What a great day.

Blacksmith Shande walked at a brisk pace compared to the Iron Warriors, and his heavy boots made a dull sound on the solid ground.

Being able to torture some bugs who are foolishly loyal to the Corpse Emperor always makes him feel happy. If he can torture yellow-skinned idiots, that is a better way to relax.

Shall I tie a crippled yellow-skinned idiot to my shield? Fastened with chains and spikes, listening to him scold us for betraying the Empire, but unable to do anything about it?

You can do that.

Blacksmith Shande was walking on the road while thinking.

The buildings on both sides are getting bigger and bigger, and the metal mark of the eight-pointed star iron skull is hung on the wall, staring at all living beings.

The ones walking in this area are no longer Iron Warriors, but patrolling Iron Bone Guards made by their father.

Why, why would my father rather believe in these soulless robots than his children?

Whenever he thinks of this, Blacksmith Shande feels as painful as the bite of a hundred ants.

The body of the Iron Bone Guard was much taller than that of Sande Blacksmith. A unit with the initials number β approached Sande Blacksmith. When it was still 50 meters away from him, it raised its weapon.

The red aiming laser shone on Blacksmith Sander's helmet. This humiliation made Blacksmith Sander feel angry and helpless.

"Exchange Agreement: What's your purpose?"

"I have important α-level matters to discuss with my father."

"Adjustment Protocol-α, are you aware of the risks?"

"I know the risks and I'm willing to take them."

The Iron Bone Guard with the beta sequence engraved on it raised its muzzle and conveyed the message to the other robots. Soon a huge airship illuminated the body of Blacksmith Sande with its light and hung Blacksmith Sande up with two iron hooks. The gaps in the armor were like hanging up a meat animal.

Blacksmith Shande endured such humiliation, and finally reached the parking platform of the Iron Blood with the help of a mechanical airship.

There are heavily armed Iron Guards everywhere here, as well as automatic armed fighter planes patrolling and flying in the sky. In the corners of the parking platform and on the ground, there are also turrets dormant in the shadows, using cold logic to judge the hostility of the comers. .

"Alpha permission detected, you can go to the lobby to communicate."

The cold voice of the machine reached the ears of Blacksmith Shande. The Iron Bone Guards ignored his presence, and only the automatic turrets were still casting aimed lasers at him.

Blacksmith Shande walked towards the hall step by step, waiting at the door for the heavy blast door to open.

The hall was empty, except for a huge data pad operating in a clean room with numbers scrolling on the screen.

There is also a platform next to the data board, with a thick book on it. Judging from Blacksmith Shande, this should be a teaching instruction, but no one has opened it for a long time.

Putting his hands on the keyboard with some trembling, Blacksmith Shande imagined again and again in his mind what his father was doing in the completely enclosed space of the Iron Blood and what he should say to his father.

The more he thought about it, the more confused and upset he became. Finally, the data pad screamed impatiently, reminding him not to waste too much time.

In the end, Blacksmith Shande could only scribble out this paragraph and wait for his father's reply.

"Captain Ousted led the troops and left a devil's mark on the huge battleship of the Golden Age. We are willing to seize this powerful battleship for our father's great cause and launch revenge on the empire!"

The information was entered, and then there was a long wait. Blacksmith Shande didn't know how long he had been kneeling here, but he knew that he was not cleared out immediately, which was proof that his father was reading.

Didi didi!

The screen flashed and sounded a reminder. Blacksmith Shande quickly looked up and saw a short string of text.

"Don't call me father, get out!"

Blacksmith Shande lay on the ground sadly, rolled his body and went out. The explosion-proof door was closed again, and there was only a faint sound of electricity in this small, airtight room.

In the sealed cabin of the Iron Blood, the genetic father of the Iron Warriors, Perturabo, was adjusting the parameters of a robot in his huge factory and laboratory.

This place looks like Odemeyer's laboratory in the canteen, except that it is more orderly and full of dangerous and deadly weapons than Odemeyer's lair.

He ignored the beeping data pad; he had already set up an automatic reply. He was too lazy to pay attention to the disturbances in the outside world and only wanted to focus on his research laboratory.

Now all his attention was on the robot in front of him.

The structure of this robot is so sophisticated, with various tiny gears and well-arranged cables piecing together the inside of the robot's body.

The electronic boards and chips that integrated the computing power were carefully picked up by Perturabo and inserted into the slot of the biochemical brain.

Covering the metal body with a layer of real flesh and blood, Perturabo placed fine and smooth hair on the scalp, all of which he produced in the genetically encoded cloning chamber.

"Maybe this is enough? Maybe it'll never be enough?"

After reviewing all the steps in creating this robot, Perturabo felt that there were no mistakes.

He stood up from the workbench, moved his heavy and huge body, and buried it in a groove.

The cable is inserted into the groove, and Perturabo uses this groove to control another body.

This body looks like what Perturabo looked like before he became a demon. He wears the Empire's old-fashioned cavalry type Terminator armor, with cables and metal components plugged into his head, and his face has his most common gloomy and angry look. .

The energy was activated, and the current in the entire place was charged into the robot and the control body. Perturabo spoke slowly.

"Scenario Simulation: Time."

This space responded to Perturabo's instructions, and the laboratory originally filled with dangerous goods was quickly replaced by holographic illusions.

Towering white marble pillars were generated one by one, and then turned black and covered with dust during the data simulation.

Perturabo's control body kicked open the embossed door. He was followed by a group of soldiers, wearing ancient MK3 armor, but there were not so many spikes and metal chains as decorations on their bodies.

"Lokos, Olympia, my hometown."

He walked up the steps step by step. These steps were overwhelmed by his heavy body. Every time he stepped on them, circles of cracks would spread from the soles of his feet.

The arches collapsed under the gunfire, and the once white and beautiful palace was burning under the fire.

Perturabo becomes a demon, but this is a fanart, and there is no official designation for Perturabo who becomes a demon.

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