Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 552: Violent troops, taking Perturabo as a sample

Hovins IV is still the same IV. The slaughter brought by the Skinners is mostly concentrated in the super prison with closed information, but there is not much damage to the factory area.

This planet is barbaric and cruel. Although the loss of Lanco, a big factory owner, has left a power vacuum for a while, other factory owners on the planet have coveted this position for a long time.

After showing Perturabo a reconstruction plan, the Lord of Steel selected someone who is capable enough from the greedy factory owners to replace Lanco.

Life has not changed much. The factory owners are still factory owners, the guards are still guards, and the dirty workers are still dirty workers.

As for the situation in the super prison, they don't care. It is difficult to guarantee their own food and clothing today, and they don't have the energy to put extravagant mercy on strangers.

High-pressure steam spewed out, blowing the flute to make a huge and obvious sound. The mining area and factory area of ​​the entire planet started to operate again, and the smoke and dust filled the sky of the planet again.

In Lanco's originally luxurious office, Perturabo was standing at the window. He could see the operation of the entire factory from this position. Although the factory facilities in front of him were so simple, not even one ten-thousandth of the bases he built in Olympia and the Eye of Terror.

But seeing the mechanical behemoths running non-stop and the sparks rising in the furnace, the magnificent industrial beauty really made Perturabo feel much better.

There was also a fat man standing in the office. Compared with Lanco's thin and strong body, this man's obesity made Perturabo feel disgusted.

The accumulated fat and the man's small eyes gave this man an illusion of being honest and solid. But in Perturabo's eyes, this kind of obesity only made him think of the weakness of the flesh.

A bullet could pierce his skin and then break out from his back, and at the same time, it would bring out a large piece of half-cooked greasy fat.

This scene was conceived very clearly by Perturabo, and he stuck out his tongue in disgust. He turned back and glanced at the fat man with disgust.

The fat man was frightened by Perturabo's eyes. Sweat oozed from his forehead. He trembled and took out the handkerchief from his chest to wipe it, fearing that the sweat would drip onto the floor.

"Okay, follow this book, and the indicators and other things are set for you."

A thick book hit the fat man's belly, causing the fat man to groan. He didn't dare to rub his aching belly, and the fat man hurriedly opened the book to read.

Production indicators. Plant planning. New equipment blueprint.

This book is simply a treasure trove. Any factory owner with a brain will go crazy for the knowledge in this book!

The fat man became more and more excited until he saw the big words "treatment of workers".

He quickly calculated how many percentage points his profits would drop if he gave workers a profit and improved their living standards, and how much his family's wealth would be reduced.

He raised his head from the book and looked at Perturabo's heavy back. He swallowed nervously, knowing that many people had entered this office before him, but few could come out unscathed.

Those families were hit quickly recently and then swallowed up by a new steel group. Maybe he did it?

Those factory owners always thought that the Space Marines did not get involved in production management, but the fat man did not think so.

Their family was able to survive on Hovens IV for so long, all thanks to the principle of being cautious, thinking more and asking less.

That steel group might really be his industry. But would supermen like them who fought among the stars really look down on the calculations of these people?

The fat man shuddered, and he realized that his rude gaze had lasted too long. He immediately put on a serious expression, full of military discipline.

"Guarantee to complete the mission!"

Perturabo's arrogant back turned again, this time with less contempt in his eyes, and more surprise and praise.

He liked such perceptive people, "Reduce your belly, or I will help you cut it off."


Perturabo walked away, waiting for the door to close, the fat man relaxed, rubbed his belly, and felt that he would suffer a lot in the days to come.

"How are the recruited mortals?" As soon as Perturabo went out, Bashar and Hope came to greet him.

Bashar answered Perturabo's question first, and he put one hand on his chest to show respect, "We selected 10,000 strong men. Captain Hope has completed mental training, and they should be able to undergo surgery."

Arriving at a square, 10,000 strong men stood in two square formations of 5,000 people. Behind them were transport planes belonging to the Carcharodon and the Lamenters.

When all these people boarded the warship, Perturabo summoned the Carcharodon pharmacist and Hope in the ship's operating room.

There was an anesthetized person on the operating table, and Perturabo held a precious gene seed in his hand.

But it was nothing precious to him. He could make a lot of them in the culture chamber by drawing some blood. It just took some time to develop.

Thanks to Lin Fan's injection, he was able to recover after drawing buckets of blood. Otherwise, Perturabo would have to rest for a while to nourish the blood in his body.

"Watch carefully and learn well." Perturabo said to the shark pharmacist, then took out a heavy jar from behind and handed it to the pharmacist.

The jar is full of gene seeds that Perturabo cultivated using his own genetic sequence. A rough count of the number is in the hundreds.

"After I finish learning, I will implant all of these. The success rate will be limited to 50%. If you dare to fall even a little, I will stuff you into the fearless body."

The pharmacist nodded numbly, thinking that the gene seeds in the shark's flagship might not be as much as those in his hand.

"If all are implanted, the organization of our battle group will seriously exceed the requirements of the Holy Code."

"Holy Codex? Haha!" Perturabo laughed a few times. He had already read the Codex Astartes written by Guilliman, and there was nothing that could stop him. "Organize these recruits into pharmacists. Whenever someone asks you, just say he is your apprentice."

"Ah. This."

"Does the Holy Scripture say that there is a limit to the number of pharmacists in a Chapter?"

"This doesn't happen."

"That's it, I'm just a pharmacist and I'm too busy. Is there any problem with hiring some apprentices? I said the guy with the chain sword is an orthopedic student, and I said the guy with the bolt gun is an anesthesia student. No problem, the best way to use it is to keep it in mind and study hard.”

During the Horus Heresy, Alpharius (Omega) stabbed Rogal Dorn, and was then killed by Dorn.

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