"My butt feels so uncomfortable. It feels hot, and something keeps tickling me." Lin Fan was woken up by Rebecca's grumbling complaints.

He rubbed his eyes and touched the wall against the bed board, "You can bear it any longer. If your butt hurts more, it means Perturabo is coming through the devil's mark."

"Woohoo. I feel like I have hemorrhoids now. There is blood in the stool! There is also anal fissure! Oh my God! Is this something that an innocent artificial intelligence should experience!"

After Rebecca finished speaking, she cried even more sadly, which made Lin Fan feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't listen to her. If she wanted to turn off her perception, she would have turned it off long ago. She is just teasing you." Odemeyer appeared from outside the open door, holding a pot of coffee in his hand, "Would you like a sip?"

"Forget it." Lin Fan rejected Odemeyer's kindness, "Your coffee is too pure. I suspect you made it from coffee beans and drank it. It is much more bitter than medicine."

"This is called mellow aroma, you don't understand." Odemeyer curled his lips, held up the jar and drank heavily, then licked a circle of coffee foam on his lips with his tongue.

The three of them have been in the system provided by Trazin for three days now. Odemeyer spent a day making the ruins left by the ship into a gravity mining platform.

I randomly compiled a piece of automatic code to make the huge engineering creation move on its own. As for the transportation of the mined black stone, Rebecca's gravity rays were used to solve it.

It's like Rebecca is drinking juice from a coconut shell with a straw stuck in it, and the ground miner is responsible for prying open the coconut shell.

Lin Fan and Odemeyer were getting ready to eat in the bedroom. In front of Lin Fan was a large pot of vegetable chowder. The weight of these things was enough to make an Ogrynian scream "enjoyed", but for Lin Fan, this was just something he created. It's just the necessary raw materials poured into Jin Ke La.

On Odemeyer's hand were several cucumbers and radish-like objects. She liked to eat these crispy and juicy vegetables.

This small table for three people also left a place for Rebecca. A holographic projection appeared on Lin Fan's head. Rebecca was floating and swimming in the room like a fish.

"Ah! It's overflowing! It's overflowing!" When Lin Fan and Odemeyer were enjoying their meal, Rebecca started boiling water again.

Lin Fan was just about to say, just watch the cultural essence, don't describe the scene vividly here. When he turned around, he saw that Rebecca's holographic projection's butt was completely red, as if blood was spurting out.

"It does look like a disease in the butt."

"Go to hell!" Rebecca angrily manipulated the ceiling and hit Lin Fan on the head.

Odemeyer looked at the interaction between the two and felt teasing in his heart. He sunk his hand into Rebecca's red hologram and exclaimed that Rebecca had hemorrhoids.

"You! You will bully me!"

Rebecca screamed in annoyance, and then the holographic projection disappeared.

"Sorry honey, I won't tease you next time."

Odemeyer apologized to Rebecca, only to hear Rebecca's hum.

"Let's go. The space fluctuations have increased. It looks like that silly boy named Perturabo is really here. I'll hide the battleship, and you can erase the devil's mark."

Lin Fan agreed, and then the two began to go about their own work.

The Rebecca giant ship broke away from the ore adsorption orbit and sank into the gaseous planet. The huge mining equipment on the ground was also disintegrated. The parts were spread in the sky and the ground, forming a huge screen. From a distance, there was nothing here. Any signs of mining.

Lin Fan was in the engine area, holding up Geller's position with full power, using the equipment given to him by Odemeyer to repair the deeply corroded engine system, which was the butt that Rebecca kept complaining about. .

After dormant for a full ten hours, a huge subspace rift suddenly opened in this galaxy, and hundreds of warships of various models spewed out in an instant.

Dozens of battleships were mixed among hundreds of strike cruisers. They formed a battle array around the Iron Blood, the core of the fleet and the largest.

Although these ships are not as large as the giant ship Rebekah, their numbers and the guns installed on them, which Perturabo personally reviewed and installed, are extremely dangerous.

In order to hunt this golden age whale, their group of hunters prepared the best whaling guns.

"This is the coordinate position left by the devil's imprint." Perturabo detected the situation in the surrounding universe through countless detectors and auspicious instruments on the Iron-Blooded. He could see the unique characteristics left by the devil's imprint from the data. coding.

But what next? It seems like there is nothing here? missed? Been deceived?

Instead of letting his anger and surprise control his cold mind, Perturabo was thinking about the situation in the galaxy and why Blacksmith Shander and Orsid were here.

"In order to mine black stone." Perturabo thought of this. After that stupid boy Abaddon captured several black stone fortresses from his ridiculous expedition, he searched for black stone deposits all over the world, saying that they were of great use.

Maybe to repair Blackstone Fortress?

Perturabo hadn't come out of his Ironblood for a long time. If he didn't want to see the style of the Golden Age battleships, he wouldn't bother to come to such a remote place from Medengard.

"I always feel like something is wrong."

The special perception made Perturabo subconsciously set his sights on a desolate planet without life. He ordered the fleet to fire cannonballs towards the surface of the planet.

Then he saw several huge metal shields rising from the planet's ground, blocking the artillery strikes.

Sure enough, there is a trap, so where will the battleship stay? Underground on the planet? Or in a gaseous planet?

"Light up that gas star! Launch an incineration torpedo!"

The torpedo bays of the battleships opened fire on the huge gaseous planet, and the incineration torpedoes that could ignite the gaseous star into a fireball flew away quickly.

But when these powerful torpedoes were still thousands of kilometers away from entering the interior of the gaseous star, all of these torpedoes lost their power and became stationary in the universe.

Perturabo felt a strong electromagnetic interference wave coming from the gas star, and the connection control of many areas of the Iron Blood was disconnected in just a moment.

It's really interesting.

A tall tower rose from the top of the Iron Blood, unfolding an octagonal antenna head, emitting another type of electromagnetic wave in the fleet to dispel interference.

The control system of the entire fleet was restored again, and in the storm of the gas star, the Rebecca giant ship protruded from the inside.

Ancient Dwarf Tank Fortress

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