Urgent communications entered Volani's mind. Judging from the number, he was the commander of a squadron of Hammerhead levitating tanks.

"Sir! That Insect Saint! That Insect Saint!" The tank commander's tone was full of unbelievable horror.

"Calm down and anxious will not solve the problem! Pay attention to the brief report! How many of our troops have the Insect Saint destroyed? Was Kravos' KX939 Supreme Armor destroyed?"

"No! Insect Saint! A soldier wearing green armor! And there are corpses!"

"Calm down!" Volani was dissatisfied with the tank commander's panic and inconsistent words.

The tank commander took a few breaths and stabilized his mind. He spoke to Volani word by word.

"The Insect Saint was punched to death by an infantryman."

Worri. This bug is as tough as Nurgle's demon. The blood is full of small bugs.

Lin Fan got in through the completely exploded head of the Insect Saint, and used his bayonet to cut off the countless parasitic tentacles that came towards him.

Thanks to the protection of the armor, these bugs finally could not get into Lin Fan's nose and ears and bite them, and finally died inside and turned into a big ball of smelly and disgusting earwax and boogers.

How can this thing be considered dead?

Venomous spores ooze from the open wounds, and the wriggling flesh evolves rapidly, with deadly spiny tendrils hanging down.

As a giant titan-level bug, the Bug Saint has a thick shell, powerful symbiotic cannon, tenacious vitality, a rapid evolutionary system, and a large number of bugs can be hatched from his body.

"Perhaps this thing will really die only when it is completely blown to ashes by artillery, right? By the way, how many rounds of artillery shells did the empire use to kill a biochemical Titan last time? A Titan-level macro cannon and 12 hell-blasting missiles?"

Lin Fan shook his head. He really couldn't remember clearly. He felt that he was deep enough in the Insect Saint's deformed body and took out the super-compression incineration nuclear bomb made for him by Odemeyer.

Although these things are only the size of grenades, their weight is extremely exaggerated. Each super-compression incineration nuclear bomb requires a multi-million-ton crane to lift it.

However, Lin Fan could weigh these heavy things easily. Logically speaking, such heavy things would fall on his body and become heavier. As long as Lin Fan stood on the ground, the ground would break inch by inch.

However, this phenomenon did not happen. The weight of this super-compression incineration nuclear bomb disappeared without a trace in Lin Fan's hand, as insignificant as a lightweight spherical grenade.

"Huh. Maybe I can't figure out how heavy this gadget can be?" Lin Fan smiled softly.

In order to ensure that the powerful bomb would not explode accidentally, Odemeyer put an extremely strong adamantine shell on the incineration bomb, and also installed an insulating offset space field inside.

The activation method is also very simple, as long as Lin Fan pierces the spherical nuclear bomb with his finger, causing the highly compressed things inside to be unbalanced by the pull of space.

"Of course, if you want to throw this thing as a shot put and hit people, that's fine."

Lin Fan suddenly remembered Odemeyer's teachings. He gave up the idea of ​​breaking the shell, rounded his arms and threw it in one direction.

The heavy nuclear bomb passed through the Insect Saint's body unobstructed. Everything in the way was smashed out of a small circular crater in an instant, and was shattered by the impact the next moment. Even the poison blade super heavy tank felt that a spacious passage had appeared. In front of Lin Fan.

After wiping the blood on the helmet's eyepiece, Lin Fa threw the light spear and landed next to the incineration nuclear bomb.

This heavy ball is embedded in the chitinous carapace of the Insect Saint, and its textureless surface shines with layers of mysterious deep blue ripples.

Presumably this is the pulling force coating that Odemeyer mentioned, used to prevent the incineration nuclear bomb from being thrown through the enemy, breaking away from the gravity of the planet and disappearing into the endless universe.

"Remember to bring the shell back. The highly compressed violent atoms inside are not valuable, but the shell that can trap these atoms is valuable. If you lose one for me, I will blow up the canteen."

Odemeyer's warning sounded in Lin Fan's ears. Lin Fan shook his head helplessly and threw the nuclear bomb in another direction within the Insect Saint's body.

The Insect Saint, who was deemed dead by the Tau troops outside, was as motionless as a huge statue, with blood and venom flowing out of his tattered head like a waterfall.

After a while, the Insect Saint became active again. He took a few steps forward on his four pointed legs, and then a dull buzzing sound suddenly came from his huge and deformed body. Every time the sound was heard, the Insect Saint's huge body moved forward. It tilted in one direction, as if something violent was rampaging inside him.

The sound rang dozens of times, and more cracks appeared in the Insect Saint's indestructible shell from the inside out.

Without an unwilling neigh, the Insect Saint's abdomen hit the ground heavily, and his four legs were weakly pressing on him, just like after the palace collapsed, the internal pillars also fell inward.

The Insect Saint is probably dead.

The solid body was filled with flesh and blood shattered by the impact of the compressed nuclear bomb, and the blood everywhere was steaming hot.

Lin Fan removed the nuclear bomb embedded in the shell and smashed the Insect Saint's shell with a backhand punch. He leaned out to observe the battlefield.

It was still such chaos that it confused Lin Fan's eyes. He threw a light spear at the nearest KX939 Supreme Armor around the Insect Saint, and landed in front of the humanoid armor's head.

He tapped the circular camera on his head that processed battlefield images, and asked the people inside.

"Where is the situation more critical? This place is too chaotic. There are red lines in front of my eyes."

Kravos in the cockpit stared blankly at Lin Fan, who was wearing the Archon armor, and it took him a long time to think of what to say.

"Uh. There is one in battlefield area grid 1893."

"Don't talk about this. Can you understand war zone planning? Can I, a newcomer here, understand it? You use the artillery to fire two rounds in the general direction."

Kravos numbly controlled the rapid-fire ion cannon for anti-aircraft shooting. Lin Fan glanced at it and made an OK gesture, and the light spear disappeared as soon as he threw it.

"What is this?" Kraworth hurriedly asked his strong logical answer system.

"Meow~ I don't know either~ His armor has not been included in the database, but from the analysis of the materials in his hand with insufficient authority, it should be someone affiliated with Odemeyer. It is recommended that the owner go to the nearest strong logic data Database update data meow~"

"Huh. Can you survive?" Kraworth's nervous and desperate spirit relaxed. He listened to the strong logic system's cheerful answer and thought about how he could restore her.

Although it was indeed comfortable to be called so sweetly, it was just a curious attempt before death.

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