Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 494 The Strongest among the Strongest

Intuition is something that transcends reason and arithmetic logic and only exists in a special kind of perception. Perturabo disdained this so-called intuition, but now every cell in his body was telling him not to mess with that woman.

In the intense sense of crisis, Perturabo calmed down. He watched Odemair close the window again and asked Lin Fan.

"who is she."

"A scientist from the Golden Age, your talent limiter was made by her."

Perturabo's eyes lit up. Among the many brothers, no one shared his crazy fascination with the golden age. He spent sleepless nights reading books in the library of the Royal Palace of Terra, and he collected the relics of the Golden Age in every world the Legion touched in order to understand the fragments of that glorious era.

But now that a Golden Age scientist was upstairs, how could it not thrill Perturabo.


"I swear, if what I say is even remotely false, the Emperor and the other four gods will die."

"This is indeed a poisonous oath." Perturabo was surprised by Lin Fan's unabashed words. He excitedly climbed onto the building, moving like a spider on the vertical wall, until he reached the end in front of Odemeyer's window. Crash into it.

Lin Fan looked at Perturabo and prayed for his recklessness, because the next moment Odemeyer's 110-probability heavy artillery bombarded Perturabo, and a dark charred mass fell to the ground.

"Okay, there's nothing going on here. You can disperse."

Lin Fan skillfully gave the seriously injured Perturabo a mouthful of old soup and carried him into the house.

A few days later, Perturabo woke up from the coma again. This time, his mood was much calmer, and there was no doubt or excitement like the first time he woke up.

"I want to be her assistant." This was the first thing Perturabo said when he woke up.

"Huh? He wants to be my assistant? I don't want idiots." This was Odemeyer's reaction after hearing the news. At this time, she was already on the verge of sleep-deprived rage. Lin Fan dared to go in at all costs. Laboratory.

"She is very busy now and has no time to talk to you."

Lin Fan sat in front of Perturabo and watched him carving a piece of wood. There were fallen wood chips on the ground, and various parts made of wood on the table. It looked like he was trying to assemble something.

Perturabo remained silent and ignored Lin Fan. At this time, Lin Fan couldn't figure out what was going on in Perturabo's mind. He could only sigh and tell him that if you have nothing to do, you can go out for a walk. As long as you don't hurt others, no one will care about you. of.

When Lin Fan was about to close the door, Perturabo finally spoke.


"what why?"

"I am a traitor, a butcher. You should kill me instead of letting me breathe in the world. I believe many people in the empire long for my death."

Yes, the child needs psychological counseling, a good start. Malcador had once discussed with the Emperor the disadvantage of all Primarchs being male, and that a gang composed of all big men was prone to conflicts, leading to violent physical collisions.

Malcador suggested that the Emperor should make several female Primarchs, as older and younger sisters, to help the relationship between the Primarchs become less tense.

The Emperor said that this was impossible, and Mr. Malcador left it alone.

Later, Mr. Malcador also wanted to find some psychologists for the recovered Primarchs, but the characters of these Primarchs were not abstract enough. Primarchs with psychological problems would not even receive psychological treatment. They cannot accept any flaws in their character.

So now I'm a psychiatrist? Ha ha! Maybe this planet can become a sanatorium for the Primarchs in the future. After all, I know all their dark history and am not afraid of their threats.

Who can do anything wrong in front of his professional counterpart, a doctor?

The more Lin Fan thought about it, the happier he became. He turned his stool and sat back in front of Perturabo.

"From a rational point of view, the death of the Primarch is meaningless. You will be resurrected elsewhere in the warp."

"It sounds terrible. This is like a kind of torture that will never end. Are Horus, Sanguinius, Faenus, and Curze still alive?"

"Horus must be dead. He was completely wiped out by the Emperor. God knows how he did it. Sanguinius, who knows, maybe alive or dead, at least Slaanesh is not I know. Fainus may be working in the Cursed Legion, but there is no news about Curze.”

"It sounds like you have a good relationship with Slaanesh? Are you her chosen one? Like Lucius and Fulgrim."

"It's better than you think, Slaanesh is my wife."

The assembled wooden parts clattered to the ground. Perturabo sighed heavily. He picked up all the parts on the ground and looked at Lin Fan with cold eyes.

"I don't like joking."

"I'm not kidding. If what I say is even slightly false, the emperor and the other four gods will..."

Perturabo covered Lin Fan's mouth with his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose with his other hand. He began to think about why he was chatting with this ungrateful boy, and why the relationship between them seemed so ridiculous and funny.

"Go on." Perturabo put down his hands as if resigned to his fate and continued to assemble the wooden parts in his hands.

"We've talked about rationality, let's talk about it from an emotional perspective. The Emperor doesn't want any of his children to suffer. I know he's a bad father, but he's just too clumsy and has too much responsibility. You can say the Emperor is a fool, or you can spit on him, but the split between father and son was not intentional."

"Just like you gradually become numb in the battle, the battle situation that the Emperor commands and controls is much larger than yours. All his corps launched a grand expedition and recovered more than one million worlds in 200 years. There are so many things to deal with every day and so many reports to watch. He became numb much earlier than you, but he knew this was Take on the links of human rejuvenation. "

"And your brothers, such as Guilliman and Dorn, who you hate the most. I will pick these two people to tell you. When the news of your rebellion came, Dorn was very sad, but you know he never showed it. He lamented that if the palace was defended by the Imperial Fists and the Iron Warriors, the end of the rebellion could only be that Horus's army was exhausted under the walls of Terra. "

"In the secret room of the palace, Dorn did not smash your statues, but covered them with a white cloth. Guilliman also set up a table in Macragge that could seat 21 people. He has been looking forward to the day when all the brothers and the Emperor will reunite. "

The old orc of the Black Templar

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