"Oh. I feel like I had a long and strange dream." Perturabo frowned, and he closed his eyes and gasped for a long time before he recovered from the dizziness and nausea.

He observed the surrounding environment and found that this was the Mother of Tears warship. He quickly connected to the warship's system to sense the situation in the void.

The human warships and three Eldar arks gathered together, and a giant octagonal fortress floated in front of them.

The four corners of the octagonal fortress were golden and the four corners were black. They were put together in the structure of two crosses, with a circular hole in the middle. From the design point of view, there should be something that existed in this place.

Dorn knew by intuition that this thing was much larger than the Mountain Phalanx he had controlled, and guessed from some similar designs on the fortress that this octagonal fortress belonged to the Golden Ark.

"Perhaps this is the most core component of the Ark, and the hole in the middle may be used to place the Golden Throne. We should take over control of this thing to find a way to maintain the Golden Throne."

"It's a good idea, but we still have things to solve." Perturabo, who was connected to the warship, obviously saw something terrible from the auspex array, and he told everyone to be ready for the battle.

Beyond the sight of the naked eye, at the edge of the limit of the auspex perception, the battle between Emperor Inamas and the King of Bones Valgur continued.

The battlefield created by the Executioner Dynasty and the Skinner Dynasty was no less than the Iron Man War on the Ark.

The giant pyramid that Perturabo was afraid of turned into a huge piece of meat, and the built-in Gauss turret turned into eyes shining with hatred.

Valgur inherited the power of Landuger, the God of Skinners. The flesh is the void, and the void is the flesh.

As soon as he thought, flesh and blood grew in the void, and in an instant, a flesh palm that was enough to wrap the planet was generated to attack Emperor Inamas who used the Star God Armor.

Like Valgur, Emperor Inarmas has completely lost the appearance of the metal body of the Necrontyr. Valgur is an indescribable, exponentially growing mass of flesh, while Inarmas is a garbage dump made of various material fragments and radiation.

The battle between the two abstract things is also beyond the understanding of mortals. Inarmas's gesture makes Valgur's flesh and blood burn.

The power of fire is displayed, but it is by no means a simple way to release fireballs and fire dragons.

Fire is a form of energy release, and it does not necessarily appear in the form of fire.

The degree to which different atoms want to get close is different. If oxygen atoms want to get too close to carbon atoms, they will combine violently.

But if they are not very close, the atoms will separate.

It's like rolling a ball in a U-shaped valley. The ball will move along the contour of the valley. There is a deep pit on the valley. The ball starts to roll back when climbing the slope, so it can't break through the critical point and fall into the hole.

What Inarmas has to do is to make the ball break through the critical point, that is, to push behind the atoms that don't want to combine.

The flesh and blood generated by Valgur was captured by Inamas, who pushed one atom after another, causing them to vibrate more violently and hit other atoms.

The chain reaction at the molecular level would not give Valgur any reaction time. In an instant, his huge flesh and blood body spanning several galaxies was being burned and conquered by "fire".

But just as Inamas can manipulate atoms and molecules, Valgur is not lacking in such ability.

The atoms sent out by the chain reaction were gathered and controlled, and they were transformed into new flesh and blood on his body.

Reality carries the power of the Star God, and can also become the weapon of the Star God. These regular gods are like the tides of the subspace. Unless the energy is consumed, they will not die easily.

"Does Hierophant Inamas need help? The Subjective is still quite capable now." The voices of Trazyn and Orikan were transmitted to the core of the Hierophant.

"You made him awaken?"

Hearing the murderous intent in the emperor's tone, Taraxin and Orikan hurriedly explained, "The awakening of the subject is inevitable, it's just a matter of time, I swear we tried our best."

"Go back to the Silent King to explain! You will get the results you deserve in the trial of the Dynasty Court!" The emperor obviously didn't believe the two's words, and his complaint was already written.

"Let the subject help."

The Silent King's voice echoed in the core of the emperor Inamas. Although he didn't understand the king's meaning, the emperor chose to obey the king's order.

"Let the subject deal with this crazy king, I will cover him."

Taraxin and Orikan's bodies have not recovered. They dare not call the rebirth protocol when the skinner god is not dead. No one dares to guarantee that there is no skinner virus in the data.

They asked Irafren to bring them to Lin Fan and told the emperor that he needed his help.

A super-time and space portal was opened by the Executioner Dynasty personnel. The green portal was contaminated by the power of the Skinner God two seconds later, and the outline of the scattered light was replaced by fresh flesh and blood.

This problem seemed to be quite serious. Lin Fan entered the portal and the next moment he arrived at a pyramid that was half meat and half black stone.

The immortals and tomb constructs of the Executioner Dynasty fought against the Skinner Dynasty. Although the level of the Skinner Dynasty's war machines was much lower than that of the Executioners, the Executioners could not withstand the power of the virus infection after all. More and more Executioners turned from cold robots into bloodthirsty ghouls.

"Please go to the surface of the pyramid quickly. We will delay these enemies." Chief Assassin Lotaros said this, and a circular skylight opened above Lin Fan's head.

At this time, Lin Fan finally saw what a terrifying and abstract scene the space they were fighting in had become, which could be compared to the subspace.

The squirming wall of flesh must be the manifestation of the God of the Skinner.

There is no need to aim the spear at all. Anyway, when you look up and down, no matter where you look, it is filled with flesh and blood.

After landing on the wall of flesh, the King of France also provided him with help, incinerating Valgur's body and letting Lin Fan's body sink deep into the wall of flesh.

The helpless deadlock was broken, Valgur could not stop Lin Fan from going deeper, just like water could not stop a heavy piece of iron from falling to the bottom.

In the colorless flames, Lin Fan reached the deepest part of the flesh wall. The planet Drazak beat like a heart, and Val Ghul and his fleshy planet became one.

"It's you guys again."

Whispers of resentment and fear echoed in Lin Fan's ears. He weighed his spear, threw it on the planet, and killed all the way to the throne of Val Ghul.

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