

Low-key. Lin Fan covered his mouth and chuckled. If secretly becoming Alexander the Great, Jesus, Napoleon and other great people and leading the development of human civilization is considered low-key, then Lin Fan really doesn't know how to write low-key.

Not to mention that the Emperor also severely beat the fragments of the Void Dragon, leaving behind a very pretentious story of Saint George slaying the dragon.

If this world had Sabera, the Emperor would definitely have played the role of Yujiro.

"What? Do you have any opinions?" The emperor looked at Lin Fan, the threat in his mouth was particularly obvious, "Do you want me to remove your barrier and feel Tzeentch's thoughts?"

"Ahem, no need." Lin Fan coughed a few times, then teased Slaanesh's smooth and sensitive snake tail.

"Child, although the immortals do have a long lifespan and powerful power, the malice in this universe is also equally dangerous. There are very few natural immortals, and it may be difficult to see one in a lifetime. The immortals are also extremely difficult to identify, as humans branch, they just seem to be braver than others when facing death."

"The immortals you know may have been the immortals born after I disappeared. I don't know what kind of organization they established in the human federation. Maybe they have never known my existence."

After hearing this, Odemeyer did not object. She just thought of the genetic modification she had undergone, and the characteristics of her body were already very similar to those of the immortals.

The Eternal One does possess great vitality and power, but in the long years there will always be accidents that make the Eternal One's vitality unable to bear it.

After all, immortals are just a variant of human beings. Most of the abnormal abilities acquired by their bodies are naturally produced by genetic mutations, while others are obtained through advanced artificial gene intervention technology.

And their strong vitality is only due to the body's extremely fast and efficient cell regeneration ability, just like the Warhammer version of Super Wolverine.

If the rate of destruction is faster than rebirth, then death will also come to the immortals.

For example, you can throw the immortal into the plasma and then shoot him in the melted head.

According to the book, Mr. Malcador was already 6,700 years old in M31. Therefore, Malcador's birth period should be in M24, which is after the Iron Man War and the eve of the birth of the subspace storm.

But as Malcador was the second most powerful psyker after the Emperor, a ruthless man who frequently sent planets into subspace and back again, his age should not be so short.

You must know that Orr Persson is about 10 years old, even much older than the Emperor himself. Or Persson was also a ruthless man, and he was present in all wars in human history. It was not until the Horus Heresy that this old man, who was almost as old as human civilization, disappeared.

However, because Orr Persson lived for too long and his memory was not very good, he could not become a living history book. And this old book with many vicissitudes of life is likely to be destroyed in the flames of war.

In the final battle between the Emperor and Horus, Orr Persson was suspected of having blocked a fatal blow for the Emperor, but the truth could no longer be ascertained.

Perhaps the Emperor didn't even know that the mortal soldier who shielded him from the sword was an immortal who was older than him.

It can only be said that people with black hair send people with white hair.

The Emperor then recalled his past in order to calm down the hostile Odemair in front of him. You must know that this patience was not even obtained by his children, and he did not know that the betrayed Primarchs saw it. In this situation, my heart will be filled with such jealousy.

"My father. In his diary, I only know that there was one student who he seriously wrote in the book instead of recording it in some data storage. That person was called Sheldon."

"That is indeed the name I once used, how Professor Erth recorded me." The emperor showed obvious curiosity, just like a good student eager to be praised by the teacher.

Odemeyer looked at the emperor's eager look and smiled, "You don't seem to be as crazy as those Terminators. Do you know the truth about the universe?"

"It doesn't matter what the truth is. I just want to live well in the present. As long as mankind can rise again, it is the best truth."

"It would be great if those finalists thought so at the time. No wonder Mr. Kadur fell in love with you." Odemeyer sighed, "My father said that this student Sheldon is."

Odemair hesitated and did not say anything immediately, but Lin Fan looked at the emperor's body leaning forward slightly and could already hear the emperor asking: How is this student?

I think this thing is called a Saturn Terminator?

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