The human battleships spewed plasma flames and hurried past the Deceiver. These crude and simple battleships are proof of the decadence and retrogression of their civilization. Whenever he sees the bloatedness and slowness of these flying churches, the fraudster will be ecstatic from the bottom of his heart, mocking the gods without any sense of morality. middle.

That subject, a guy named Lin Fan. The Deceiver has been observing him for a long time. This subject has not yet awakened like Bai Huan. It seems that the Necrontyr is also afraid of these actions from higher-dimensional creatures.

That's really interesting. Wait, what's that? The Deceiver saw something interesting. He focused his attention, his sight penetrated a magnificent battleship, and saw the cautious shadow of the Great Demon of Tzeentch from the monastery-like bridge.

The light of true faith and the ashes of martyrdom were enough to fool the highly paraplegic emperor on Terra, but they could not deceive the eyes of deceivers. He knew that this guy would not be able to bear loneliness. Although the subspace and the real universe were separated by a curtain, Tzeentch would never give up any opportunity to make the curtain weak.

"What preparations do you have this time? What back-up plan do you have? Haha." The Deceiver smiled sinisterly. He decided to reveal the nature of Tzeentch and create some interesting trouble for the guy in the subspace. .

oh! Hear what this is? A subspace call! The Deceiver poked the curtain open with his finger in amusement, his ears blocked the loophole between the subspace and the real universe, and then he heard Tzeentch's voice.

"Don't come here to cause trouble for me, you know that?" Tzeentch's threatening voice came. The deceiver just curled his lips in disdain, and then transformed into the Laughing God's playful look, "Don't be impatient, just listen to me. Tell a joke and you’re in a hurry.”

"Haha. What are you pretending to be doing this? Do you really think this is interesting?" Tzeentch was not fooled by the fraudster's disguise. His voice became deeper and deeper, even the bright reflections of the crystal maze were invisible. For Tzeentch's rage grew dim.

"At least he and I like to exchange identities. That's how Lezi people are. He likes Lezi and I also like Lezi. You are so impatient! Urgent! Urgent!" The fraudster chuckled a few times. Raising his hand, he was ready to tear apart the disguise of the great demon Tzeentch, leaving a big hole in Tzeentch's plan that was difficult to fill.

Tzeentch was not afraid at all. He said that he could first create considerable trouble for the Deceiver to offset the Deceiver's interference.

"Hee hee~ I'm so scared~ I'm going to tear off the disguise of your men! Hee hee!" The deceiver smiled happily, and the gloating on his face made Tzeenqi's teeth itch with hatred, but fortunately, Tzeeuch Qi always has a target in mind and never fights an unprepared battle.

I saw Tzeentch's clone walking through the maze, and the refracting surface of the crystal showed endless pictures. Tzeentch chose one surface and jumped in. The next moment he appeared in a secret room decades ago. The style of the secret room was dark and heavy, and the hooded Space Marine statues looked mysterious and unusual. Tzeentch's clone shuttled along the shadows. He came to the end of the secret room, and he could hear the angry roars inside through the thick metal door. Voice.

"You damn traitors! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Several roars made Tzeentch's clone tremble, and the interrogator was even more irritable and furious than the person being tortured. It's time for this guy to really go work for Khorne or Slaanesh, Tzeentch thought as his clone penetrated the victim's broken body and took over his consciousness.

"Azmodai. Interrogating the fallen angels is a delicate job, rather than venting violence like a savage beast!" Safin, the Priest Grand Master of the Dark Angels Chapter, is very dissatisfied with the work of interrogating the priest Azmodai, but this This dissatisfaction only made Azmodai angrier. He angrily whipped the naked Space Marine on the seat with a whip with hot peeling nails. This behavior made the possessed Tzeentch feel dissatisfied pain. .

"Enough!" Safin yelled. In his eyes, Azmodai's paranoid cruelty could match the style of the Corruptor of Slaanesh. He snatched the whip from Azmodai's hand and forced him back with an unquestionable tough look. Azmodai retook the action, "Look at you! Other confessor priests have their own skills in interrogating fallen angels. Do you only interrogate with rage and incomprehensible cruelty? You disappoint me so much." No! Maybe you are not qualified to be a glorious interrogation priest!"

"Grand Master! It's because he's too cunning and tough! It's not because I'm too incompetent! These are the fallen angels! They are so unrepentant! So depraved!" Azmodai roared at a speed that even Safin could not catch. He snatched back the interrogation whip and whipped Tzeentch's possessed body hard again.

Tzeentch felt that he couldn't waste time like this. He controlled his body and groaned at the top of his voice, "I'll do it. I'll do it all."

These words made Azmodai extremely excited. He tied the whip tightly to the victim's body, letting the sharp thorns pierce into the flesh, and let the blood flow on the ground. "Speak to you, you degenerate! Disgusting!" Damn it! Repent!”

Oh my God. Tzeentch frowned and looked at Azmodai. This man really made him miserable. But think on the bright side, if this guy can bore him, he will definitely give the fraudster a headache. Thinking of this, Tzeentch quickly manipulated the person on trial to plead guilty, and told Azmodai a coordinate point. After speaking, he tilted his head and died.

"This." Safin hadn't reacted yet, but Azmodai had indeed made a die-hard fallen angel repent successfully. Maybe his anger and cruelty did have some effect.

"Then there is no time to waste! Let's go and capture all those degenerates! Let them repent for their crimes!"

Amidst Azmodai's roar, Tzeentch returned to the subspace, waiting for the seeds he planted to sprout.

"If I were you, I would take a closer look at the situation at home." Tzeentch reminded the deceiver who was smiling strangely, and the next second he heard the deceiver yelling and swearing.

"You bitch!" The Deceiver hurried back to his secret lair, only to see the Dark Angel's strike fleet carrying out cleaning activities in several galaxies. In the command room of the flagship, he saw the angry figure of Azmodai. , this sick penitent priest is ordering the Dark Angels to wipe out the entire planet.

"We must do it for the Emperor! For the Lion King! Clean up all suspicious people on the planet! To avoid the corruption of Chaos! Kill everyone!"

Azmodai, a typical Warhammer demon, so crazy that even demons possessed by him will be driven out by his rage.

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