"The production line has started running. It is estimated that we will need a month to familiarize the workers with the process before production can get back on track." In the office, Odemeyer was holding a data board and observing the situation.

As she said, the current production is meaningless at all. She only makes the production line flow to allow workers to adapt to the pace of work in the factory.

4 hours of work, 2 hours of study, 2 hours of training, and the middle hour is used for commuting and resting. The rest of the time was left to their own control, not because she really wanted people to live a good and easy life, but because the soul-stripping symptoms caused by the 40% energy output of Geller's stance required a certain amount of time to recover.

If demons really infiltrate, they can only increase the energy output of Geller's position to 80%, and then let the Atonement Army, which has a relatively thick belief barrier, go to clean up the corruption and save the unlucky ones who didn't have time to escape.

In Geller's position under the blessing of Blackstone, working too long can easily make workers expendable, and Odemeyer does not want to go through another round of basic education at all.

"Factory production, production line supporting facilities, and a lot of messy things. Leave these things to Delia and the others. I have made the skeleton, and I will not care about the remaining details."

Odemeyer yawned, and then threw the data pad in Lin Fan's hand. She stood up and asked Lin Fan to follow her, and the two of them walked in a high tower overlooking the industrial area.

"What has that stupid boy been doing these days?"

Lin Fan knew that this was asking about Perturabo's situation. He thought for a while and then answered, "He is busy making statues and architectural blueprints. He occasionally goes to the agricultural area to pick vegetables for food."

"Hehe. This guy is really free. Didn't you say he is very capable?"

"He is enjoying a miserable life now. If he wants to help, he has to do it slowly."


One wall lifts up and down, and inside is a heavy blast-proof door. After the door opens, there is a pipe made of coils, which is always releasing raging thunder, enough to make any intruder think carefully.

Odemair's body raised a shield, and the lightning avoided the shield. Lin Fan relied on his body to resist and passed through the tunnel with Odemeyer.

Behind the tunnel is the place where Odemeyer studies military weapons. Here are piled all the heavy firepower equipment of the 37th Regiment, such as Hydra anti-aircraft guns, Chimera transport vehicles, and Leman Russ tanks.

But the number of these armored vehicles is not large. Although it has the sponsorship of the Sage of Kaos, the Thirty-seventh Regiment is still an infantry regiment according to the supply standards of the Ministry of Military Affairs, not a pure armored regiment.

If you still remember the organization and combat procedures of the Empire's Astra Militarum, you will know that most of the empire's legions do not have the so-called infantry-tank coordination and air-ground integrated operations.

In order to prevent the mortal army from becoming an organized rebellion, the Imperial Astra Militarum has always first assembled thousands of infantry regiments, armor regiments, and artillery regiments to form an expeditionary force, and then integrated training on the transportation road.

Cultural differences between regiments make joint training between troops a management disaster. No one with a brain will take over such a laborious and thankless job.

Not to mention that there are still huge differences between infantry regiments. This regiment may be equipped with standard laser rifles, and the regiment next door may be primitive people equipped with automatic rifles. They have trouble aiming and rely solely on a single weapon. The stock attacks recklessly.

In Odemeyer's eyes, the design concept of these durable armored vehicles made her scalp tingle.

None of the vehicles had any anti-gravity suspension equipment. God knows how these equipment struggled in complex terrain, and then were ambushed by the enemy one by one.

The first thing Odemeyer did when he took over these equipment was to solve the problem of flexibility, and then the problem of observation.

The tracks have not been completely dismantled. These things have passed the test of thousands of years of war and are still effective, which means that the other side also orders Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchlings.

The main enemies the Empire faces are the Greenskins and Chaos. The armor used by these two forces has almost no anti-gravity suspension design. In addition, the Tau Empire, Eldar, and Necrons have popularized anti-gravity suspension vehicles, and pure tracked armored vehicles are extremely rare.

Odemeyer redesigned the engine section and equipped it with an anti-gravity levitation generator. If the terrain is too bad, the tank crew can adjust the energy delivered to the tracks to the anti-gravity levitation generator.

As for the issue of observation, Odemeyer entered the interior of the Leman Russ tank. In addition to relying on the spots of the auspicious device to judge the enemy's position, tank members can only obtain combat information from a few observation holes and the body of the tank commander leaning out.

Odemeyer specially created a sensory coating for this purpose, and a helmet that can penetrate the coating is used by the commander.

In this way, the commander does not have to lean out and observe the battle situation in the hail of bullets. As long as he turns his head while wearing the helmet, he can see what's going on outside the car.

But Odemeyer still looked down upon the Leman Russ series of tanks, which were too stupid from any angle.

Too high a body, over-the-top and poorly protected tracks, a narrow turret space, and the weird firing range of the body's machine gun. These design concepts were eliminated as early as World War II. God knows what the Mechanicus guys are doing. something.

"Perhaps when they were digging the grave, they happened to dig up a blueprint of a tank designed in World War I, and then Leman Russ was born." Lin Fan could only use this excuse to answer Odemeyer's question. .

"We have to produce new armored units. These things are too stupid." Odemair patted Leman Russ's armor.

"Then you will upgrade these armors?"

"Practice your skills, and you've already made it, so don't waste it."

"Then how about making some combat mechas?"

"Fighting mecha?"

"Yeah, like knights and titans and stuff like that."

Odemair pinched the bridge of her nose even more melancholy, and her temples began to jump.

She sighed for a long time and looked at Lin Fan seriously.

"The fighting mecha is nice to look at, but it's just not practical. If you have the time to create a flexible joint system, your tanks will already be in trouble."

Odemeyer described to Lin Fan the romance and stupidity of units like mechas.

In addition to looking good, humanoid mechas basically have shortcomings. They are relatively more expensive, have more technical limitations, are difficult to maintain, and have a large area subject to bombardment.

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